Will OD light always flash? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Will OD light always flash?


Well-Known Member
March 4, 2008
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City, State
Binghamton NY, Hazleton PA, Northern NJ
Year, Model & Trim Level
'88,'99 Ranger, '00 EX
'99 5R55E...

So I'm coming home from PA today...doing 70MPH...all of a sudden, RPM's scream like I'm not in gear.

Pull off the road, put truck in Park. Put back in drive, press gas pedal and I'm getting a shuddering and hardly moving.

OD light is not blinking but check engine light is on.

Towed 40 miles home to my shop, didn't get to check codes but will check tomorrow.

Is there a chance the tranny blew (I'm thinking torque converter) but didn't trigger OD light to flash?:mad::mad::mad:

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Brooklyn, you're one of those guys I trust, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

2K for a rebuild hurts really bad right before Christmas, ya know? I'm depressed, heh. Life goes on, though. ;)

Ya know, I checked the condition of the fluid on the dipstick and it looks like it just came out of the bottle, but I don't remember checking the level.

Guess I couldn't wait to see if it was burnt or not.

My wife was gone all day so I couldn't get over to the shop its at to pull the codes.

OK...so I got over to the shop today and ran codes...theres 10 of them

P1747-EPC solenoid short circuit
P1451-EVAP control system canister vent solenoid circuit malfunction
PO743-Torque converter clutch circuit electrical
PO750-Shift solenoid A malfunction
PO755-Shift solenoid B malfunction
PO760-Shift solenoid C malfunction
PO765-Shift solenoid D malfunction
PO135-O2 sensor heater circuit malfunction (Bank 1 sensor 1)
PO141-O2 sensor heater circuit malfunction (Bank 1 sensor 2)
PO155-O2 sensor heater circuit malfunction (Bank 2 sensor 1)

What the #!#! is going on here? Did my PCM crash?

Most of those are trans related. Three O2 heater sensors codes. Did you replace the sensors lately? But all that should do is slow down closed loop. EVAP solenoid is also a stray code. I would say you have some transmission issues and some other smaller issues to resolve. The fact you are getting codes says your PCM is just fine. Besides, those things don't crash. Very, very rare. Fix your transmission, and go from there to fix the others.

Cobra...no I didn't change the O2 sensors recently.

I've been pulling codes a lot lately, and never an O2 sensor code. How the heck could all of the O2 sensors fail at once?

I know, most of these codes are trans related. I installed a central valve bodies rebuilt VB about 5 months ago.

I'm wondering if these codes are just pointing to an electrical transmission problem or pointing to an $$ rebuild?

Those O2 codes aren't saying your sensors have failed. They are saying the heating circuit isn't quite right. What happens is there are heaters in your O2 sensors that are powered separately. In fact, your O2 sensor does not use a power source to detect oxygen. It generates it's own power to the PCM. (less than 1 volt) But power is supplied to the sensor to heat it up. It needs to be hot to operate. When it starts operating (and generating cross counts) that's what is called closed loop operation and the sensor is in charge of the air fuel ratio. Until then, the PCM is using tables to run the engine and is called open loop. The PCM looks at the amount of time it takes for the sensor to go into cross counts and compares that with other values (including engine temp) to determine if something is wrong. The problems with these codes could be wiring damage, sensor heater being bad, bad ground, etc. Again, I would fix the trans and then see what codes pop up before I got too excited about this.

Found this:

"I have a 99 ford ranger in my shop with this problem I fix it today. It was a blow fuse check fuse #13 this a 15 amp fuse under hood this go to trans and O2 sensers. Check the wiring on O2 sensers on driver side .This was on the exhaust and short the fuse out hope this help"

I just checked fuse #13 and sure enough it's blown!

I replaced it with another 15A fuse and it blew immediately. Checked wiring on 02 sensor, drivers side, looks ok but not positive.

I'm glad I found SOMETHING out.

It sounds more like a wiring problem. Start with the bulk head connector on the transmission's wiring harness. It could have a bad connection, corrosion or possible internal damage. A wiring harness for the transmission is about $85 if it is found to be bad.

Thanks for the idea, Brooklyn. I'll be sure to check it myself or make the shop aware of this!!!

Thanks for the link, Brooklyn. If the shop tells me it's the harness and they try charging me a couple hundred bucks I'll let 'em have it, heh.

That's got to be a pain in the a## to change, right?

Obviously have to drop the pan and all.

It's not that hard to replace once the pan is off.

I posted a wiring diagram once for someone with this problem. The 02 sensor heaters share a circuit with the trans. Maybe its worth a sticky with a new title? As the trucks age they could get this problem.
The other guy had stalling as soon as he went into gear, like a locked TCC.

Maybe that info can save someone a rebuild.

I posted a wiring diagram once for someone with this problem. The 02 sensor heaters share a circuit with the trans. Maybe its worth a sticky with a new title? As the trucks age they could get this problem.
The other guy had stalling as soon as he went into gear, like a locked TCC.

Maybe that info can save someone a rebuild.

thats a good point, rather- if yoiu get a **** load of codes at one time something probly cut into a harness somewhere..... we had one that came in the other day that had every code you could imagine dpfegr, iac, all o2, maf, and 8 misfire codes....... turned out there was a single wire that melted on the egr tube and was shorting to ground..... new wire and let em go :thumbsup: ;)

with those codes I would suspect to find out my transmission wiring plug is unplugged.

All your 02 sensors (3 of them at least) go through the same plug as your transmission wires

On the side of your transmission CHECK THE WIRING IN THE BIG BLACK PLUG
seriously it sounds like something happened to the wires, not the transmission

OK guys...the shop just got back to me and the mechanic "thinks" I have a bad transmission. He tells me he thinks the trans is stuck in between gears?

I told him the OD light wasn't flashing and he says, "Ohhhh, well sometimes they do, sometimes they don't"

I'm like well HOW do you know the trans is bad? TELL me!!!

My plan was to have the tranny shop pick it up from this shop so at least it's at a tranny place.

I think I'll look at it myself tonight after they close. Just don't seem right.

OH...WHY would I be getting 02 sensor codes if the transmission died? It just doesn't make sense to me.

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I do NOT believe them
I do not believe they even looked at the truck

The reason you get 02 sensor codes along with trans codes is because ALL OF THESE WIRES ARE IN THE SAME PLUG

If it came unplugged guess what: ALL YOUR CODES AND TRUCK NO MOVE

If you tow your truck to a transmission shop and tell them it wont drive, guess what they are going to tell you over the phone? YOU NEED TO GIVE US $2000 for a new trans,

Do you trust them?

now I am not saying your trans is not fubared, it may very well be, but you got 10 codes, not all trans related, but they all do have 1 thing in common, all those wires go through one big plug

CHECK THE WIRING or take it to someone who will

trans shop rebuilds transmissions.
They will sell you a transmission all day long, sure you may need it, but when its $2000 later and you still have 10 codes because your wiringplug is fubared and the truck still wont move...they are going to want more $$$$$
