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pcm location


Well-Known Member
October 23, 2007
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Fitzgerald GA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 Mountaineer
where is the pcm located on the 4.0's?

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Edit: wrong location. Found, see pic of 03 pcm.

gen III = pass side kick panel. Three connectors inside the engine compartment on the pass side firewall, two (looks like 8mm) bolts hold it in a tray looking thing. Not sure which way it falls out. I can tell you a hint though - the pass side kick panel is removed by pulling the sill panel, then pulling the kick panel TOWARDS THE BACK OF THE CAR. Many of them pop out towards the transmission hump, the 05 anyways has two teeth that won't disengage unless you pull back first.

..... now if I could only figure a way to put the B post covers back on.... :(


Good you both answered!

gen III = pass side kick panel. Three connectors inside the engine compartment on the pass side firewall, two (looks like 8mm) bolts hold it in a tray looking thing. Not sure which way it falls out. I can tell you a hint though - the pass side kick panel is removed by pulling the sill panel, then pulling the kick panel TOWARDS THE BACK OF THE CAR. Many of them pop out towards the transmission hump, the 05 anyways has two teeth that won't disengage unless you pull back first.

..... now if I could only figure a way to put the B post covers back on.... :(


I don't think so.

Nice to know you are both aware :thumbsup:

If you don't know the answer to a question, its best not to post, please. Its a disservice to all.

Ah, I see... and you posted the answer? Nice! Let's do this, you post when and what you know, and don't worry about what I do. A disservice to yourself is to tell others what to do and what not to do. And for the few times you are able to post something like this about what I do, it's not worth the effort. You should be answering questions... think so?

Anyone know anything about boat motors? I don't.

Ah, I see... and you posted the answer? Nice! Let's do this, you post when and what you know, and don't worry about what I do. A disservice to yourself is to tell others what to do and what not to do. And for the few times you are able to post something like this about what I do, it's not worth the effort. You should be answering questions... think so?

I don't want someone to actually listen to an inaccurate post and/or follow advice from someone who doesn't know what they are talking about. If you don't actually know the correct answer, its best to just read the posts and not post just to post. However, if you do indeed know the correct answer, by all means post it.

You have done the same thing... and there are 84 pages of unanswered questions. But you have time for this. If the poster had asked a question that would put them in peril, I wouldn't answer - not because of what you say - but because I just wouldn't. But something this simple, and you make a huge deal of it, hog jowls! You gotta have more things to do than this. And if you thing this is one of those posters that will run and duck because Aldive is criticizing, guess again. You too have made mistakes and have posted incorrectly, and have had questions answered in multiple ways. So, if we want this to be a silly brawl thread, ok. Otherwise, 84 pages of questions need to be answered. Care to start?


I'd answer, but I'm not sure. So I won't.

You could find out, take a pic or two, and post them. If not, do what you need to.

I never thought I'd be the voice of reason in an online forum, but here goes (in before the lock)...

Mr. Dive, while coming off abrasive to some has a valid point. If I were silly enough to follow instructions from people I don't know on the internet and damaged my vehicle, I would be pretty upset.

Anytime I post, if I know it, I say so. If I don't know it, I am always sure to say "here is my guess".

Kinda like Donner saying appears.

Anyway, if you listen to any of us, we, this board, the world, and your dog isn't responsible if anything burns, explodes, operates in reverse, or plain doesn't turn out how anyone thinks it should.

Most of the time, this forum can be a good place for advice. I haven't had so much luck, but I am not ready to throw the baby out with the bathwater, and as soon as I self-resolve my problems, I am still going to post the results here.

Back on topic,

According to the authentic Ford 2005-2006 Service Information DVD, it is where I say it is. That's a static sensitive part, all esd precautions should be taken, your mileage may vary, yada yada yada.... LOL :)

Out of curosity, what are you planning to do to it?

AND - if you do go digging, I am looking for something called a tear tag. Would you be interested in taking a pic of it for me?

PS - I am betting the box near the battery is the ABS module. I can verify if you all would like.....


You are the voice of reason! :) Yes, "Mine appears to be" translated means "Take a look around." For some of us, this is a learning process... no one gets hurt. By the way, did the poster find it?

i was trying to find it for the tuner I plan on getting.


is it one of those "goes in between" deals? I think most of those work by modifying the sensor data that the PCM recieves....

I am too lazy to dump pics to photobucket (I'm on dialup), but if you get stumped, post back and I'll do it. Might take some time though.


If you didn't find it, follow the harness that goes to your fuel injectors.


is it one of those "goes in between" deals? I think most of those work by modifying the sensor data that the PCM recieves....

I am too lazy to dump pics to photobucket (I'm on dialup), but if you get stumped, post back and I'll do it. Might take some time though.

its and xcal 3 I just need to get the code off of the pcm cover

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Here it is for the 03...

bad angle, but this is from the passenger firewall engine compartment...
