These things hold more than you think!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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These things hold more than you think!!


July 21, 1999
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I must say I was quite impressed with how much interior room my 94xlt has once the seats are dropped. The other day my friends and I had to go pick up some beer and were able to fit 107 cases in the back!!! yes thats right 107 cases of beer! (approx 1800lbs...oops)I'll try to get a picture up on my page soon!

The Oz Man -94XLT-

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Whoa! I will have to try that sometime! Beer is cool! I want to see pictures of that man! If I could fit that much beer in my Explorer - I would never leave the house!

I just want to know where the PARTY is?!?!?!?!?!?


If it will hold 107 cases, then how many Kegs will it hold? How many Pony Kegs? Hope your not drinking and driveing! I belive with that much beer the whole Explorer family would be over the leagal limit! that is just to funny. I can't wait to see the pictures! keep us informed on when you will get those out! If you can send them to me that would be great!


Well the first pictures did not come out very well, but sometime in the next week I have to go out and pick up another 150. I know they wont all fit, but I may use the front seat this time. I will MAKE sure these pictures come out. It was quite an impressive sight!

The Oz Man -94XLT-

[Dateline, July 2000].............

[AutoCNN news and events].........

FLASH / story to follow...........

The newly formed Explorer Group of Alcohlolics Anonymous just held their first meeting with great fanfare and attendance. The Explorer Group represents a new direction for AA since Explorer AA meetings will be scheduled in alternating scenic places nationwide in areas normally inaccessible to the general motoring population of drunks.

The inaugural meeting featured a cigar lighting to honor the memory of an unfortunate potential AA member-in-training whose very topheavy Explorer fell down a three hundred foot embankment below an off-camber trail he was attempting to traverse while trying to beat the previous Explorer cargo load record of 436 cases of beer.
(complete story, page 10, Rubicon chapter).

Dead Link Removed, Gerald

[This message has been edited by GJarrett (edited 09-15-1999).]

I thought this old thread had been deleted...

This one was too much fun not to bump up again!

I just wanna know why in the HELL do you need that much beer?? I havent even seen 107 (all together anyway)cases in my entire life!

Originally posted by 95ExplorerLtd
I just wanna know why in the HELL do you need that much beer?? I havent even seen 107 (all together anyway)cases in my entire life!

you've never taken a tour of Coors or budweiser (old family pasttime here in Colorado where Coors is about 20 miles away and Budweiser is about 120 miles away). I can definately see the need for 107 cases! LOL. We had a company party a while back (keep in mind we only have about 60 employees plus spouses and some kids), we had four kegs and just about floated all of em. That was a fun day at the park :).

Hmm. That's a lotta beer. :D

Drive safely!

Originally posted by rock883
And how old would these KIDS be, huh Matt? [/B]
Ah, the only kids there were about 5 or 6... and no, they didn't help drink any of the kegs :).

Hey I can top that, but I wasn't hauling was coke and water. I had over 125 cases of coke and 50 cases of water. I ended up taking some of it out because the rear axle was basically riding on the 2 rubber bumpers on the frame and I didn't want to break anything. I ended up hauling about 110 cases of coke and 25 cases of water...what a load that was!!!

With all that beer was your rear axle riding on the rubber bumpers?!
i wonder what a cop would say if they pulled you over and you had all that beer in the back!! LOL

heh heh heh...i think we need to see if we can get this guy to meet us at moab...PAAAAAARTY!!

Post Script...I meant the beer guy.... :D

[Edited by riffman on 12-27-2000 at 07:30 PM]

Looks to me that he could build ou all a nice little house out at Moab, foundation and all! Damn, that guy was crazy. My cousin has a Jetta, I'd like to see if he can haul that much ;) I just wanna know why its parked halfway into a parking space sideways with a woman in the car sleeping with the car running....

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