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Another OHV M90 build

2000 OHV + rpcaster + henson performance = another supercharged 4.0 ohv Explorer

I have goodies from James already (New MAF, 36lb injectors, wideband O2 for tuning)

Here's what came from Ron (Also a fuel pressure gauge and boost/vacuum gauge)


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yes you use the shaft to spin and prime the motor. your electric drill will smoke and barely turn for about 10seconds until the oil starts flowing freely lolol

and idk what size socket we used jd,but it fit down in there. we didnt grind any of my sockets. and i swear it fit fine. ill check when i get home to prove it.

dono, i recomend using tape on the socket and extension. we did and im sure it saved our ***** from digging the socket out if it fell off.

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Yes but its not that easy.the pump shaft is a e12 torx bit BUT a e12 will no way fit down in the sensor hole to get on the shaft.i use a e11 and you have to grind the socket down very thin to fit down in the cam sensor hole.the e11 does not go all the way down on the pump shaft but fits over the edge and with pressure will spin the pump to prime the motor.

I will have to see if I have a old cam sensor kicking around that I can gut.

soooo....does this mean I need to prime?
I was just going to pop the fuse for the fuel pump and crank er over at a couple 15 second intervals.

I know priming is the best way, but, not easy.

I take this back.I've found my old ones and they are red.also the part number i used for the first set is the same part number i used last time.i have red standard headgaskets on the truck now.ill be getting the HD ones this time.Runninonempty do you have a part number?i would like to call felpro and ask them some questions about them?
JD, the right side is 545SD; left side is 544SD.
(I assume the SD stands for severe duty.)

This is taken off RockAuto's website, and gives lots
of info on the available headgaskets.,carcode,1362451,parttype,5412

I'm so close....
Tonight's the night.


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Can't wait to hear how it runs.

A couple hours of work on it left and it will be running. I was hoping to do it this afternoon, but just can't get away. I wanted to keep going last night, but my brain was failing and I was struggling with stuff that should be easy.

Tim was great at getting the motor in place. He was cussing. Said he's never had that much of an issue before. It just didn't want to drop in to place. Pretty heavy to be trying to man handle it. It did finally drop in place, and that's all that matters.

wow! how late did you stay out there? when i left, you didnt have the super charger on, or hoses and wires!

and i am not taking all credit. you where in there like a dirty shirt as well. as for your buddy to. he was also a big help. i will call you before i head over tonight. want to hear it run as well.


The suspense hurts. Can't wait to hear this thing run. Gonna be awesome!

don was wrenching like a mad man tonight


and the end result.....

first turn of the key! :D

he's hardly tapping the throttle, and you can here the supercharger. before it was pretty silent, not now (and yes i was giggling when he was doing that).
i wanted to stick around. don was going to take it for a quick spin, but i had to pack up some of the stuff i brought to his house, drive home, and unload.
i will say this, you couldnt slap the smile off his face, thats for sure!

don was wrenching like a mad man tonight


and the end result.....

first turn of the key! :D

he's hardly tapping the throttle, and you can here the supercharger. before it was pretty silent, not now (and yes i was giggling when he was doing that).
i wanted to stick around. don was going to take it for a quick spin, but i had to pack up some of the stuff i brought to his house, drive home, and unload.
i will say this, you couldnt slap the smile off his face, thats for sure!

Hell yea!!told you the smile would be worth the pain!!;)

Hell yea!!told you the smile would be worth the pain!!;)

i'd say. i left over a hour ago. he isnt online yet, so my guess is he's out ripping around.

i'd say. i left over a hour ago. he isnt online yet, so my guess is he's out ripping around.

Hell yea.y'all did good ass job.that 422 wakes the motor up Sooo much!!im sure he is happy,i can tell just by your post he is going be so happy!wait till its broke in and he goes to the smaller will put a smile on his face every time he starts it!!

Went for a rip.
No issues. To be fussy, a bit of an exhaust leak from the drivers side. Could be egr...who knows, and who really cares. Small thing.

First impressions? Lost of low end power. Feels really good. I plugged my A/F ratio meter back in, and there doesnt look like there is an issue there. In the next day or two I'll get a log off to James so he can make sure nothing bad is happening. My plan is to wait till spring, install the smaller pulley and turn on the water/meth injection.

First turn of the key! Can you believe it??
I can hardly wait to get on the gas!!

Truck sounds great! Not seeing any leaks yet. Truely amazing.
Thanks so much Tim.

Also, No issues with that 422 cam and an auto trans. There's lots of low end power. Maybe by next week I'll start getting a bit harder on the gas. I really want to test wot!

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Went for a rip.
No issues. To be fussy, a bit of an exhaust leak from the drivers side. Could be egr...who knows, and who really cares. Small thing.

First impressions? Lost of low end power. Feels really good. I plugged my A/F ratio meter back in, and there doesnt look like there is an issue there. In the next day or two I'll get a log off to James so he can make sure nothing bad is happening. My plan is to wait till spring, install the smaller pulley and turn on the water/meth injection.

First turn of the key! Can you believe it??
I can hardly wait to get on the gas!!

Truck sounds great! Not seeing any leaks yet. Truely amazing.
Thanks so much Tim.

He can tune that loss back in especially after cant really get on it yet to see the increase in mid and upper.also lower will increase once you can stomp on it,the sc will kick in much quicker.that smile you got will only get WAY bigger once its broke in and you start getting on it;)glad it started right up!!
