Display light fog lamps blown!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Display light fog lamps blown!!


New Member
November 7, 1999
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The fog lamp display light mounted in the switch and that screws out on my 98 XLT Fryed. It is a little bitty screw in green bulb. The parts guy told me I need to order a new switch for $27.00 I just need the bulb! any suggestions on leads to the part #?

It is not the amber colored light that indicates switch position, but the one that comes on with the headlights so you can find the switch in the dead of night. Bulb is interchangable with the rear defogger bulb.

Any help would be appreciated.


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contact Ford Parts Network on the web.... they are real good about finding what you need. Really cheap too! :)


I had the same problem after U had a Pioneer FH-P404 Double DIN put in. Needed the entire switch, bought it, did it myself.

You don't need a new switch

Mine went out also and I went to the dealer and bought just the bulb with the socket. they wanted 8.97 for it, but when I complained about the price, they dropped it to 4.86. trust me, they have just the bulb.

Doh. Well I look dumb. :)

Re: You don't need a new switch

Originally posted by SirChivalry
Mine went out also and I went to the dealer and bought just the bulb with the socket. they wanted 8.97 for it, but when I complained about the price, they dropped it to 4.86. trust me, they have just the bulb.

What's the part number for the bulb itself? How did you complain getting the part at half price? :D


The light bulb part for the fog lamp light bulb is F32Z-13466-H for '98 and up. It will work in '95-'97 also, but the bulb is a bit more blue than the original green ones. It works in both the fog switch and defrost switch.


Thanks Robert :) How do you go by removing the center piece that surrounds the radio and climate controls? I have tried to remove the two bolts that was under the radio a few years ago and it wouldn't budge.

With the surround piece off, how do I replace the bulb of my rear defrost switch? Do I just pull off the button and screw the new bulb in?


Once you take the bolts out for the radio surround it just pulls off. It uses springy clips so they may take a little coaxing to come out. There are a lot of wires that run to the switches on it so pull it out slowly and start disconnecting all the plugs. Once you get it out 10-12" you will be able to unscrew the switch mounts that hold the defrost etc switches to it. Then you will see the bulb in there, it just pulls off of the two contacts. I tried to replace the bulbs in my wiper and 4x4 switches but those aren't as easy, you have to replace the whole switch. So I am just stuck with them burnt out as it isn't worth the money to replace them.


Robert said:
The light bulb part for the fog lamp light bulb is F32Z-13466-H for '98 and up. It will work in '95-'97 also, but the bulb is a bit more blue than the original green ones. It works in both the fog switch and defrost switch.


Trying to replace the bulbs in my fog lamp and defrost switch...

Just called my dealership.... they don't have them in stock, but can get them. Unfortunately they only come in packs of 10, and if they order a pack, I'm on the hook for $54.00!! Anyone else need some? I'm not about to pay $54 for a bunch of bulbs I'll never use when I can get a whole switch for $30!



edit: Found them through Torrie at www.fastpartsnetwork.com. Torrie comes through again!

Still waiting to hear back about the headlamp switch bulb though.... the bulb is $32, but the whole switch sells for $26.... That's crazy! F--'in Ford anyways LOL!!


Just got a response from Torrie at FastPartsNetwork (formerly FordPartsNetwork). He told me that it's an error in the catalog. Apparently the correct price for the headlight switch bulbs is $7 each.


i may need one if pick and pull dosnt have one
