DIY How to install a Remote Start Alarm Keyless entry System on a Explorer 1992 | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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DIY How to install a Remote Start Alarm Keyless entry System on a Explorer 1992

That was it been testing with door open. lol....All works great now. The delay start is kind of weird compared to my womans viper on her car. Now on to this window thing. Im guessing here, but its not even going to hook into our current alarm, except share the door lock, unlock wires correct ?

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Wow!!! nice to hear you got it to work. Please let me know how can I improve the original write up (was there anything confusing?)

And yes, I had the issue with the brake not killing the engine. In my case it was that I didn't hook up the Yellow wire (8P). I got fixed after hooking it up to Pink #1 (7P) it all worked....
I didn't noticed the brake won't kill the engine with the door opened... good tip.

Glad to hear you want to pursue the windows... please let us know the wire color details and locations. Pics are great as always.

One more thing... did you guys hook up the hood wire to the hood light?

I look under my hood and I could see the hood light harness, but there is no bulb (that's why I didn't notice it before). The 2 wires are accessible, but they seem to be always hot (ground and 12v + all the time).

Reading more on that here I could find that indeed the wires are hot all the time, and that they are switched in the socket itself:
"The switch is a mercury switch located where the bulb plugs in. It is filled with mercury and when the hood is up it flows into one end and completes the circuit so the light comes on."

So if splicing the alarm's hood wire to ground wire on the light switch seems like wouldn't work.... if you have other thoughts please share..

Wow, I am grateful that so many issues have been fixed. I just ordered the alarm today. Lets hope that the write-up is up to date so I can fly through the install when it gets here.:D

That was it been testing with door open. lol....All works great now. The delay start is kind of weird compared to my womans viper on her car. Now on to this window thing. Im guessing here, but its not even going to hook into our current alarm, except share the door lock, unlock wires correct ?

haha i did the same thing but i went through and checked every wire before i thought about closing the door.well there is two way of doing it but i would hook it up to the alarm or else when you turn your car off or on the alarm is going to lock and unlock your doors witch will roll the windows up.if you are just hooking one module up to just roll the windows up then hook the purple/black wire from the 6p to the negative door lock trigger of the module (blue wire) i have not checked to see if the wires that you hook the module up to are correct because im still waiting on my modules to get here so if you figure it out before me post and let us know witch wire go to witch windows,good luck!!

One more thing... did you guys hook up the hood wire to the hood light?

I look under my hood and I could see the hood light harness, but there is no bulb (that's why I didn't notice it before). The 2 wires are accessible, but they seem to be always hot (ground and 12v + all the time).

Reading more on that here I could find that indeed the wires are hot all the time, and that they are switched in the socket itself:
"The switch is a mercury switch located where the bulb plugs in. It is filled with mercury and when the hood is up it flows into one end and completes the circuit so the light comes on."

So if splicing the alarm's hood wire to ground wire on the light switch seems like wouldn't work.... if you have other thoughts please share..

yea it wont work,im going to cut the hot wire and put a switch in and hook it to the doors because if you use the hood pin on the alarm and you have your truck remote running and open the hood it kills the car so i want to be able to work on the car and shut it off by remote but when armed if you pop the hood the alarm will still sound.or i might use the negative wire for the doors and use a switch if it will let me use great thread though ive been needing a new alarm:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::salute:

yea it wont work, im going to cut the hot wire and put a switch in, and hook it to the doors; because if you use the hood pin on the alarm, and you have your truck remote running, and open the hood, it kills the car.

The switch it's a good idea. But I'd still hook it to the hood light.... yes it will kill the engine if you open the hood and turn on the light, but that's expected. You just have to remember to turn the light on.. and off (might not be so hard).

Here is another thread about the light.... and someone here installed a bright a$$ fog light in there :rolleyes: ... might be my next project.

So i want to be able to work on the car and shut it off by remote, but when armed if you pop the hood, the alarm will still sound.

Well... not really... to open the hood you have to open the doors, and to open the doors you have to disarm... so I don't think the alarm will sound.

It's just a preventive mechanism to avoid someone else with the remote (wife!) to trigger a remote start while you are working in there.

The switch it's a good idea. But I'd still hook it to the hood light.... yes it will kill the engine if you open the hood and turn on the light, but that's expected. You just have to remember to turn the light on.. and off (might not be so hard).
no I was talking about if the car isn't runnig and armed and someone prys the hood open it will still sound but if you have the hood up wile runing it won't kill the motor where if you have it hooked to the hood wire on the alarm it will kill the motor.I want to be able to be working on it and remote starm

I want to be able to be working on it and remote starm

Ok.. got it. It seems like we want different functionality on this one.

I don't think I want that. As I mentioned before, it's a cool preventive feature that I'd like to have rather than to override. For me: If hood is up => no remote start.

Just wondering....with all of these mods and the window thing, is the write up up to date so someone who isn't an electical genius (me) do this?

The only two things still under discussion are the:
- hood wire
- Windows

Both not needed for main functionality. The rest is all figured out and up to date on the writeup.

No, you don't have to be an electrical genius... but if you are afraid of installing a car stereo yourself, for example, this might not be your kind of project...

Ok.. got it. It seems like we want different functionality on this one.

I don't think I want that. As I mentioned before, it's a cool preventive feature that I'd like to have rather than to override. For me: If hood is up => no remote start.

yea it will work either way haha I just don't have a wife to worry about;)
Posted via Mobile Device

Just wondering....with all of these mods and the window thing, is the write up up to date so someone who isn't an electical genius (me) do this?

its pretty easy with all the info that's been posted and we are always here for help also
Posted via Mobile Device

Sounds good to me. I will let you guys know when I install it if I have any issues. I guess I will look into the hood and windows later. One thing at a time I guess.

The only two things still under discussion are the:
- hood wire
- Windows

Both not needed for main functionality. The rest is all figured out and up to date on the writeup.

No, you don't have to be an electrical genius... but if you are afraid of installing a car stereo yourself, for example, this might not be your kind of project...

Did my stereo / fog light wiring thats not a big deal.

I would just mostly be interested in doing the window thing, but could that always be added on as an after thought to the actual alarm anyways?

Did my stereo / fog light wiring thats not a big deal.

I would just mostly be interested in doing the window thing, but could that always be added on as an after thought to the actual alarm anyways?

I think you'll be fine then... Yes, the windows can be done after the fact. Remote start it's pretty cool, but the really life-changing feature - at least for us 1st gens- is the keyless entry. It really makes a diference.

As far as doing yourself. My first time doing one. To be honest I had a few issuies but all the answers were here or responded to very quickly, By the way thanks again guys. As far as getting to the windows my schudule for the next week is crazy. On the hood trigger. Im going to find a swich when hood opens light turns on (aftermarket light) and wire into that, so NO remote start from gf, however I can push down on switch to remote start myself. Best of both worlds. Maybe lol....

Hmm, do I need the wiring to the hood? I recently need my hood to be removed and I checked today. There is no wires running to the hood. I assume they are hidden somewhere in my engine compartment seeing as I pulled the bulb out to replace it not to long ago.

Edit: I remember that I actually took the hood off and I don't remember removing wires at all.

First of all... the hood wire is not necessary, just a preventive feature.

Second, even if you find the hood light wires on you hood, they will not be really useful, since they are hot all the time. You might use a manual switch... but at that point you can just switch it from any ground source, you don't HAVE to use the hood light wires.

Lastly, there is always the possibility of adapting an aftermarket "hood pin switch", which is what I'm gonna do... I guess. Here this one will work I guess. (ebay search : hood pin switch)

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I thought the hood wires were necessary for the alarm speaker. So the hood light were just for if someone tried pry open the hood?
