Winch question ? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Winch question ?


Explorer Addict
September 27, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
St.Louis - MO
Year, Model & Trim Level
95 Sport/ExpeditionPkg
Alright long story short got bogged down in a lil mud hole last night and went to use my winch for the first time (warn X8000i) to try and pull me out from a pole and nothing. It worked but there was no pull really at all, didn't even budge, now I wasn't stuck that bad like totally booged down, just a lil tug from a truck got right out, had the car running while trying to winch and was no real pull coming from winch and this was a straght on pull but it was about 40-50 ft from the winch to the pole where it was tightened if this makes a diff or not? Being brand new to this winch stuff, is this normal? Am I just expecting too much from this, hope not this thing cost an arm & a Dic$ :confused: Would a higher amp alt or beefy battery make any diff here as far as pull strength? Thanx for any help guys

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I'm no winch expert sooo salt this up...

Dont some winches have a low torque setting for reeling in faster? My ATV winch does. It wont pull anything in that mode.

did you have the clutch engaged?

Yeah the clutch was engaged, you have anything happen like this on your winch jason or does it pretty much handle its business as far as pulling you out when stuck?

Anybody ???

sadly.. i've never used my winch for offroad situations! only to pull shrubs and stumps up in the yard. it handles all that just fine! :D i guess its good that i have HAD to use it but then again it is an expensive piece of equipment for pulling yard crap.

i would just make sure all the connections are good for starters. did you stretch the wire before using it? i don't think that would cause this problem.. but who knows.

jasonb said:
sadly.. i've never used my winch for offroad situations! only to pull shrubs and stumps up in the yard. it handles all that just fine! :D i guess its good that i have HAD to use it but then again it is an expensive piece of equipment for pulling yard crap.

ROFL, thats funny, at least your getting some use out of it :D Yeah I stretched it out before any use, just have to get stuck again and see if it can work any magic for me,thanx for the help though.

no need to get stuck, wrap that sucker around a tree and see if it pulls, then slightly press the brakes to see if it gives any torque.

Well last night I hooked it up to another x sitting on top of a hill and stuck mine in neutral and drug it up the hill, now granted this isn't anything compared to being stuck in a mudhole and having it pull my x out of that :confused: But in due time, mabey I did do something worng, I sure as hell hope so, for that kind of money IMHO it should have easily pulled me outa the situation I was in. I'am planning on installing a 200 amp alt and probably dual batteries because the draw when the winch is on is astoundning, sucks my poor x dry.

Go get stuck again and test it out!!! :p Maybe you need to step up to a 9,000. I just got one and i hope it works out for me.

