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03 Exp with P0171 code


November 17, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Baltimore, MD
Year, Model & Trim Level
2003 Explorer 4.0L
My service engine light came on and when I checked got a P0171 code, system too lean. Any ideas on what may be causing this?


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Too lean can mean (yours is in bank 1):

1) A dirty/bad MAF sensor - remedy by cleaning or replacing MAF sensor.
2) A vacuum leak - check the PCV hoses, the brake hoses, the evap hoses and any other hoses than run into the intake. Check the intake manifold for holes.
3) A dirty/clogged fuel injector - run a tankful of a cleaner containing polyetheramine (PEA - such as Amsoil P.i. or Redline SI-1) or replace the dirty injector.
4) A leaky intake gasket - replace the gasket.
5) A bad O2 sensor - not as likely but to fix replace the sensor.


My service engine light came on and when I checked got a P0171 code, system too lean. Any ideas on what may be causing this?


Thanks for the reply. I'll start running through the things you suggested and see if I can clear it out.


When i had that code with my 04 Eddie Bauer I went to wal-mart and bought some MAF cleaner. I cleared the code by disconnecting the power for 15 minutes and it has yet to return.

Is that a gas additive or something different?


Is that a gas additive or something different?


No, its a spray can. You need to take out the MAF sensor and give it a good healthy spray with the cleaner. Most car parts stores have it as well as Wal-Mart. There shouldn't be any confusion as to what you want because the product is called "MAF Cleaner"

Cool, thanks. Now all I need to do is figure out where the MAF sensor is, shouldn't be too hard.

Thanks for your help,

You rock dude. Thanks a lot.


I took the sensor out and cleaned it with some basic contact cleaner and reinstalled it 3 days ago. So far the code has not come back. Thanks to the forum for your help.


Spoke too soon, the light came back on yesterday. It also started to idle roughly when in gear. Anyone have any more thoughts on where to look?


Spoke too soon, the light came back on yesterday. It also started to idle roughly when in gear. Anyone have any more thoughts on where to look?


Make sure you check where the lower and upper intake manifolds meet. If you have a gap there it might be hard to see and it could cause your problems. Easiest way to check would be to spray propane around the place where they meet up and see if the engine starts idling really rough or dies. If that checks out you can spray the propane all over the vacuum hoses and see if it kills the engine. If that does nothing then that most likely means you have no vacuum leak. Next I would check the 02 sensors and make sure they are OHMing out right. Good luck and let me know what happens.

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