Women and Changing Oil- RANT | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Women and Changing Oil- RANT

My friend's Ex GF almost blew up her Corolla engine because she went a couple years without an oil change.

Better story: My roommate was driving through a college parking lot picking up a friend when he noticed a young female with a funnel fed into her gas take. She was standing there pouring a couple quarts of oil into said funnel. He ran over and asked her what the hell she was doing and she politely informed him that she was changing her oil.


This reminds me of a coworker a while back who was really air headed. She pumped diesel into her gasoline Carolla. Der da durrrr. She had to get her tank, lines, and other stuff replaced. It was bad.

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2TimingTom- I never even thought of measuring the size of my oil plug. Any idea what the size is on a 99 ford explorer?

Mine takes a 13mm socket. I believe the air hose is a 8mm which is also the same size as the throttle body bolts. You can also take that 13mm and drop the transmission pan, but you will need to whip out the 10mm to loosen the transmission filter bolt.

I have to much information in my head. No wonder I get headaches.

Mine takes a 13mm socket. I believe the air hose is a 8mm which is also the same size as the throttle body bolts. You can also take that 13mm and drop the transmission pan, but you will need to whip out the 10mm to loosen the transmission filter bolt.

I have to much information in my head. No wonder I get headaches.

haha i just use the old find a socket til it fits method... but then again im not trying to get an engineer job!

Same here, although I am getting better at eyeballing. Never the less, I usually crawl under the truck with four sockets in my pocket.

not all females are car dumb!
I see a check engine light andI freak! Then I check the codes! As far as changing the oil etc. It gets done regularly.
Oh and how many of you know that O2 sensors are considered consumables, and need to be change at certain milage depending on vehicle and motor type?

That is all......

haha i just use the old find a socket til it fits method... but then again im not trying to get an engineer job!

My oil drain plug is in my tool chest so I'd have to measure it ;) I use Fumoto Valves in all my vehicles.


My oil drain plug is in my tool chest so I'd have to measure it ;) I use Fumoto Valves in all my vehicles.


Same here. Except my Fumoto Valves have nipples on them so I can attatch a hose to them and drain them right into a bottle.

This reminds me of a coworker a while back who was really air headed. She pumped diesel into her gasoline Carolla. Der da durrrr. She had to get her tank, lines, and other stuff replaced. It was bad.

I had that happen to me many many years ago, I was driving the car of the guy I was going with at the time and it needed gas, so I went and put gas in it. I got about 50 feet up the street when it died. Come to find out when the station had gasoline delivered that day that the driver put diesel fuel in the gasoline tank instead of the diesel tank

They had to pay for the towing, flushing and everything else that needed to be done plus I got a full tank of gas too, really cool considering the tank was only a quarter full

My mother has managed to destroy 2 engines because she doesnt bother to get the oil changed. I HAVE OFFERED TO DO THE OIL CHANGES FOR HER, SHE JUST HAS STOP BY MY HOUSE, LEAVE THE VEHICLE AND TAKE MINE!!

1st-- a 5.8l roller motor in her 94 E150. Wasted bearing and damaged crank. (getting rebuilt as a 393 to swap into my 94 Cobra)

2nd-- a 2.3l in the 92 Ranger I gave her for Christmas to replace the blown up van. Engine seized, oil pan full of sludge. I replaced the engine over a weekend so she could get to work on monday.

And now she's working on her 3rd-- She bought a brand new Smart car about 2 years ago. I did the first oil change at 500 miles (4 months old). It has yet to get another one. I told her WHEN she blows it up, I taking it and putting a Hyabusa engine in it. And she can walk to work.

Some people just should not have a car!

damn guys my moms the same way, she used to never change her oil she put 4 different motors in 2 chevy sprints haha.
on another note my step dad filled his 6.5l diesel with gas 120 litres of it haha we drained the tank into jerry cans and ran it in the car, it ran a little rough sometimes but it was fine haha

What is it with women and oil? Here’s my story
A coworker of mine has a Chevy Impala. Says she has gone 2 YEARS without an oil change.

I wish you could see my jaw drop to the floor!

My ex lives in SF (...) and went 7 months of driving without changing, but that doesn't hold a candle to two years!

my ex, well.....she was pissed off at me for something once. her head light burnt out and i told her i would change it, she says no I can do it....she broke the head light housing trying to PRY IT OUT WITH A SCREW DRIVER! so now here's me trying to figure out how to fix that (she duct taped it in, and has been like that for the last 8 months and now the other head light is burnt out haha). while i was looking on how to remove the light, i asked her when was the last time she had the oil changed in the car. her answer.......last year. to sit in the car is like sitting in a trash can. garbage everywhere. this car is a 99, my truck is a 98. you would think her car went around the world twice when you compare it to mine.

^ I rofl'd

My ex lives in SF (...) and went 7 months of driving without changing

I changed mine about every 5,000 miles, with the amount I drive that comes out to be about 6 months.

Time alone isn't neccessarily an indicator of when you need to change your oil.

my ex, well.....she was pissed off at me for something once. her head light burnt out and i told her i would change it, she says no I can do it....she broke the head light housing trying to PRY IT OUT WITH A SCREW DRIVER! so now here's me trying to figure out how to fix that (she duct taped it in, and has been like that for the last 8 months and now the other head light is burnt out haha). while i was looking on how to remove the light, i asked her when was the last time she had the oil changed in the car. her answer.......last year. to sit in the car is like sitting in a trash can. garbage everywhere. this car is a 99, my truck is a 98. you would think her car went around the world twice when you compare it to mine.

LOL now that's funny. I just talked to my co-worker that caused me to start this thread. SHE STILL HASN'T GOT AN OIL CHANGE. Her answer "It's $20 and I just have better things to do with that $20!". Yeah, hope you have $5,000 to do better things with then buy a new car.

oh and I see why your signature says

“If It Has **** Or Tires, It's Gonna Give You Problems” !!!

Imagine when you mix the two!

not all females are car dumb!
I see a check engine light andI freak! Then I check the codes! As far as changing the oil etc. It gets done regularly.
Oh and how many of you know that O2 sensors are considered consumables, and need to be change at certain milage depending on vehicle and motor type?

That is all......

You are rare! Look at the rest of the stories here LOL

And yes, O2's will go bad or foul and must be replaced. Did you know you must flush the transmission too :-p

My oil drain plug is in my tool chest so I'd have to measure it ;) I use Fumoto Valves in all my vehicles.


I have one too. LOVE IT- especially since I live in an apartment complex. Speeds up changing oil. No tools required except a oil filter wrench if Im feeling lazy

Where did you guys get your Fumoto valves? The dealer link on the website gives me a dealer in WI- I'm in Colorado.

I changed my oil for the first time (since I've owned it) last night. The mess the stream of oil made when it hit the lower control arm didn't exactly excite me.

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Where did you guys get your Fumoto valves? The dealer link on the website gives me a dealer in WI- I'm in Colorado.

I changed my oil for the first time (since I've owned it) last night. The mess the stream of oil made when it hit the lower control arm didn't exactly excite me.

When you do the oil changes grab a case of oil and just tear the box apart and use it as a shield. Makes things a little bit easier to clean up and its free with the oil! Can't beat free now a days :thumbsup:
