Will these tires clear 285/75/16 EB 2000 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Will these tires clear 285/75/16 EB 2000


Well-Known Member
October 29, 2009
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City, State
Bay Area, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 EB
So I have taken this hobby as far as i can without taking the next step and getting some decent Tires and clearance over what i have now.

Current Ride 2000 EB 4.0 SOHC
Warrior 153 & 2" TT lift

I would like to add 285/75/16 to my truck to replace the 255/75/16 it is running now and know that i have to get a little extra clearance for them.

The question is if i can go with a 2" or 3 " Body lift as i am not ready to make the plunge for SAS, SOA or Coil overs conversion. Although one day i do hope to do that.

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Anybody please advise?

With the TT lift and no body lift, a 285/75/16 will rub. It will clear pointing straight ahead, but with steering input it will rub the rear side of the fender trim.

Do you think a 2" Body lift will clear with steering or should i just bite the bullet and put on a 3" lift? The reason why I am avoiding is eventually i do want to do a SOA swap but not for a good 1-2 years i think.

Do you think a 2" Body lift will clear with steering or should i just bite the bullet and put on a 3" lift? The reason why I am avoiding is eventually i do want to do a SOA swap but not for a good 1-2 years i think.

I think you need the 3" . Reason being I have seen 33's cause rubbing even with a 3" lift. You might still need to trim a tad, but it should be in the plastic area.

Ok next follow up question, Just ordered a 16x8 Cragar soft 8 with 5" backspacing for the 285/75/16 and the 3" body lift 883 and 2" TT + warrior shakles.

Is the Backspacing correct? Now i am wondering if i should have ordered it with 4.5 Inch or 4 inch backspacing?

ok the next question now goes back to earlier posts about the rim size, my EB currently has the 16 alloy rim on it but i have decided to go with Crager steels soft 8 instead and i am trying to decide between staying with a 16 rim or going with a 15inch rim.

There seems to be some good posts on this obviously the cost of 15 rims and tires is a benefit but also some posts talk about more sidewall material for airing down and a little less stiff then the 16 tires.

Any thoughts on this guys and gals?

Anybody have any Opinion on 15 or 16 rims and tires before i proceed?
