How to wire up shocking device on cd player | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How to wire up shocking device on cd player


Well-Known Member
December 10, 2007
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93 sport & 4 door
Well the community I live in has had a problem twice this year. This past friday night people got in my explorer ripped out my dash an cd player. Along with about 5 others. Was wondering if there is a way to hook something up to the metal casing of the cd player to shock one when they grab it! Got a older jvc flip down that looks good but dont work right that I want to put in there an do it to. Thanks to anyone who can help

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If you happen to have a 1 farad capacitor you could run the leads-one to each side of the plastic. Make sure they do not touch any metal, as this will discharge it.
if they happen to touch both leads of a charged cap---owwwie, and bang!!

how bad will this hurt someone? I dont want to kill em lol, just a good ol shock that is gonna stop em. An with the any charges that just bs. someone breaks in your car an they get hurt in any way an you get in trouble! We live on private property dont know if that changes anything but still gonna try to rig something up on the cd player. Got a thing in the making now, has over 400 very sharp pins in it sticking up just under half inch. going to buy seat covers an insert them on my seat under the cover when I park it at night so who ever gets in it an sits down gonna have plenty of lil holes in there butt an thighs:D

not a good idea from a legal perspective, but funny!

How about a good alarm system, a big dog and a 357 mag. It's kept my vehicles safe so far :D

I don't know, I can't see there being legal issues with someone breaking into your car and getting hurt...

Human traps are illegal. This is basically what the OP is asking for. You would get in more trouble then the thief would.

Yeah, would certainly be funny until you get sued by some scumbag. Car thieves will sue you every time. Unless you zap them dead. Then the family sues. Get a nice, loud, alarm, preferably with a pager.

How about a good alarm system, a big dog and a 357 mag. It's kept my vehicles safe so far :D

Oh trust me I wish I could have a big dog! The place I live we are not allowed to have any dogs over 50lbs. An I keep a 9mm in hands reach in my bedroom. Had a good friend of many years flip out on me an held a gun to my head in my own place so after that I have kept it locked an loaded. That is not gonna happen again. An with the alarm system Its just a beat up explorer nothing special but gets me where I need to go an reliable. The thing is thats all they took was my cd player. Not my speakers/amp/tools/or cd's I have right in plain view. I have lived in the same community since I was 10 an had a car with a system in it since I was 14. I leave my doors unlocked an even left my windows down in the summer more times than I could count an never had a single problem Until now lol.. Dayum people..

Yeah, would certainly be funny until you get sued by some scumbag. Car thieves will sue you every time. Unless you zap them dead. Then the family sues. Get a nice, loud, alarm, preferably with a pager.

I understand what everyone is saying about this being illegal an all.. But as of now I'm not doing the shocking cd player lol... but the pins in the seat are def going in there, teach em to touch my stuff.

don't go to jail and let us know how it turns out...

are you guys able to buy stereo equipment with detachable fronts? do that and keep the front at home, like we do over here. or pay for a garage somewhere and keep it locked away.


Oh trust me I wish I could have a big dog! The place I live we are not allowed to have any dogs over 50lbs. An I keep a 9mm in hands reach in my bedroom. Had a good friend of many years flip out on me an held a gun to my head in my own place so after that I have kept it locked an loaded. That is not gonna happen again. An with the alarm system Its just a beat up explorer nothing special but gets me where I need to go an reliable. The thing is thats all they took was my cd player. Not my speakers/amp/tools/or cd's I have right in plain view. I have lived in the same community since I was 10 an had a car with a system in it since I was 14. I leave my doors unlocked an even left my windows down in the summer more times than I could count an never had a single problem Until now lol.. Dayum people..

Glad they didn't take all your stuff. The town I live in is pretty good but we get a lot of scumbags from neighboring towns that like to come here to do their thing so we have had to lock our doors and install alarms on everything since I was 10! You can get a pretty decent alarm these days fairly cheep and do the installation yourself. It's not very difficult and pretty effective against the common scumbag. I also have friends that have just installed a red flashing LED in the dash and that was enough of a deterrent. Most thieves will look inside and see the flashing light and move on to the next vehicle that doesn't have one.

Stealing a Radio is a misterminer, rigging a Man Trap is a Class A Felony.
God help you if you hurt some 15 year old kid. Pins in the seat, razor blades under the dash or a shotgun blast from the back seat, all the same. Get a camera with a motion sensor on it and give the pictures to the cops.

Stealing a Radio is a misterminer, rigging a Man Trap is a Class A Felony.
God help you if you hurt some 15 year old kid. Pins in the seat, razor blades under the dash or a shotgun blast from the back seat, all the same. Get a camera with a motion sensor on it and give the pictures to the cops.

I hear what your saying! 15 year old kid or not there in something that is not theres an on top of that taking things that are not theres an destroying things in the mean time doing so. So 400 pins, so hope half of them puncutre. That will be my picture to show to the cops. Say there is a 16 old kid out here that has been accused of an seen stealing bikes, but when adults go to confront the mother its over she is a total B!#^h. A cop was called once on em an the cop went an just walked away from the lady when she went off, cause her son wouldnt do that. So I figure a few hundred pins in the ass is better then me catching who ever is doing this. I worked hard for the things I have an now walking around broke for the past month cause of my employment situation. Have xmas an my girls 4 birthday the 29th. I have more respect of others to damage or steal from them. So who ever is doing needs to learn some respect one way or another!

I hear what your saying! 15 year old kid or not there in something that is not theres an on top of that taking things that are not theres an destroying things in the mean time doing so. So 400 pins, so hope half of them puncutre. That will be my picture to show to the cops. Say there is a 16 old kid out here that has been accused of an seen stealing bikes, but when adults go to confront the mother its over she is a total B!#^h. A cop was called once on em an the cop went an just walked away from the lady when she went off, cause her son wouldnt do that. So I figure a few hundred pins in the ass is better then me catching who ever is doing this. I worked hard for the things I have an now walking around broke for the past month cause of my employment situation. Have xmas an my girls 4 birthday the 29th. I have more respect of others to damage or steal from them. So who ever is doing needs to learn some respect one way or another!

Dude, I wouldn't do anything along the lines of harming people. IMO, that makes you no different then them. In court, if you do the pin idea, you'll probably get in more trouble, Then you Deffinatly won't be able to get a job or support your family. Employers will see that on your record and then it'll be 200X's harder to get a job. If it's a beater (Like I think you said it was) it's probably not worth making life harder on you or your Family.

I'm not saying I Haven't thought of the same ideas, But I would never had actually done them. If you don't want people to steal your stuff, get a garage, or move. That's what I did. It's worked so far.

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If you want to know how to do it, google how to make a stun gun from a disposable camera. I'm not going to explain anything about it so don't ask.

Did you ever hear about the case where the burglar fell through a skylight and landed on a steak knife on the kitchen counter, and ended up suing the homeowner? Be careful. As others have said, a good security camera is your best choice, get a picture of the face and send it to the cops. And as passionately as you feel about going out and beating him or shooting him your going to be facing charges yourself, and its not worth it over a $200 radio. Now If the ******* steps foot in your house that's a different story, then the .357 can make an appearance.
