air box removal | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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air box removal


And den
August 22, 2001
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City, State
Raleigh, NC
Year, Model & Trim Level
'99 Sport 4wd
sorry i know this has been talked about before and i did a search but everything contradicted itself. how do i remove the bottom part of the SOHC air filter WITHOUT! breaking it?

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hah.. i just searched today and tried it on the truck without luck. don't know if i didn't pull hard enough on the thing, but i was scared to break stuff. one post said to use a flathead screwdriver to remove the bottom half from the fender side, and to just pull the other part up. its like mine is screwed in or i'm just scared to pull hard! i think i'll just get the dremel and cut some holes while its sittin there. i don't see a reason why this won't work. there is lots of wiggle room right there.

cool.. ya gonna get the k&n kit thing or just slap on a cone filter and make it fit?

cool... lemme know how it goes.. maybe i'll just do that instead of drilling.
replying so fast we may as be chatting

There are four mushroom shaped pins on your factory air-box. Each pin snaps into a rubber gromet. They are in there tight (some tighter than others). I used a flat screw driver to pry each pin from each gromet until it was free.

The second time they come off easier :) When you put the box back in, put some silicone on the rubber gromets and it should slide right out.

I dont have the V6, but my airbox was extremely hard to pull out also. Those rubber grommets have grip from hell.

Pull really, really hard!

hey guys, I own a 2000 Limited 5.0 and I am wanting a K&N FIPK, the only actual kit I have found is from Explorer Express and they're selling it for a whopping $230. I'd like to just get a cone filter and make it work, or order the kit for the 97 5.0 (which you can get off the internet for $150) and just make it work.

If anyone has had any experience in this area please let me know what you have found. I have already added a 3" Flowmaster 50 Series exhaust, and I would really like to get an open element filter without paying over $200.

Thanks in advance for any help :)

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Thank you very much TarHeel. I may just get one of those, however, I just stumbled upon a possible alternative...

At they sell K&N cone shaped filters, WITH that new X-Stream top. They have tons of different sizes and lengths of mounting flanges available, so I'm sure there's one that will fit my 5.0. I'll probably measure tomorrow, its my day off (WO-HOO!)

Anyway, I really think those K&N X-Stream filters may be the best, and cheapest (at around $50-60 for the filter, plus you'll end up needing a hose clamp, but since I work at a Ford Dealership, I can get stuff like that for free... ahhh the many benefits of being employed by Ford... they just gave us $125 Gift Certificates for doing that Firestone recall.) way to go.

Thanks again, and I'll let you know if i succeed with this project.

Well crap, I guess that won't work. The mass air sensor on the newer 5.0s flare out and bolt directly to the airbox - there is no flange to slide a filter onto.

However, since I really like the idea of having a K&N X-Stream filter, I'm not giving up.

There's two options that I'm looking at:

1. Replace my stock mass air sensor. That way I could get a bigger one for a little more flow. Since a mass air sensor for a 2000 Explorer doesn't have a mounting flange on the end to allow me to slip a cone filter on it, I'd have to get a mass air sensor for say a 97, but it still should otherwise fit just fine, or with little modifications. The only downside to this option is that it may end up being the most expensive.

2. I could order a True-Rev induction, and then instead of using the filter that comes with it, get a K&N X-Stream to use with it. (Seems kinda pointless maybe, but I'd WAY rather have a K&N than a.. S&B.. I mean I admit I haven't heard of them and they are probably just fine... but, would you rather buy a Ford or a Drof?)

Well, I'll be looking into it. As always, thanks in advance to anyone to has any info on the subject. :)

I really doubt that you will notice any difference from the S&B filter vs the K&N. Another option is to just get a stock replacement K&N filter and cut the front off the airbox. I noticed more power with this setup than with my old FIPK. I like the stock look better too. Just a thought to save you some money. At least as much power plus $40 vs $100+.

Does anyone have any pics of a trimmed airbox? I have heard of people drilling holes in the airbox and thats something I would definitely NOT do, especially to an Explorer Limited.

Do you mean you basically cut the bottom of the box open with say a Dremel and just get a K&N direct replacement filter?

I guess that makes sense, and if you think about it, depending on how you cut the box, you could create somewhat of a miniature "ram air" effect.

Originally posted by 2kLimitedv8

Do you mean you basically cut the bottom of the box open with say a Dremel and just get a K&N direct replacement filter? I guess that makes sense, and if you think about it, depending on how you cut the box, you could create somewhat of a miniature "ram air" effect.

My airbox took suction from the front of the airbox through a small "silencer". The factory had a good idea of how to get cooler air into the engine, they just restricted it to keep noise down. I simply improved on their design by opening up the front of the air box with my Dremel. You cant tell its cut because the front of the airbox is right up against the backside of the headlight. Some people choose to drill holes, but since I had a Dremel I chose to cut a square out. Same concept.

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i cut my airbox today and i love it. i pulled off the silencer and made another hole beside it about the same size (approx 3"). it sounds beefier now and seems to have a little better oomph like when i get ready to pass someone. go for it. you could always replace the airbox half really easy if you ddin't like it.
