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XLT's 98 Sport


Well-Known Member
January 21, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Wausau, WI
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 Sport SOHC 4X4
Hi everyone. I figured since i am finally elite i would register my truck. It's no where near as modded as some of the trucks on the site but it does have some mods.

Here is what i got
1998 Ford Explorer Sport
Sohc V6
4.10 gears
120,x.. on it presently
114,x.. when i bought it back in April of 2008
All up to date on maintenace. First thing i do when i buy a vehicle.

-Modded stock TB
-Flowmaster 50 series muffler
-Retractable under hood light
-Swiss cheesed air filter box
-Air hogs air filter

-General Grabber A/T 2 31" tires
-Warrior Shackles
-Rancho 5000 Shocks front and back

-Sony Xplod H/U
-All switchs on the doors, rear center console, and front center console changed to Blue Leds
-Instrument cluster changed over to Blue 6 smd led bulbs
-Front Dome lights have two white 12 Led smd boards
-Rear dome light has two white 12 led smd boards while the search lights each have one 9 white led smd bulb.
-Puddle Lights running 12 white led board.
-Brown Wire Mod
-One touch passenger window

Future Plans
-33" MT tires
-3" bl
-Jurrasic Park paint Job
-Electric Fan
-Underdrive Pullies
-Hidden Subwoofer

This is shortly after i picked her up. Still all stock minus sidesteps.

Bad pic but heres how it sits now






Led Interior Dome Lights


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nice x u got there

Nice! Love those led's on the dash! Sure brightens it up. Do those hood struts actually work? were they on the rig when you bought it?

Thanks sam!

Machgirl-Yeah the leds really make a difference. The hood struts came on the truck but the winter cold seems to weaken them. I usually throw my ice scraper in there to help hold it up. I having been wanting to replace them for a while now.

Cool:) Wonder where you can find them for the ex's. I had them on my mach 1.

Nice ex. You pretty much have the set up I want. I have been checking out getting the flowmaster 50 series, as well as the 31" grabber at2's. Whats your opinion on each? I love the blue LEDs btw.

machgirl-I found a few on ebay but i imagine any autoparts store would have them. Redline Tuning makes a great set but they are expensive.

sport97- Thanks. The 50 series muffler is nice. I wanted something louder then stock but not obnoxious. When you get on the gas it has a decent growl. Plus i noticed a little bit of a mpg increase. The General Grabber A/T 2 tires i love. They are the best all around tire i have ever bought. Great for mild offroad and awsome in snow and ice. I highly recommend these tires.

xlt u got aim or yahoo and do u got a sound clip of ur exhaust at all

did you order the kit for your one touch passenger window switch, and use aldive's write up, or get one from a taurus?

Sam- Sorry Sam i dont have aim or yahoo. I also dont have a sound clip of my truck. The muffler i installed about 2 months back and never got around to making a clip. I only have sound clips of my old 93 ex and the 97 f150. I will have to make a clip i think.

vroomzoomboom- Yeah, I had the kit ordered. I got it as a christmas gift and some screwed up. Probably my Mom who ordered. She was supposed to do the mustang kit but she ordered the one for the f150. I was happy to find that it would work fine with the only difference being a few wires were different colors compared to the mustang kit. I used Aldive's write up which made the install very easy.

Nice - I always liked the GM under-hood light that you can move around..

Nice - I always liked the GM under-hood light that you can move around..

Thanks man. Yeah i really love this mod. It comes in quite handy when i dont have a flashlight on me.

This was my project i chose for spring break. 3 inch body lift. I was suprised that i got away without using any bp blaster on any of the rusted bolts or even a torch. My 2 foot break bar served me well and not one broken bolt. I must have spent about 2 days working on it by myself but its finally done. Next on my to do list would be bigger tires and a new paint job.



Looks good, you thought about some wheels maybe? Cragar makes a good off road durable wheel that looks pretty sweet. (cragar soft 8) itd make your tires stick out alittle more too since your lifted now.

Thanks! Yes those are on my list of wants as well as a few other items. I have always been a fan of the Cragar soft 8 rims
