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Rear Bumper Protectors


Well-Known Member
January 25, 2011
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Southern California
Year, Model & Trim Level
2011 Limited
Went to my dealer to order a bumper protector for my new X limited. They said the protectors on the Ford Accessories site are not for limiteds. Has anyone with a limited gotten a rear bumper protector?

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Went to my dealer to order a bumper protector for my new X limited. They said the protectors on the Ford Accessories site are not for limiteds. Has anyone with a limited gotten a rear bumper protector?
You mean like this one on my Limited?


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Yep. Is this the one from Ford?
Yes. Had my dealer order it. When I went back and got my splash guards installed, I had them put the protector strip on as well. It has the word Explorer on it. Some people have put them on themselves. It comes with a template, I believe.

I have one on my limited as well. Ordered it from, and it is an offical Ford product. You can install or have your dealer install it in about 30 minutes or less.

Yes, I have a limited with this same bumper protector that my dealer threw in as part of my deal.

OK, thanks for all the replies! I thought that sounded bogus, but wanted to confirm with the group.

I have one on my limited as well. Ordered it from, and it is an offical Ford product. You can install or have your dealer install it in about 30 minutes or less.
Did it come with the necessary mounting supplies? I am assuming its some sort of adhesive.

Did it come with the necessary mounting supplies? I am assuming its some sort of adhesive.

Its like a very big sticky decal.

Be aware of air bubbles, when installing.

Looks great on my black Limited, blends right in.

It’s a peel and stick piece of plastic. My dealer installed it, kind of hard to get all of the bubbles out. It amazes me what some dealers say about the new X, it’s like they were selling Toyotas last week and now are Ford dealers. All they need to do is a bit of homework to get up to speed on the products they sell. Seems like customers know more about the truck then they do.

It’s a peel and stick piece of plastic. My dealer installed it, kind of hard to get all of the bubbles out. It amazes me what some dealers say about the new X, it’s like they were selling Toyotas last week and now are Ford dealers. All they need to do is a bit of homework to get up to speed on the products they sell. Seems like customers know more about the truck then they do.
HaHa! Its like they will say anything to sound knowledgeable, even when they don't know the answer!

It’s a peel and stick piece of plastic. My dealer installed it, kind of hard to get all of the bubbles out. It amazes me what some dealers say about the new X, it’s like they were selling Toyotas last week and now are Ford dealers. All they need to do is a bit of homework to get up to speed on the products they sell. Seems like customers know more about the truck then they do.

Ditto. Just got a survey from Ford. Asking how I like my Explorer so far. Let em have it on the parts that aren't working. Also mentioned how under trained tech's are on the MFT/Sync. Not sure if it will do any good. Just makes me feel better that they actually sent a survey. Demographics.

Did a search and couldn't find one. Loaded a dresser in the X yesterday and scratched the paint (and took a chunk) out of the bumper. Our Mazda 6 has one and it works great. Anyone know of one?

The problem with the ford one, is it doesn't cover the corner of the bumper...which means it didn't help me on lick when a convection heater rolled out of the back when I opened the hatch. I now have 2 1/8" chunks of paint missing right on the edge of the bumper...... :-(

Agree the Ford one leaves much to be desired since it doesn't "roll" over the edge of the bumper. I added it but think this is something that should be integrated into the bumper as a standard option (a la Honda Pilot).

Did a search and couldn't find one. Loaded a dresser in the X yesterday and scratched the paint (and took a chunk) out of the bumper. Our Mazda 6 has one and it works great. Anyone know of one?
As mentioned, it doesn't cover the lip of the bumper, which seems to be the norm with some vehicles. These covers were standard on the Highlanders I had previously and it is only this year that I saw one that covered the lip as well. I ordered this through the dealer and although it isn't visible in the photo, it does say EXPLORER on it.
I just checked out Rick's pictures from the SEMA Auto Show and one of them shows a bumper protector that does cover the lip. I doubt it is a Ford product though.


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