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Messages not syncing


Well-Known Member
January 29, 2013
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2013 Ex Limited 4WD 302A
I am using a Samsung Galaxy S3 with Ice Cream Sandwich and I have gotten my phonebook to download but I can't sync my messages or send any. It just says message inbox empty. Is anyone else having this problem? Any fix? Thanks!

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Messages do not download or sync. The only messages that appear in the Inbox are ones that are received while synced with MFT.

As for the sending of SMS, for me, it's hit and miss.

Main thing, when setting up the initial sync, say YES to the phonebook access, as that is the MAP profile that does the SMSing.

Messages do not download or sync. The only messages that appear in the Inbox are ones that are received while synced with MFT.

As for the sending of SMS, for me, it's hit and miss.

Main thing, when setting up the initial sync, say YES to the phonebook access, as that is the MAP profile that does the SMSing.

Thank you for your reply. I tried a test sms while in vehicle and it still didn't work. Called Sync and they said that perhaps Ice Cream Sandwich isn't supported but I am not sure that is true as most androids are running that now. I also did say yes to the Map. Is there a way to get that prompt again to make sure? The phone book downloaded and then the Map message came up and I said yes. Is there anyway to have it ask again without deleting pairing and starting over?

Thank you for your reply. I tried a test sms while in vehicle and it still didn't work. Called Sync and they said that perhaps Ice Cream Sandwich isn't supported but I am not sure that is true as most androids are running that now. I also did say yes to the Map. Is there a way to get that prompt again to make sure? The phone book downloaded and then the Map message came up and I said yes. Is there anyway to have it ask again without deleting pairing and starting over?


The only way I know of to get the request to come up again, is to re-pair your phone to MFT. You'll also want to delete SYNC from your phone. I cannot confirm if texting will work afterwards since we haven't tested this phone.



The only way I know of to get the request to come up again, is to re-pair your phone to MFT. You'll also want to delete SYNC from your phone. I cannot confirm if texting will work afterwards since we haven't tested this phone.


Thank you, Rebecca. I actually did do this once when I was on the phone with the Sync team but then I caused me to have to do a master reset. I think I'll just live without the messages for now :( It's just that I got 2 different answers about whether or not this should work from 2 different reps at Sync when I called.

You're welcome, rellyrooly. Some customers have said their Galaxy S3s have worked with texting while others said theirs don't. My coworker has one through T-Mobile; she cannot send or receive texts.


I just got my 2013 Explorer LTD and I have a Galaxy S3 Jellybean. At first MFT didn't recognize my SMS messages, I couldn't send and receive SMS thru MFT. After a couple of fiddling pairing and re-pairing my S3... I suddenly heard a chime and I received my first SMS synced to MFT. The only problem is that MFT doesn't want to sync all my old SMS, the only SMS that are synced there are the new ones. But everything is functional now so it's fine with me. Try updating your S3 to the latest version (Jellybean).

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