Nowadays interiors not holding up | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Nowadays interiors not holding up


Elite Explorer
September 2, 2018
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2000 ford explorer 94 xlt
This has been driving a little angry as of late. So I went and took a drive after work this evening and I see a beautiful red eddie sitting at my local toyota dealer. I stop and have a glance and it's in immaculate shape. Inside and out. So I get back in to 2020 fusion and look at my driver seat which is starting to sink with only 53k miles on it, and honestly get a little depressed that a car that's almost 25 years old and only has double the miles that mine has looks so much better. Ehh that don't make them like they used to.

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In the Arizona sun, the newer plastic holds up better than the old stuff ever did. I get your point, the cost keeps going up and the quality isn't going up to match.

In the Arizona sun, the newer plastic holds up better than the old stuff ever did. I get your point, the cost keeps going up and the quality isn't going up to match.
I get that the dashboards of older vechiles were made of spit shine and dreams similar to my yukons dashboard. There not selling it which sucks that was sweet wish the v8 were easier to find up here. I would love a v8 3rd gen like we used to. I guess I just hate the cloth

I get that the dashboards of older vechiles were made of spit shine and dreams similar to my yukons dashboard. There not selling it which sucks that was sweet wish the v8 were easier to find up here. I would love a v8 3rd gen like we used to. I guess I just hate the cloth
Road trip to find a mint V8.

In the Arizona sun, the newer plastic holds up better than the old stuff ever did. I get your point, the cost keeps going up and the quality isn't going up to match.
Time will tell, but I am seeing less San Andreas sized cracks in dashes as I used to. Even the small ones are less. But compared to the cost increase... and the cost of a dash cover...
I get that the dashboards of older vechiles were made of spit shine and dreams similar to my yukons dashboard. There not selling it which sucks that was sweet wish the v8 were easier to find up here. I would love a v8 3rd gen like we used to. I guess I just hate the cloth
There is usually a few at least out here, but probably more expensive than elsewhere in SoCal. Although there are occasionally killer deals since people don't know how to take care of their stuff here quite as much.

Time will tell, but I am seeing less San Andreas sized cracks in dashes as I used to. Even the small ones are less. But compared to the cost increase... and the cost of a dash cover...

There is usually a few at least out here, but probably more expensive than elsewhere in SoCal. Although there are occasionally killer deals since people don't know how to take care of their stuff here quite as much.
Unfortunately up here, there driven hard and they still want an insane amount of money for something that's dead. It just drives me nuts.

This has been driving a little angry as of late. So I went and took a drive after work this evening and I see a beautiful red eddie sitting at my local toyota dealer. I stop and have a glance and it's in immaculate shape. Inside and out. So I get back in to 2020 fusion and look at my driver seat which is starting to sink with only 53k miles on it, and honestly get a little depressed that a car that's almost 25 years old and only has double the miles that mine has looks so much better. Ehh that don't make them like they used to.

The stiching on the seat of our '20 ST is starting to pull apart at the edge where you get in and out of the vehicle. Less than 40,000 miles. Not what I would expect from such an expensive vehicle. :(

It took about 150,000 miles on our '03 Dodge Ram before there was as similar issue.
