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wisekise's elite registry


Well-Known Member
August 19, 2007
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1998 sport
i am now elite and i am not going back!:D my name is jason, and i am an electrician from kentucky. i am always looking for new spots to wheel/camp/fish so email me (wisekise360@hotmail.com)
here's the details- 1998 sport sohc 4x4- still lookin for a project name(white rhyno??- ideas welcome)
tt, aal,4dr leaf pack swap, 15x8 black steelies in 31/10.50 kumho at's, custom front skid plate, tail light cb ant. mount, stealth kenwood sub, cobra 19 cb, clear corners,:cool:440w of lights- $10 light bar, 55w fogs in bumper, 8" lights on bumper, stealth inverter in center console, pioneer inno xm radio, tps mod, throttle cable mod,....
2" body lift, replace aal with custom shackles, paint fender flares/bumpers black(maybe just remove them and herc the rockers?), herc'd factory nerf bars( for the g/f ), on board air( as soon as i can find a compressor ), stealth amp and inverter in jack compartment ....
later-after this is not my dd and maybe a raise in pay after researching:eek:
soa and sas d44 i think?, much bigger tires!, custom bumpers, winch,.........
alright the good stuff- pics. i will try to get some more/current/better ones today



thanks to rick, mods, and all who make this forum possibly the best on the net :salute:

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Nice truck. White Rhyno sounds good to me

thanks x92
oh yeah, no pics today, its not stopped raining all day

Love the looks, but I still think it would look better if those flares & bumpers were either painted black, or just the flares removed w/bumpers.

I really like the skid plate on the front, did you make that, or where did you get it from?

Love the looks, but I still think it would look better if those flares & bumpers were either painted black, or just the flares removed w/bumpers.

I really like the skid plate on the front, did you make that, or where did you get it from?

yeah cant decide to paint the flares or remove and herc the rockers to make the tires stick out:D
i made that plate myself. i fubard my first attempt with a 2x4 and bfh , the second i had a co-worker take my cut steel and bend it on his bigazz brake then i cut holes and herc'd it
it turned out well except where the cross member is not level across, it twists the plate just enough to notice

Looks really sweet. Can't see the twists in the skid plate from the pics at least. How did you bring the wiring for the lightbar into the cab?

Love the looks, but I still think it would look better if those flares & bumpers were either painted black, or just the flares removed w/bumpers.

x2 Your truck though, your decision. Come up to Badlands in June (thread link in my sig)

Looks really sweet. Can't see the twists in the skid plate from the pics at least. How did you bring the wiring for the lightbar into the cab?

thanks jeff
i just loomed, taped, and zip-tied the wire, then ran it into the top corner of the door and in the weather stripping to thefender/hood/relay
being an electrician it bugs me having that loom exposed like it is but i wanted to light those suckers up. i will one day fix it though, and prob add pics to mustangAndys thread

x2 Your truck though, your decision. Come up to Badlands in June (thread link in my sig)

sound like a great time, ill read up on it and see, its been hard to do much with work right now:mad:

thanks jeff
i just loomed, taped, and zip-tied the wire, then ran it into the top corner of the door and in the weather stripping to thefender/hood/relay
being an electrician it bugs me having that loom exposed like it is but i wanted to light those suckers up. i will one day fix it though, and prob add pics to mustangAndys thread

I totally understand about having something exposed like that. That's why I'm holding off on putting lights on my roof rack. At some point, I plan on installing a cb, a ham radio and a scanner and I want roof mount antennas. I only want drop my headliner once and run all the wiring at the same time.

This is bad@ss! Great work... I have a roof mount, and side mount. Broken about 5 ant going into the garage, so added side mount, no problems. Reception is better from up top too, I now know.

This is bad@ss! Great work... I have a roof mount, and side mount. Broken about 5 ant going into the garage, so added side mount, no problems. Reception is better from up top too, I now know.

i actually get great range w/ the cobra 19 and a 3' fiberglass ant. and in downtown lexington and was talking to truckers 3 miles away, never tried a top mount though
still raining so no new pics yet


got a chance to take some more shots

still hard to see the twist in pictures

here is how i ran the wiring for the light bar, i ran it inside the emt and used the conduit as a ground. i attached a larger ground wire to the end of the pipe so i could run 1 less wire. i sealed the bar and ends with 3m undercoating



here is the inverter- or lack there of---thanks for the idea evan the plastic is too thick for the switch to hold so i saved the end cap and that will make it look much better when i get around to it nevermind that rca cable:shifty_ey

like the 4th of july!

new pics

just painted my factory center caps today, looks pretty damn good IMO

here is my cb install with a ext speaker in the "kleenex box", and my PA speaker mounted above my skid plate



a couple more random pics





Looks good man, you definitely put a lot of work into it. Nice job!

looks good keep up the good work

Thanks guys, it has been fun...just wish my g/f felt the same lol. I can't wait to get the body lift on, it has been sitting in my carport for 2 mo.s
I plan on painting the tupperware black as well when i do the BL. That krylon fusion paint is the best for plastic btw

update: long post with lots of pics

well, its been awhile since i updated this thing and a lot has changed on the ex (still haven't given him/her a good name yet)

so here is a list of what has been added/removed

2" body lift,
went back to stock wheels b/c i got 5) 285/75r16 bfg muds for $410!!(craigslist owns all),
added then removed a brush gaurd http://www.explorerforum.com/forums/showthread.php?t=224741,
made shackles from 3/8" plate

removed the tuperware and herc'd the fenders and rockers, also shortened my exhaust and added an el cheapo turn-down tip,




added a front reciever behind the bumper, and ran 2ga. wire w/ welding lead quick disco's for my winch

found a warn m8000 on the cheap but had to rebuild it, here is the end result

i shouldn't have to do much explaining with this pic, oh and thanks mr. smith:thumbsup:

added an extra trans cooler and re-routed the lines in h.p. hose instead of tubing, to get them from hanging under the damn radiator- the worst place for them to be on a 4x4 vehicle!


my new 60" hi lift on my roof rack with my $10 hi lift mounts- they are just two trucker's mirror cb ant. mounts with 5/8" hardware to bolt to the jack:D
also my masterlock theft deterrent device:rolleyes:, i'm working on the security for the jack, so this will have to do for a week


i am currently working on a new skid plate, and rear bumper with a swingout tire/gas carrier (pics coming), just debating if i should cut the flimsy sheetmetal and extend the bumper up to the wheel well, kinda like stic-o did or just keep it simple.

and i think thats all folks.....for now, until i can find a hp 44 for cheap:cool:
and sorry for the long post

looks good so far

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