How to: - Wire in Factory Sub to Aftermarket Stereo | Page 7 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How to: Wire in Factory Sub to Aftermarket Stereo

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You need to add a 12v power supply to that blue wire, preferably a 12v power source from the radio (I used the power antenae lead in my Expedition).

I went ahead and bought an amp that had speaker level inputs, no requirement for a line out convertor. Didn't have to tap into the back door speakers at all, just used the speaker wire inputs in the factory harness for the stock amp.

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Hi all, I have a 2001 Ford Sport Trac and I'm trying to replace the factory stereo (I have the factory sub).

My new radio has a white and red rca plug (in and out I think). Can you tell me if I need the Metra 70-5517 or the 70-5519?


Hi all, I have a 2001 Ford Sport Trac and I'm trying to replace the factory stereo (I have the factory sub).

My new radio has a white and red rca plug (in and out I think). Can you tell me if I need the Metra 70-5517 or the 70-5519?


I forgot all that stuff but if you got to and try to purchase a receiver, it will suggest the correct Metra adapter to use, depending on with or without subwoofer.

I didn't read through this whole thread, but if we could pretend a guy just wanted to add a lil more sub power with a different amp.

In other words, aftermarket subwoofer amp with factory Head unit and factory subwoofer. Show me please?

I didn't read through this whole thread, but if we could pretend a guy just wanted to add a lil more sub power with a different amp.

In other words, aftermarket subwoofer amp with factory Head unit and factory subwoofer. Show me please?

Honestly, the easiest thing for you to do is go to and chat with a tech. They have datasheets on just about every car. It should be pretty easy to blow out your old subwoofer.

Honestly, the easiest thing for you to do is go to and chat with a tech. They have datasheets on just about every car. It should be pretty easy to blow out your old subwoofer.

I already replaced the driver with aftermarket. I am not looking for audiophile quality but I would like the bass to go deeper in octave. In other words, more accuracy is the goal. I don't think the stock sub amp even does anything below 60

In the past I connected some image dynamics 12dvc to the stock amp and it sounded just like the 8" was still playing. The amp is the weak link here--

Turdle, if I were you, I’d get a quality line out converter and wire it in to one of the factory speaker channels, and then run that to a cheap aftermarket amp. Some amps have these built in ( sometimes called “high level inputs”) This, and a mid range small volume enclosure sub and you should be in business.

I got a sony xplod 800w amp and wiring kit from a guy on fb marketplace for 25 bux. It has high level inputs, 4 3 2 capability.

I was going to get some tweeters for the front speakers and run them off the 2 using the bridged rear for sub.
From my understanding, the headunit does not output below 125 hz to the front 4 channels. It will not output the 125 hz and below to the sub unless it recognizes it being hooked up and powered on.
From my reading I need a 5v relay to power the 12v remote turn on ( from switched source) The stock remote on is a 5v signal, and another wire needs to be grounded but this is where I get lost--

You could grab 5v from a USB charger wired into something that’s powered in key on. I’d assume you just need to turn on the factory amp? Not sure what you’d need to ground. For that kind of trouble I’d just swap in an aftermarket double din and get aux in, bluetooth and sub controls. But, I’ve always had a problem with factory stereo gear

I don't know the details of how the stock sub wiring works, what you've posted sounds right. I'd do what you are planning, use the stock sub signal to run to the aftermarket amp, and adjust as needed with the line converter device, and/or the amp gain etc.

The OEM decks(the two Pioneers), can be internally upgraded to output low level signals(5). I have my one good one that way, still wired to the stock system in my Mercury. I love the OEM look and big buttons, I look forward to the better sound using RCA cables though.

If we could find someone capable of servicing these Mach/Premium decks ... I could have mine duplicated to make me a spare, and share the modification with others. Mine is still untested(the RCA outputs), but I'm sure the Dave Miller who did this succeeded. He's retired I believe.

You could grab 5v from a USB charger wired into something that’s powered in key on. I’d assume you just need to turn on the factory amp? Not sure what you’d need to ground. For that kind of trouble I’d just swap in an aftermarket double din and get aux in, bluetooth and sub controls. But, I’ve always had a problem with factory stereo gear
I don't know the details of how the stock sub wiring works, what you've posted sounds right. I'd do what you are planning, use the stock sub signal to run to the aftermarket amp, and adjust as needed with the line converter device, and/or the amp gain etc.

The OEM decks(the two Pioneers), can be internally upgraded to output low level signals(5). I have my one good one that way, still wired to the stock system in my Mercury. I love the OEM look and big buttons, I look forward to the better sound using RCA cables though.

If we could find someone capable of servicing these Mach/Premium decks ... I could have mine duplicated to make me a spare, and share the modification with others. Mine is still untested(the RCA outputs), but I'm sure the Dave Miller who did this succeeded. He's retired I believe.

I think all this talk really should be in here. My bad.

Test your Mach audio knowledge!

Thank you. I hope it will work on my 2000 Explorer.
Thank you for your help i appreciate it.. I have one more question.i hooked those ground wires up but then when I touched the red with the black striped wire up to the positive why did it try to start my car? The engine literally turned over when I put power to it.

Thank you for your help i appreciate it.. I have one more question.i hooked those ground wires up but then when I touched the red with the black striped wire up to the positive why did it try to start my car? The engine literally turned over when I put power to it.
You’ve clearly got the wrong wires.

Hey all. I'm going through the same issues from this now 19 year old post, but now I can't see any of the pictures you all mention here. Is there somewhere I can see these pics? justin146, I think I have the same harness adapter you mention; white connecter w/ red/white rca jacks & 4 other wires; blk/blk-w/blu/blu-w. The black rectangular JVC connector is connected to the factory harness (former owner cut the wires & butt connected them in) but there's 2 other connecters that aren't attached to anything now; 20 pin red & 16 pin red. Got a Goodwood Pac8 sub to replace the rotted out factory sub & wanna get this thing bumpin!! Can anyone help me with the pics & any other updated info about this? Thanks!
