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HID Install +Pics - Step by Step

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All right guys, here are a few pictures of the Explorer! I installed 4300k HID kit from Diode Dynamics...I believe they are they BEST in the business, they are extremely accommodating, very knowledgeable, and just all around GREAT!!!! I went back out there today, because I bent the bar on one of the bulbs, they replaced it with NO hesitations whatsoever, they even re-installed the new bulb. I would Highly recommend buying any HID or LED lights from these guys!!! Here is a link to their website...at least check it out if you're in the market www.diodedynamics.com also check out my website too www.kfbphotography.com






All right guys, here are a few pictures of the Explorer! I installed 4300k HID kit from Diode Dynamics...I believe they are they BEST in the business, they are extremely accommodating, very knowledgeable, and just all around GREAT!!!! I went back out there today, because I bent the bar on one of the bulbs, they replaced it with NO hesitations whatsoever, they even re-installed the new bulb. I would Highly recommend buying any HID or LED lights from these guys!!! Here is a link to their website...at least check it out if you're in the market www.diodedynamics.com also check out my website too www.kfbphotography.com
Nice pictures but way too large. To see them you have to scroll left and right. Pics should be limited to no more than around 800X600 to be seen properly.


why does everyone take pics of the lights rather than showing the light ouput against the road? Its also hard to see the light output during the day...

why does everyone take pics of the lights rather than showing the light ouput against the road? Its also hard to see the light output during the day...
I agree. A before and after on the same road or place would be the bset way to see any difference.:thumbsup:


Has anyone upgraded the original HIDs to brighter, more powerful after market ones? I bough a kit but when I tried to install I realized this was going to be way more difficult than expected. Ive done this on my S4 where it was super easy.

Has anyone upgraded the original HIDs to brighter, more powerful after market ones? I bough a kit but when I tried to install I realized this was going to be way more difficult than expected. Ive done this on my S4 where it was super easy.
What exactly do mean by brighter ones. The 4300 - 6000K are about as bright as you can get as far as I know.


What exactly do mean by brighter ones. The 4300 - 6000K are about as bright as you can get as far as I know.


Yes colour-wise, but the "strength" of the output is weak IMO. So replacing the oem parts with more powerful 55W ballasts as well as 5000-6000K bulbs. I have such a kit in hand, but when I looked at installing it, it seemed as though the lights have to come out to get to the ballasts, and to get the lights out the grill needs to come off....and so I decided to wait til the spring to do it because everything is filthy right now and wet.

Yes colour-wise, but the "strength" of the output is weak IMO. So replacing the oem parts with more powerful 55W ballasts as well as 5000-6000K bulbs. I have such a kit in hand, but when I looked at installing it, it seemed as though the lights have to come out to get to the ballasts, and to get the lights out the grill needs to come off....and so I decided to wait til the spring to do it because everything is filthy right now and wet.
The light output or brightness is measured in Lumens. The 4300K has the highest output (lumens). The output decreases slightly as you go up from there. I think the ideal units would be either 4300k or 6000k.


See post 21 in the following thread;


This talks about the lumens output from specific kelvins, assuming they are all on the same standard 35 watt ballast. But if you up the wattage of the ballast, you get a more "powerful" output that will be brighter and reach farther. I've had 6000K HIDs in 3 different vehicles and each time the output was different. The "colour" looks the same, but the brightness is still far from the same!

I#am fairly confident at this point thag the only thing different is the ballast and bulbs .. the projectors in each housing look identical to me(from limited hid housing to sport). Maybe someone involved with ford can verify the projector part numbers or something to that matter

I#am fairly confident at this point thag the only thing different is the ballast and bulbs .. the projectors in each housing look identical to me(from limited hid housing to sport). Maybe someone involved with ford can verify the projector part numbers or something to that matter

This was just discussed in another thread and a ford rep. Got the information from the engineers. The projectors are different.

This was just discussed in another thread and a ford rep. Got the information from the engineers. The projectors are different.

Post up the link to the thread please......


HID Kit for 2014 Explorer Sport

I ordered my 2014 Explorer Sport about a month ago and it's supposed to start on the production line tomorrow.

One thing I really wish Ford offered was an HID package for the headlights and fog lights.

With that being said, can any one recommend a quality kit that I can use to upgrade the lights in my new Explorer when it comes in? The higher quality, more plug-n-play, the better.

I was looking at a 6000K color temperature. Does anyone else think this is a good color option?

Also, I am leasing my vehicle. Would doing this upgrade cause any issues with the lease conditions?

Any advice or info would be greatly appreciated.

I ordered my 2014 Explorer Sport about a month ago and it's supposed to start on the production line tomorrow.

One thing I really wish Ford offered was an HID package for the headlights and fog lights.

With that being said, can any one recommend a quality kit that I can use to upgrade the lights in my new Explorer when it comes in? The higher quality, more plug-n-play, the better.

I was looking at a 6000K color temperature. Does anyone else think this is a good color option?

Also, I am leasing my vehicle. Would doing this upgrade cause any issues with the lease conditions?

Any advice or info would be greatly appreciated.
Welcome to the Forum justin17483.:wavey:
There are several threads on installing HID kits in the 'Modified' forum. I'll move your thread over there and merge it with an appropriate one.
As for the lease question, you will probably have to re-install the the OEM headlamps when you return it. Check with your dealer on that.


I just installed the Diode Dynamics CANBUS HID kit 4300K for the OEM look. Added the Relay wire harness and the DRL Cancellers.

Here's a shot against the garage, big difference from the OEM halogen.


That pattern is quite different than the one shown in the Owner's Guide for HID lamps. I assume that is because you are using the housing designed for the halogens. Not sure why you are getting that spike in the center of the pattern.

From page 336 of the guide;

For vehicles with HID headlamps:
There is a distinct cut-off (change from light to dark) in the left portion
of the beam pattern. The top edge of this cut-off should be positioned two
inches (50.8 millimeters) below the horizontal reference line.


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Ya I was kinda wondering about that too.

I have confirmed the bulbs are inside the housings correctly, not crooked.

Sent the pic off to Diode Dynamics Tech Support for feedback.

Sure an improvement over Halogens though, all the guys who said you wont regret the upgrade were sure right on this one.

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