3rd Row Power Button cover / disable switch needed | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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3rd Row Power Button cover / disable switch needed


Let's see if the picture comes though this time....?

I have made 6 more of these covers for sale. If you interested in seeing more info, send me an email and I will return an email to you with more pictures.

I didn't see the picture Ken so I took the liberty of posting it here from your link. Hope you don't mind.



  • imag0171ch[1].jpg
    148 KB · Views: 643

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To access the buttons, just remove one of the two screws and the plexiglas swings (pivots) out of the way. Put the one screw back when you done.

To access the buttons, just remove one of the two screws and the plexiglas swings (pivots) out of the way. Put the one screw back when you done.

If I may suggest a design change, instead of removing one of the screws to open, how about notching the plastic around the lower screw.

That way, you can just swing the cover up, do your button business, and then swing it back down, letting it 'latch' itself on the lower screw.

Ford should just design a compartment where you open a little door and get to the buttons !

If I may suggest a design change, instead of removing one of the screws to open, how about notching the plastic around the lower screw.

That way, you can just swing the cover up, do your button business, and then swing it back down, letting it 'latch' itself on the lower screw.

That wouldn't work as it would be blocked by the power outlet cover - How about just cutting a hole in the plastic so that the buttons are recessed but remain accessible?

That wouldn't work as it would be blocked by the power outlet cover - How about just cutting a hole in the plastic so that the buttons are recessed but remain accessible?

Oh yeah, that wouldn't work. It looked like it might clear, but upon closer inspection it appears that it would hit. I would think that your idea would be sufficient, holes big enough for a finger to activate. Simplicity always wins the race.

Oh yeah, that wouldn't work. It looked like it might clear, but upon closer inspection it appears that it would hit. I would think that your idea would be sufficient, holes big enough for a finger to activate. Simplicity always wins the race.

Just reverse the placement of the screws--one mounted in the upper left corner (adjacent the power outlet) and the other one mounted in the lower right corner. Then notch the cover as suggested and pivot the cover around the upper left corner.

Just reverse the placement of the screws--one mounted in the upper left corner (adjacent the power outlet) and the other one mounted in the lower right corner. Then notch the cover as suggested and pivot the cover around the upper left corner.

Well, that would be the easy thing to do! :D

Or you could put a little hinge on the top so it can flip up and do away with the screws all together.

Or you could put a little hinge on the top so it can flip up and do away with the screws all together.

I think the challenge with that would be in making it durable and good looking. I was toying with a few ideas regarding hinges but could not come up with a practical way to make a sturdy and attractive part. I suppose not using clear plastic would make that easier, that way you could hide a multitude of sins behind a solid black cover.

Better yet, pull juice off the wires and power up some small leds to shine down on the buttons. No need for back-lighting!

I appreciate all your feedback on the design of this cover.

I will work on a version of this cover that eliminates the removal of one screw, ... or maybe eliminate all the screws...?

I will get back later in the week with something to look at.


Great, jammed again.


So glad I opted for the manual 3rd row. Less time spent doing it yourself then cleaning up the mess or jams of accidentally hitting the button?

Need something like this but sized appropriately......


Pretty sure if the Powerfold was a seperate a la carte option i might have opted out just from the fear of the motors failing 5 years down road let alone this issue. Unless your physically unable to perform the task i really think this is something many can do without since:

1. Its pretty easy to flip them manually and
2. There isnt a need to flip that often.

Got the prototype installed. Installation was a breeze as it just double sided tape. Seems like it does exactly as its supposed to do.

Will report back after a couple days of it being installed.

Thanks again ken.



To: Explorer Owners

I've made 6 more of these "3rd Row Switch" covers. This simple cover will prevent rear cargo from bumping those switches. If you're interested, send me an email and I will return to you more infomation about these.

Just left click my name "KenH05261990" and "Send a private message to KenH05261990".


To: Explorer Owners

I've made 6 more of these "3rd Row Switch" covers. This simple cover will prevent rear cargo from bumping those switches. If you're interested, send me an email and I will return to you more infomation about these.

Just left click my name "KenH" and "Send email to KenH".


Ken, it's working great so far. No issues with hitting the buttons loading and unloading. Thanks again!!!!

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I realize this is an old thread but I thought I would ask if there has been any resolution from Ford on this issue. Yesterday we had a car full of family (kids in the back) and I was moving some items around in the cargo area when I bumped the switch that caused the whole thing to try to collapse. Kids were in the back and the damn thing literally squished them up against the second seats... Tears, screaming all sorts of hell broke loose. Luckily I was able to grab the head rests as they were going over - and literally ripped the whole seat backwards and broke it off the mechanism. This is a big problem, and I demand to know what ford is going to do about it. If it was my wife and not me, who knows how the kids would have got out of there???
This has happened in the past with luggage, but now that kids are involved I think this is a recall issue - very poor design.
I commend your ideas on an override switch, but that shouldn't be needed - how about the seats reverse when you simply push the opposite button for which it is trying to do a the time of the issue?
Ridiculous and unacceptable engineering. I guess when they dumped Volvo all the safety minds left too huh?
We'll see what the dealer says on monday...
