How To Fix your dim radio display | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How To Fix your dim radio display


Well-Known Member
November 20, 2012
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Blossburg, PA
Year, Model & Trim Level
06 Explorer Eddie Bauer
I didn't see a write up anywhere on the site so I figured Id submit one. My radio in my 06 eb kept dimming out, I would tap on it and it would come back on, this worked for a while and finally quit...

There are 4 resistors on the back of the display that the solder joints wear out over time. all you need to do is refresh these joints... Took me maybe an hour start to finish...

Radio is on, cant see the display...


1) Remove the chrome trim around the shifter, it simply lifts straight out...


2) Open your center console there are 2 7mm screws remove those.


3) the center piece will just lift out there are some clips in there so be careful not to break them, once the back half is out you will need to slide back a little bit to release the clips in the front.

4) next is the radio bezel, that is simply held in place with clips, start at the top and work your way down. be careful of the wires. you don't need to unhook them all just the airbag light above the radio and then you can push the trim off to the side.

5) there are 4 7mm screws that hold the radio itself in, remove these (yes the radio is on, I took the pics after the repair during reassembly)


6) pull your radio out and unhook the 3 wire harnesses and the antenna in the back...


7)The faceplate is held on with 4 small torx screws and 4 smalls clips. remove the screws and carefully release the clips.


8) once the faceplate is off on the back side you will see the 4 small black resistors, simply take your soldering iron and re flow each of the joints, be careful not to create any solder bridges.



Thats it, Put it all back together, instal is just a reverse of the removal. put it all back in your truck.

All done! I can see my radio again!

***** Disclaimer This is just a guide for what I have done to repair my radio. I am not responsible if you damage yours. Do at your own risk

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Good tutorial XJ, thanks. I will save this in the event this issue arises with my 2006.

got this problem, going to try out your solution tonight!

Worked, not a hard job if you know how to solder. Took about 30 minutes for me including gathering tools, heating the garage bc i spoil myself, and heating the soldering iron. Dash comes apart super easy, as does the radio.

Worked, not a hard job if you know how to solder. Took about 30 minutes for me including gathering tools, heating the garage bc i spoil myself, and heating the soldering iron. Dash comes apart super easy, as does the radio.

Good to know. I've saved this thread, just in case. But this is probably one of those things that show up in 5 or 7 out of a 100 vehicles. We just get to see all of them on this forum.

It is super easy... Mine is still working great

Hey xjsport95, thats pretty cool adding the two 12v ports.

Thanks, have a USB port and aux input there as well... Was bored lol

Thanks, have a USB port and aux input there as well... Was bored lol

The auxillary port comes stock. I am looking into installing a power inverter in mine. I think I could fit the 110 v power outlet in between the 12v port and line in port. I just have to cut a square and find an inverter that has the snap in style ports.

Lol I put my inverter under the second row seat... I have a I think its 2000 watt inverter to power my sewing machine... I do boat tops and upholstery at the yachat club over the summer, wish eddie could pull a bigger trailer... Auto upholstery at home... The inverter was a spur of the moment idea, its easier to just bring the generator...

Just fixed mine last night. Took no more than 15 minutes with iron already preheated of course.

Do you guys have factory aux-in?

I'd love to plug my iphone in, but I don't have any of the inputs you guys are talking about.

Is there an OEM wire I can get to do this?

Just fixed mine last night. Took no more than 15 minutes with iron already preheated of course. .............

FSI, did you do it with the radio left in place like on the youtube vid, or did you pull the radio all the way out?

Also, was your display erratic or was it just dim. I haven't determined if mine is 'dim' or not. They are consistant but with pretty thin lined characters. I don't really have any problem seeing them. The pictures in this post make them look like they should be bolder and more intense than mine appear to be

FSI, did you do it with the radio left in place like on the youtube vid, or did you pull the radio all the way out? Also, was your display erratic or was it just dim. I haven't determined if mine is 'dim' or not. They are consistant but with pretty thin lined characters. I don't really have any problem seeing them. The pictures in this post make them look like they should be bolder and more intense than mine appear to be

I pulled the chrome trim, unscrewed center console, pulled the dash trim without disconnecting anything at all, pulled radio completely out and took home to solder.

The solder process took no more than 1min for me. I'm pretty familiar as I always solder all wired connections to avoid problems down the line, like radio installs.

The solder process is so easy and this entire fix is so cheap that it doesn't hurt to try, even if you think your radio is beyond fixable. Mine would be normal at first, then I guess get warm and dim out. I'd tap the screen a few times and it would look good again. Then dim again.
Other times I'd start the car and the display is completely dark until I start tapping the screen again. I was just really annoyed, and real **** about broken things. I fix everything almost right away, depending on cost and level of annoyance. This one was way up there in annoyance and was super cheap with very limited labor involved.

I say do yours. Pull the whole radio out, it makes working on it easier and you ensure that you're not going to drop those little black hex screws into the dash. I hate losing screws or having extra when I'm done with a job. <-OCD I think.

Good luck. makes working on it easier and you ensure that you're not going to drop those little black hex screws into the dash....

Indeed, it is an incontrovertible law of nature that the small screw, when dropped, will find its way into the deepest, darkest recess, never to be seen again!:eek:

fantastic post....i just worried about the soldering part it hard to do????

Not hard at all just try not to over heat the component

Do I have to disconnect the passenger air bag harness?? I heard it have to be reprogram by the dealer if you disconnect.

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Not that I kno of?
