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Remote start smart phone app ?

Had it installed. Alarm not working. Back to the stealer ship tomorrow.

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Key word there.....+tax!

What wireless carrier does it work with in Canuckastan?

I use Bell. Remote start etc works. Alarm is not working. I suppose he left the jumper in.

Just went out to check the RMST to see if I could remove the jumper cable. I can't find the RMST or the RMU modules. They aren't in the areas the instructions say to install them. I removed the trim on the center console and the dash. They are nowhere to be found.

Dealer Are Still Learning

Well, I order the optional remote access option and while the remote start worked fine (of course after I found the SIM ID and iPhone instructions placed under the passengers seat).

However, the alarm option did not work and they did not install the LED so that a "bad" person would be deterred from breaking into the Explorer.

So, thanks to post on this thread, I sent the install instructions to the service department at the selling dealer and pointed out that most likely the service technician forget to remove the "jumper" and also forgot to install the LED warding light.

So I dropped off the Explorer later this afternoon to the service adviser who stated "you really know more about this option than we do".

I sure hope that it is working correctly when i pick up my Explorer sometime tomorrow.

Well, I order the optional remote access option and while the remote start worked fine (of course after I found the SIM ID and iPhone instructions placed under the passengers seat).

However, the alarm option did not work and they did not install the LED so that a "bad" person would be deterred from breaking into the Explorer.

So, thanks to post on this thread, I sent the install instructions to the service department at the selling dealer and pointed out that most likely the service technician forget to remove the "jumper" and also forgot to install the LED warding light.

So I dropped off the Explorer later this afternoon to the service adviser who stated "you really know more about this option than we do".

I sure hope that it is working correctly when i pick up my Explorer sometime tomorrow.

Did your kit come with the warning light? It's a separate item that is not included.

Update. The installer put everything under the steering column. When I brought it in I had to show one of the techs how to make the alarm work. Everything works great now. It really is awesome coming out of work on a -25* C day to a super warm truck. I have a bit of a walk to the ex. It will be nice to use on those hot summer days as well.

The alarm also sends a text to your phone when it goes off.

That must be the second part they have to order in for me. It's an additional 260 on top of the original quote of 550. It took them all day to figure out they were missing a piece of the puzzle. LOL....

I wish I caught this thread sooner so sorry to be the bearer of bad news but if you already have remote start and the basic alarm in your vehicle, you only needed to order this kit.

Part #dl3z-19g364-a

It gives you everything you need in the kit to get the wireless app and it is a 10 minute install on your own (all plug and play). You then just contact the seller (need to order it from the "Banner" seller) from Amazon and they will activate the SIM card over the phone. Because you already have remote start, there is no activation or programming needed from a dealer.

The Ford documentation is wrong in what is necessary. Ford has now separated the 2 pieces required so now there are 2 part numbers. The part number I listed above is a kit that includes both pieces. It's $50 more for the 2 parts separately (see why they did it??) but there are still the original kits out there to save money.

$415 is all you need to spend if you have factory remote start. It upgrades your series 100 to a series 200 (2 way communication) and then also gives you the piece for the app to remote start your vehicle. If you are in Canada, you just have to make sure you get the version with the Canadian SIM in it, not US.

Won't work in Canada. They don't sell to Canada. I contacted them.

Won't work in Canada. They don't sell to Canada. I contacted them.

DL3Z-19G364-B is the part number you need for Canada. "B" is the Canadian version, "A" is the US version. The B kits are still out there... only difference is the SIM card.

DL3Z-19G364-B is the part number you need for Canada. "B" is the Canadian version, "A" is the US version. The B kits are still out there... only difference is the SIM card.
I tried to get the Canadian version. It was a no go. :(.

I'm having this installed on my new Explorer Sport today. Yeah, yeah, sounds easy enough to do myself, but its -2F degrees outside and I'm not dealing with that.

Dropping the car off around lunchtime, they claimed they'll have it done by the end of the day.

I'm having this installed on my new Explorer Sport today.

Is required "security module" something that comes standard on the Sport or did you have to pay extra for it?

Couldn't tell if that was just something that's not standard on the Base and XLT models but Limited and Sport already has.

I believe they had to order that as well. The dealership I went to admitted that they hadn't installed one of these before. They actually said they realized after they quoted me a price that they needed to order an additional part - I'm guessing the security module. They stuck by the original quote for me - maybe it included the cost of both parts all along, as it's in line with what others have paid (plus dealership labor).

The receipt only lists one part number, but everything works. Part number on my receipt is DL3Z-19G364-A.

Works like a charm - sitting at my desk at work I can start it up with no issues.

They stuck by the original quote for me

Congrats. My guy quoted me around $800 total. Kinda steep. Not sure what I'm going to do.

If anyone has experience with Viper Smart Start (or similar product) feel free to chime in.

I've had a viper. I prefer the ford smart starter. Works all the time. No worries. I have no problems saying it's worth every penny. I'm staying at a hotel this week and my OEM remote starter wouldn't even had a chance of starting the X from the 10th floor. This morning I woke up jumped in the shower had a cup of coffee all while having the X warm up thanks to my iPhone starter. It was -29 here today. The X was toasty warm and all the snow was melted off it. Everyone else at the hotel were scraping their windshields and jumping into cold cars. Love it.

Congrats. My guy quoted me around $800 total. Kinda steep. Not sure what I'm going to do.

If anyone has experience with Viper Smart Start (or similar product) feel free to chime in.

Buy the part online and install it yourself, its plug and play.

I have no problems saying it's worth every penny.

Yeah, you're probably right. Especially if I ever need to have something repaired under warranty. Avoiding the headache of having Ford blame a non-Ford starter even if it's not the problem would probably be worth paying extra too.

Buy the part online and install it yourself, its plug and play.

Sounds like the Remote Access module is only plug and play if you already have a Ford remote starter from the factory, which I do not.

The first and only remote starter I installed myself was a Viper on my 2003 Explorer. Never again. While doing that install I told myself countless times it's not worth the couple hundred dollars I saved for the trouble I had to go through...

I thought even the remote start portion was plug and play with possible cluster software download from dealer using the Ford Integrated Diagnostic System (IDS).

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dang, $430 shipped? why is this so expensive?
