will these rims fit my explorer? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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will these rims fit my explorer?


Explorer Addict
May 6, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
in the poconos, PA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 sport
i saw these awesome chrome 17" rims on ebay, but i dont know anything about offset or bolt pattern.
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they are meant for mustangs, but hopefully they will fit an explorer since they are both ford RWD cars.

does anyone know?

your answer is yes and no

they have the proper bolt circle 5 on 4.5

but they have a small opening for the centercap and if you have 4x4 the front hubs will not fit through the small opening unles you decide to use :( wheel spacers :(

if 4x2 you will be fine

ford explorers up to the 2002 i think use a ford 8.8 rearend, the mustangs also use the ford 8.8 with 5 lug on 4.5 inch bolt circle


so basically i can put them on the rear but not front.
oh well

Try doing a search for "cobra r" here on the forum and you should find some more info on making the cobra r's fit.
