roll pans | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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roll pans

June 30, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Orange County
Year, Model & Trim Level
1994 sport
any one know where i could get a roll pan for my 1st gen explorer. or would a 92 ranger roll pan fit/be a close fit

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but would the 92 ranger be a fit as well because i found a couple fiberglass ones that are cheap and im low on money

It will take some custom work. Trust me, go with Can-Do and tell them I sent you ;)

Finally got mine welded up:


  • rollpan.jpg
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I have a Cando Rollpan as well.......VERY MUCH WORTH THE $$!


AFAIK, they are THE ONLY ones to offer a Steel Roll pan for our vehicles.....I have used fiberglass, and while they look okay for a while, they DO NOT keep their original form, and can EASILY crack/chip/break.


Trust me the ranger one dont work... bought one and sold it... rangers have no curve on the back and a X rear has curve or rounded.... I made my own but cando makes them and fit nicely from what i have seen....

Talking from experience.....

The Cando Rollpan fits VERY WELL!


cando..... baahhh.....

There is a saying that slammedX says or has as his sig......

Real rides............. LOL

How did you blend the pan into the stock splash guard to make a smooth fit all around? I see the cando kit only cover the back and the side corners. Can you remove the splash guards and have a smooth body.
Can some body please post some side pics of your rool pan install.

does anyone know if or where i can get a fiberglass rollpan i have an eddie bauer i like the fender flares and want to keep them but want a smoother look and the stock has got to go if i have to make it myself that s fine but if anyone has seen it let me know

BeauJ said:
Finally got mine welded up:


I see you have a 98+, how well does the roll pan match the contour of the hatch? I'm wondering how well that pan will fit on my '02 Sport. Thx.

splat said:

I see you have a 98+, how well does the roll pan match the contour of the hatch? I'm wondering how well that pan will fit on my '02 Sport. Thx.

I sold the explorer before my final coat of paint, but it took some work and I had to get them to add some height onto the bumper to make it fit right. Me and a friend spent a few hours getting everything perfect before I tacked it in place. Just be patient with it and it's not too hard. The corners fit perfect, they made them just right.

so would that cando one fit on my 99? i plan on having it profesionally installed. Also, does anyone know a good front bumper i could get? all the ones i can find are ''ricey'' and i dont like them. What do yall think about just painting protions of the stock, and getting stock steps on the side, and then lowering it about 2-3''. (Im going to have 22''s, there on layaway)

ill let you guys in on a little secret i had those rollpans put into production. they fit 91-97 they have the same curve to the hatch. they may fit a newer explorer with the license plate in the harch with some modifications cause the hatch has more of a curve. also cando dont make them they just sell em. if you want 1 cheeper than cando sells em for contact me.

So they work for the second gens. I am thinking on one for my 96 limited. But you do have to hack off part of the frame/ bumper mount??


yea you have to trim off the back few inches of the frame rails cause they made em longer on the explorers than like rangers and other trucks. if you really want to just use a sawsall so if you really ever wanted 2 you could just weld it back together and put ur old bumper back on which i doubt youll ever wana do. hit me up at for more info

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cool I need to get with you about one

