XplorerKid's 2wd Beast | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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XplorerKid's 2wd Beast


Rolling on 37"s
July 25, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Winter Haven Fl
Year, Model & Trim Level
1997 Xplorer
My name is Caleb, live in Florida, and Ive been through 3 rigs now, and i believe this is my nicest, the last one was more built up, but was built for offroading so on road it suffered. Not gunna go into a lot of details so heres what yall wanan see, the truck.


Kenwood 6x8s in all 4 doors
Kicker 15" L5 in 6cuft ported box
HiFonics 1500watt Amp
Pioneer Headunit
Painted Cupholders and Radio Surround
5% Limo Tint on all the windows

4.0L OHV
Auto Trans
4.88 Yukon gears

Front Lift-
3" Spindles, 3" TT, and 3" body

Rear Lift-
SOA and 3" Body

Tires are 37x12.50x15 Goodyear MT/Rs on some Polished 15x8" rims

Future mods:
Brush guard or Pre Runner Bumper
Tail Light Guards
Screens inside, and DVD player or game system that plays DVDs
Dual Exhuast with Flowmaster 40







Pic of the very minor trimming


Sorry last pic is blurry took it while driving ill get better tommorow

To read the thread that shows the during lift pics go here, the pics suck cause i was lazy and used my Cell Phone.


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man that things is a monster! do you like the 4.88 gear or would 5.13s be better? im thinking about getting 37's for my explorer and i want to get the best mpg and performance i can with 37's ..... but your truck is one of the best 2wd explorer i have ever seen! keep it up!

If you ask me for street driving 4.88s is perfect, i seem to be getting the SAME milage, and i can not tell a loss in performance at all. Seems to be just like when i was on those 255s

In my opinion, 37s are way too big for that truck. Give me your addy and I'll drive down to FL tomorrow to pick them up from you. :p Really though, that thing looks badass. I still can't believe how very minor the trimming is! :eek: Oh, BTW, what muffler are you gonna go with when you get the duals? Flowmaster 40?

LOL, nevermind, you just answered my question. :D

wow looks good... you got it built up pretty quick too.....

Title copycat ******. :D Looks real nice Caleb. Why not take the side skirts off? More clearance and it'll look higher.

jimabena74 said:
wow looks good... you got it built up pretty quick too.....

yea started ordering parts 2 weeks ago, and started lifting the truck last weekend... woulda been done faster but i had to wait for parts to show up, and the rear end to be regeared..

j602 said:
Title copycat ******. :D Looks real nice Caleb. Why not take the side skirts off? More clearance and it'll look higher.

Cause there will be lots of holes, When i put the camo on the rockers, i might take it off since it will cove the holes, but the skirts are growing on me, gives it a nice look, and helps hide the frame if you ask me...

another one of your projects...havent been here in a long time and looks like i came back at a perfect time....beautiful truck man just amazing :D

I think the skirts help give it a beefier look, I like how you balance between rugged and clean looking. Very nice!

truck looks amazing. as for the side skirts i took mine off a while ago when i was bored and just used bondo to fill in the little holes, sanded it and used some spray paint. you cant tell they were ever there. but then again my truck is black and you cant tell where the spray paint starts

Nice ride, 2by. :p

"Lift it high; fat chicks can't climb."

Hmm, that pretty sick :thumbsup: what kinda Spindle kit are you Using?

93liftedXLT said:
Hmm, that pretty sick :thumbsup: what kinda Spindle kit are you Using?

got the spindles off Ebay, like 300$+shipping

Now it looks like i need adjustable control arms, as that they cant get it perfectly aligned :( So i guess i need to do someresearch on that, dont want to F up brandnew MT/Rs

look for the adjustable camber shims. they came on my rig. they're special bolts for the upper control arm mounts.

izackary said:
look for the adjustable camber shims. they came on my rig. they're special bolts for the upper control arm mounts.

i already have camber adjusters, its still not enough, he said its still bout 1* out....

GooseR is selling his adjustable arms. Buy 'em!

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