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Header Install Question


Well-Known Member
November 8, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Jackson, NJ
Year, Model & Trim Level
'92 XLT 4x4
Ok so I had a few beers and was thinking,

I want to install my brand new pacesetter headers and y pipe, plus delete the cats with another pipe.

I broke 1 bolt in my head and got another one out, I know how they're prone to breakage.

What if I cut the heads off the bolts, lube up the threads and use them as studs just by putting nuts on them? I think that doesn't seem like a bad idea

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If there is enough thread for that to work then you should be able to weld a nut on to the stud and do it that way, or just remove it that way and use a new bolt.
I hope there is enough thread but I don't know. I'm gonna do a little more research before I chop my manifolds up into 42 pieces.

Would an impact work on the header bolts?

I wouldn't impact them - those suckers will break instantly. Keep soaking them with PB Blaster, and when you are ready to try and remove them, use a can of MAPP Gas and heat the area up to try and free them up.

Patience young one-- and impact will snap them. PBlaster once a day for 2 or three days will get them.

Patience young one-- and impact will snap them. PBlaster once a day for 2 or three days will get them.

What if I took an impact that can be turned down. Snoranger did his that way, and he didn't break any.

If you cannot break them loose by hand, odds are any more torque will break them, they get kinda brittle after years of heat cycling. Penetrating oil is your best friend.... it is your new girlfriend, only this one you never forget to treat it special on your anniversary.

Yes, I did use an impact gun.

A weak 3/8s impact gun with the air pressure turned down. It wasnt strong enough to break the bolts. I also used a torch and had the bolts glowing red before I tried to remove them.
