Windshield tint and dots!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Windshield tint and dots!!


Active Member
March 25, 2009
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City, State
Clearwater, Florida
Year, Model & Trim Level
06 Eddie Bauer
I just had a stip of tint put accross the front window of my suv. It looks great execpt for one part where there are dots that look like it's not sticking and looks horrible. Before I take it back to have them redo it, is there anythign I can do instead? It's a hassle to have to run over there and get it done. It's a fairly small spot, a few inches or so.

I was thinking using a hair dryer and just keep smoothikng it out?
Any other suggestions?

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tint and dot matrix do not play well together. the problem is the dots are raised off the window so it actually creates little air pockets around each one. i have seen people scrape them off before tine, or they would paing them black and just tint below it. however depending on how far they go down leagally they can only tint to the little mark (i think it says asa)

Thanks! I thought about scraping them off or just having my tint guy cut the tint off of them. He said that would look better from the outside, but look worse from the inside.

Do anyone have pictures of tint with the dotmatrix cut out? I am trying to imagine what it would look like. I wouldn't think it would look that bad.

I think if you let it go for a little while - park it in direct sunlight when possible - that will go away for the most part, maybe not completely but it should get better in time.

Does anyone have any picutres of what it looks like from the inside and the outside with the dot matrix cut out?
Also, how does eveyone feel about tinting the entire windshield 50%

.. how does eveyone feel about tinting the entire windshield 50%

You would get pulled over leaving the place that did the tint job lol

Does anyone have any picutres of what it looks like from the inside and the outside with the dot matrix cut out?
Also, how does eveyone feel about tinting the entire windshield 50%

its illegal unless you have a dr prescription. anything that goes below that mark on the upper left (sometimes right) is against the law. i think in some states they even may give special medical plates for the vehicle so you are not stopped all the time.

in MN they just made it illegal for a tint shop to do tinting thats darker than states law. the shops can be fined like up to 10k if it gets brought back to them that they did it. however some shops will do cash deals under the table if you want to go darker.

I was looking at some stuff called CXP80. It's so light you can't tell its on there. I would never tint the window if were to affect my ability to see.

I really don't see how this would do that.

My tint guy took a small blow torch and heated up the glass from the outside and then used a plastic blade to smooth out the tint from the inside. Its not perfect but it definitely looks better. I wouldn't scrape those things off, they end up rusting and looking like crap over time.
