Window Sticker URL | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Window Sticker URL


Elite Explorer
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December 28, 2010
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Russell, Ontario (Ottawa area)
Year, Model & Trim Level
2025 Aviator Reserve 201A
VE3... grid FN25hg
Does anyone have a working link to find the Window Sticker? The ones displayed at the top of this sub forum no longer work. The first link now apparently requires you to go through a dealer and the second link isn't valid any more. If you have another link, please validate it before posting.
I tried using one that a member had in their post but the message came back that the Window Sticker had not been posted yet for the VIN. I took the VIN from an Explorer in the dealer's showroom over a week ago and the dealer advised me that the Explorer was actually sold and was being delivered that day. The VIN is in ETIS.


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Does anyone have a working link to find the Window Sticker? The ones displayed at the top of this sub forum no longer work. The first link now apparently requires you to go through a dealer and the second link isn't valid any more. If you have another link, please validate it before posting.
I tried using one that a member had in their post but the message came back that the Window Sticker had not been posted yet for the VIN. I took the VIN from an Explorer in the dealer's showroom over a week ago and the dealer advised me that the Explorer was actually sold and was being delivered that day. The VIN is in ETIS.


Did you enter the vin# after the "=" in the link?
I just tried it and it's producing my window sticker.

Did you enter the vin# after the "=" in the link?
I just tried it and it's producing my window sticker.
I assume you are referring to the 2nd link?
I can't put in the VIN as there is no "=". I've used it plenty of times before. Now I get a Webpage cannot be found HTTP 400 error.


I assume you are referring to the 2nd link?
I can't put in the VIN as there is no "=". I've used it plenty of times before. Now I get a Webpage cannot be found HTTP 400 error.


It must have just changed as now (on my mobile device), the link brings me to another website; requiring me to enter my name etc...

It must have just changed as now (on my mobile device), the link brings me to another website; requiring me to enter my name etc...
That is what I was getting with the first link.


Glad to help Peter. It was down a couple days around the big change on the 1st but they got it running again pretty quickly. Hope it keeps working for everyone. Never thought about not deleting the "enter your vin". :D

This is what I get whenever I enter my VIN to look up a window sticker on virtually every site...

Access to this window sticker
has been restricted on this site.
If you are a customer please contact your
local Ford or Lincoln dealer to access this
window sticker.
If you are a Ford or Lincoln dealer, please
contact your FordDirect Digital Performance

This is what I get whenever I enter my VIN to look up a window sticker on virtually every site...

Access to this window sticker
has been restricted on this site.
If you are a customer please contact your
local Ford or Lincoln dealer to access this
window sticker.
If you are a Ford or Lincoln dealer, please
contact your FordDirect Digital Performance
Where are you located?


Well thank sort of kills my theory that it was just the Canadians that were getting that message. Not sure why some can get the 'Sticker' and others can not??:scratch::dunno:


Ford removed window sticker PDF's from their storage site for anything older than 2016 models from what I've read on other sites. Kinda sad, as this was an awesome way to figure out features before buying!

Ford removed window sticker PDF's from their storage site for anything older than 2016 models from what I've read on other sites. Kinda sad, as this was an awesome way to figure out features before buying!
Thanks for the update but there are posts here from 2016 owners who are not able to access the site directly.


In that case I have no clue - best thing to do would be to PM FordService with the VIN you want checked. That is what I have been doing.

In that case I have no clue - best thing to do would be to PM FordService with the VIN you want checked. That is what I have been doing.
Until further advised, you can only contact FordService through Facebook or Twitter.


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