Ambient Lighting Problems | Page 4 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Ambient Lighting Problems

I have also noticed this on my 2013 Fusion Titanium with MFT version 3.6.2. I always leave the headlights on auto and lately my ambient lights don't even come on. I go in and check the settings and it is turned on. If I simply pick another color they will come on and then I chance it back to the ice blue color that I like. This has been doing this now for weeks so last weekend I performed a Master Reset and it did not resolve the issue so something is up with the MFT software.

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I had this issue - it's a reboot of MFT. MFT periodically reboots when you aren't driving to keep the software fresh. Certain settings aren't preserved and it appears that the ambient lighting is one of them that isn't preserved.

I can always tell when it occurs because when you press "i" it takes you back to the default "Sync Services" tab instead of Sirius travel link tab which is where I usually keep it. E.g., the last used menu setting is also not preserved.

Because of this thread I kept an eye on the color and when I noticed it change, I pressed the i button and noticed the screen was at the default screen.

I had this issue - it's a reboot of MFT. MFT periodically reboots when you aren't driving to keep the software fresh. Certain settings aren't preserved and it appears that the ambient lighting is one of them that isn't preserved.

I can always tell when it occurs because when you press "i" it takes you back to the default "Sync Services" tab instead of Sirius travel link tab which is where I usually keep it. E.g., the last used menu setting is also not preserved.

Because of this thread I kept an eye on the color and when I noticed it change, I pressed the i button and noticed the screen was at the default screen.
I don't believe the reboot has anything to do with 'refreshing' the software. There is no need to refresh software. Nothing is being changed. You can only change software with a USB update. When you get the 'Performing Maintenance' screen it means that your MFT has crashed and is recovering. I haven't seen this message come up for over 2 years. See post 11 in;


I think what he meant by "keep the software fresh" was the reboot clears up some issues, not updates the software. I think it's more of a memory release, much like you needed to do with older Windows PC's.

I think what he meant by "keep the software fresh" was the reboot clears up some issues, not updates the software. I think it's more of a memory release, much like you needed to do with older Windows PC's.
That is possible. I wasn't totally sure what he meant but even if it is just a 'refresh' it shouldn't result in the loss of some settings, IMO. That is something that should be addressed by the IVT team if it does. I don't recall having this happen with mine.


MFT and shouldn't.

"That's funny right there I don't care who you are" - some cable guy.

There are many of us who don't have any issues with MFT.


There are many of us who don't have any issues with MFT.


My *guess* is that MFT doesn't actually turn off when you turn off the car. It just hybernates, or sleeps, much like a laptop does. Basically the operating memory (the RAM) of the car is dumped to static memory and then reloaded into operating memory (RAM) upon wakeup. A reboot clears all the operating memory and restarts MFT "fresh." Thus if you have memory corruption issues, a reboot will normally fix that (until it happens again.) This is why issues that are hard to duplicate or transient can be fixed by the reboot - it clears any memory corruption that may have happened.

Thus rebooting, "refreshes" things in that sense. I did not mean to suggest that MFT was somehow updated.

My theory is that certain settings are just saved in operating memory and never written to long term storage - such as which particular menu you were on in certain areas. The ambient light color must be one of those parameters. Thus, the light color stays set as long as MFT doesn't reboot because the setting is just dumped to static storage upon shutdown ALONG WITH ALL THE OTHER OPERATING MEMORY and restored similarly. But once the system reboots - it's gone.

I believe the system reboots on it's own on a timer - e.g., after X amount of "up-time," or after certain conditions are met, it is programmed to reboot.

*Just my theory.

And as far as you never having issues - I don't have many issues either, but different people use the system differently and to greater or lesser degrees. I have 700+ songs and a bluetooth phone connection. Others have 10k songs and 2k contacts (remember Loganfilm?) and we all have different phones, so one person's experience is not necessarily indicative of anything.

I believe the basic problem of this system is that Ford underestimated the use cases (e.g., Ford underestimated just how many MP3s people will want to listen to, how many contacts they have in their phones, etc...). The reason that Applink won't be available is also related to this - because they underestimated the use cases, they've had to utilize the memory set aside in the design of the system for Applink to storing more contacts, bigger index files, etc... We can see signs of this by comparing version 2.11 and the later versions in which functionality was removed - probably to free up memory.

...I believe the basic problem of this system is that Ford underestimated the use cases (e.g., Ford underestimated just how many MP3s people will want to listen to, how many contacts they have in their phones, etc...). The reason that Applink won't be available is also related to this - because they underestimated the use cases, they've had to utilize the memory set aside in the design of the system for Applink to storing more contacts, bigger index files, etc... We can see signs of this by comparing version 2.11 and the later versions in which functionality was removed - probably to free up memory.

Very interesting conjecture! I doubt we will ever have an official explanation. And I doubt we will ever have Applink.

I have this issue as well, it constantly loses the ambient lighting setting.

what was the fix for this?

I have this issue as well, it constantly loses the ambient lighting setting.

what was the fix for this?

Hey, TCFD36,

Check out the thread Peter posted; you'll have to visit your dealer to get this diagnosed and corrected.


I have a 2014 ex sport and it does the same thing , loses amb light setting every week.

if your expecting a fix from Ford or the party line excuse group on this forum, you might want to spit in the ocean and expect the tide to come in..........

I have a 2014 ex sport and it does the same thing , loses amb light setting every week.

if your expecting a fix from Ford or the party line excuse group on this forum, you might want to spit in the ocean and expect the tide to come in..........

Now that's the spirit ! Pretty much sums up my experience with Ford and our 2013 regards Plum

I have a 2014 ex sport and it does the same thing , loses amb light setting every week.

if your expecting a fix from Ford or the party line excuse group on this forum, you might want to spit in the ocean and expect the tide to come in..........
An issue could possibly be easier to diagnose and fix if it affected everybody. But this ambient lighting problem only seems to be affecting a few members (23) and the majority don't seem to have this issue or at least haven't indicated that they do. These types of problems are harder to diagnose and fix.
If it really bothers you that it changes colours on its own, you can always turn the ambient lighting off until a fix is found for it.


I have had my 2014 Sport since just before Christmas and the ambient lighting has changed back to the default blue 3 times. I found a simple solution to this problem - I decided blue is my favorite setting!

I have had my 2014 Sport since just before Christmas and the ambient lighting has changed back to the default blue 3 times. I found a simple solution to this problem - I decided blue is my favorite setting!


An issue could possibly be easier to diagnose and fix if it affected everybody. But this ambient lighting problem only seems to be affecting a few members (23) and the majority don't seem to have this issue or at least haven't indicated that they do. These types of problems are harder to diagnose and fix.
If it really bothers you that it changes colours on its own, you can always turn the ambient lighting off until a fix is found for it.

I doubt that everyone having the problem watches this forum. I have to keep turning mine off because it turns itself on. Turning it off isn't the answer for me. It doesn't seem to be just an Explorer problem. Other Ford models also and not just limited to a certain model year. You would think Ford could do better.

I doubt that everyone having the problem watches this forum. I have to keep turning mine off because it turns itself on. Turning it off isn't the answer for me. It doesn't seem to be just an Explorer problem. Other Ford models also and not just limited to a certain model year. You would think Ford could do better.
I totally agree that not everyone with this issue is aware of this forum but I would think that the Forum itself would be indicative as to the percentage of all owner's issues whether they are members or not. In any case this issue is not something anyone should have to endure in any vehicle, especially a 'higher end' one. For some reason this seemed to only start happening about a year ago. I hope that the cause can be found and fixed.


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Started after one of the updates. Fixing the problem starts at the dealer level. If they can't duplicate the problem it goes no further. It probably never gets to Ford to fix.
