Yostyexplorer94's 1994 Explorer Registry | Page 10 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Yostyexplorer94's 1994 Explorer Registry

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I got tired of the kiddie pool fender flares so it was time for a change.

Cut and fold

Welding it up

Test fitting


Waiting for paint.


I still will have to run a flare of some sort. I upgraded from kiddie pool to garden edging flares.

This crossmember was rotted out. Decided to build a new one to replace it and tie in the cage.


New crossmember installed and made a new hanger mount for exhaust. The hanger is way better than what I had on there before.


Floor was rotted and sagged down due to hauling the 37" spare all the time.
I reinforced it and tied it into the cage.


The bolt at the triangle gusset is my new body mount location.


Hole in the frame. Cut out and patched. I then plated the frame.


Welded on the inside.


Plate on outside of frame.


Rear crossmember that I replaced a while ago. I tied that crossmember into the leaf spring shackle mount.


No more kiddie pool fenders? Thank Gawd!!! :p

Do you daily this thing in the winter with more salt used on the roads than in the Oceans? My word man! That would drive me nuts dealing with all that corrosion. I feel for you.

I moved my cooler mount to the center which allows room for more organizations.

Here is my front leaf spring mount.


I parted out a 1996 explorer to get frame parts for mine.
On the left is a crossmember bracket that holds the gas tank strap. The 1996 bracket on the right. It was like they figured out that the older style holds debris in until rotting occurs and then upgraded the design. Way better.


Cleaned up my frame.




No more kiddie pool fenders? Thank Gawd!!! :p

Do you daily this thing in the winter with more salt used on the roads than in the Oceans? My word man! That would drive me nuts dealing with all that corrosion. I feel for you.
Basically every time there is a call for snow I drive it. Unfortunately it sees too much salt but it is amazing to drive in the snow.

This year's adventure wheeling trip preparation includes the following.
This is the short list.
  • redo the doubler mount.
  • replace all poly transmission/doubler bushings, engine mount bushings if I have time.
  • better recovery points (done and pictures in the previous post)
  • Swap leaf springs and weld on new perches. (I need to use the tape measure this time)
  • Track/Panhard bar frame side replace poly bushing with heim joint.
  • Tub o Towel magnetic holder (done)
    • explor12.jpg
