3rd Gen LED Light Bar and Mount | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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3rd Gen LED Light Bar and Mount


January 5, 2015
Reaction score
City, State
Collinsville Illinois
Year, Model & Trim Level
2003 Explorer XLS 4.0
So this will be the general info I've had a handful of people ask me once I joined the group. This is my 2003 Explorer. And I pretty much "winged" everything, but I think it turned out pretty well.

First things first, I ordered the light bar and mount on EBay. The trick to this for the cheapest cost is find the "make offer" sellers. You can usually knock off $10-$15 of the more expensive Irene's such as these. The light bar is the "curved" light bar. 50" , flood sides and beam center. On the interstates or an open field it helps with what's on the side of you, in a trail, or neighborhood at night with potential kids running around, the beam lets you see them and, well EVERYONE see you. And yes, the 52" would fit in my opinion but I personally think it wouldn't mount properly. Just my 2¢

The Light bar Mount is actually the best bang for buck I could find that gave you everything you'd need and be sturdy. It's a universal mount, but I've also found it for a 2009 and newer CHEVY 1500. But whatever.



Here's what I ended up doing. Just lined the top of the mount to the top of the windshield.


So to hold them in place, set each one in the door jam, and just close the door. What this will do is show you how much you need to bend the mount. No special tool, I honestly just used the crack in my driveway and a pair of channel locks to bend the tab here and there.
Set them back in the door jam and measure the distance between each mounting point now. Measure your light bar you chose and tweek the mount accordingly. This took me a few tries, but it's not a race.

Now the next step is mounting the mount. Mine came with instructions, and it's pretty self explanatory. Fair WARNING : don't go drilling holes into whatever wi timing might be behind the sheet metal, just take your time, it's not a race.

So your light bar should now be mounted and I just tucked the main wire behind the weather striping. You can route your wire to your on/ off switch however you like. I mounted mine on the right because I drive with my left.



So that's the just of it. Hope it helps answer your questions.

Also I'd like to add, I had some "dead space" sound from the flatness of the light , and a whistle from the cooling fans. What I found is you just need something to distrib the air flow. I use household door jam weather stripping. And some window tape for new construction windows.


It's quiet now.

Yes the light is bright, any video you see will not do it justice. You'll be so happy it's night after you get this light mounted. I've used mine on the job site a few time when working late. If snow is on the ground it's even brighter !!! Now I don't recommend this, but if you have HID's and some flashed you, well..... Now you can FLASH them back. You're guaranteed to see into their soul ! It's so funny. People on their phone at a green light , flash. People think you're a cop and slow down and switch lanes. It's all too funny. But please be responsible the light is SUPER BRIGHT !

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Thanks for the thread, and finding some universal brackets.

Can we get a few more photos, from in front looking at the explorer?

How much gap is there between the windshield/body and the light?
Would it be in the way an inch forward down the pillar?

If I remember I'll take a better picture tomorrow




That's great, Thank you.

If you find the time, One directly from the front at eye level. I just want to see if it appears to be a lot of gap. It looks like
it might sit just a little higher than I would want, but I guess too close to the windshield wouldn't be good.

am i wrong or did you mount the brackets backwards?

also, how is that bar holding up so far?

Forgot about the picture request,

Also, and why would you think the brackets are backwards ?

Just fine. Hasn't moved or came loose. Still shining bright. It's been through an ice and hail storm.

And the light sits lower then the roof rack to give you an idea of the positioning

because i believe they are meant to be angled down over the windshield, meaning youd just switch sides of your mounts and flip them. that way its not so high above. Am I wrong? Because I have seen these mounts before the way ive stated above.

How many explorers have you seen it mounted on ?

not explorers, just the universal mount in general. Because the way you have it seems to make it point more straight in the air.

I don't think there is a right or wrong way to mount a light on your own personal vehicle. That's just my 2¢. You can mount yours underneath like the 90's underbody lights.

So the universal mout is designed to be installed universally ... And you think it's wrong. Wouldn't that defeat the point of a UNIVERSAL mount ?

I guess I could have mounted it lower so it obstructs my view ? Or sits ON the windshield ?

you're taking this completely wrong. Universal meaning fits any vehicle, dont know why you're taking it up the butt man. I put my 2cents, didn't mean for you to rant :D

I was just asking a general question out of curiosity :D

That's the reason I wanted the extra photos, Because I like the ones mounted lower, and further forward just a bit. Wish I could just order but dog got sick so led bar has been delayed.

Thats a universal vehicle bracket. It is indeed mounted backwards though. The brackets are supposed to arc downwards.

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It's designed to go the other way. It's also not universal from what I've seen. It fits GM pickups 2007-2014.

Either way, you have it and it fits. I'd say that's awsome. Especially as they only make them for Ford's F series. At least this brand.


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