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Water temp and MPG


Elite Explorer
October 12, 2010
Reaction score
Littleton, CO
City, State
Littleton, Colorado
Year, Model & Trim Level
'97 XLT
Lately I've been noticing that my temp gauge is about at 1/3 and my gas mileage has been lower than normal- like 11-13 mpgs. Granted I do have a SAS/SOA, but still...... The temp gauge is really my concern.

Today I hooked up my ScanGauge that normally resides in my Mariner. My Mariner's water temp will reach 190-210 or so depending on driving conditions. My Explorer today didn't get above 182, spent most of the time in the upper 170s.

My thermostat was replaced with a 190 degree several years ago- but only like 20,000 miles ago.

Where is your temp gauge? I seem to remember mine being at 1/2 after I replaced the thermostat. Anyone with a ScanGauge, what temps are you seeing?

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I havimy a similar issue I still really can figure it out I have a new radiator new t stat new water pump and all new hoses. My factory gauge on the dash plummets when the T stat opens. My temp is around what Ur is and I'm still clueless

What's the temperature outside? The clutch fan will still pull some frigid air over the engine block. Put a cardboard in front of 1/2 of radiator.

It was 50 degrees as I was driving around yesterday.

A piece of cardboard is a bandaide. A thermostat that's working properly will get the engine up to proper operating temp in all but the coldest of weather.

Yes, sure...
Today was 15 outside in the morning and my engine warmed only to 1/3 of the gauge (highway driving). I have to leave at noon for a short trip (around town, 21 deg) and the temperature raised to 1/2.
I guess the T-stat was broken and fixed itself in a day...

Or your cardboard fell out......

So if what you say is true, if your gauge at 15 degrees is at 1/3 and 1/2 at 21, then when the weather is actually cold (sorry, but 15 is not cold) then your gauge wouldn't even register if you were in -20 in upper Minnesota. And it should be I the red if the weather is in the 80s. And we all know that simply is not the case.

When the T-Stat is completely closed... it cannot close more that that.
So if at 15 is already completely shut, at -20 it will still be as shut as before. This is not a matter of being defective.
Air flow at 60mph is different than at 30mph and that made the difference in cooling.

If the thermostat is working the engine has almost no cooling capacity until it warms up except for the heater core. Unless you're talking seriously extreme weather, like -50 F with the heater on full blast, the engine will heat up just fine.

It been -4 with wind chills at -20 the last couple of days and my temp is usually around 182-185ish. When the temperature is actually positive, I'm usually between 185-190. The temp gauge sits directly in the middle.

I'm not much for the cardboard idea either, but I see the purpose.

after replacing several thermostats, I finally dug deep and went to the dealer for a genuine ford replacement. Now my scangauge says my engine runs at 191 degrees.

Before, it was having a hard time reaching those temps with cheaper units.

I know, I know, it shouldn't be so, but that is my .02 to throw in. :D

When I tried a failsafe, the heat soak after turning off the engine ran it up to the hold open point. AT that time it would not get over 160, and it was only about 3 weeks old.
Just FYI.

And I might add, it is possible for a thermostat to "hang up" or not close completely, intermittently. Been there back in the day-

Or your cardboard fell out......

So if what you say is true, if your gauge at 15 degrees is at 1/3 and 1/2 at 21, then when the weather is actually cold (sorry, but 15 is not cold) then your gauge wouldn't even register if you were in -20 in upper Minnesota. And it should be I the red if the weather is in the 80s. And we all know that simply is not the case.

15 IS cold lol

I think you know your problem. Your tsat is bad.

I had this experience on my '97 several years ago, the temp gauge was as you described, and i did notice a decrease in mileage....i was bone stock at the time, save for a set of 30x9.50 tires.

What I found, after replacing my water pump, and several months down the line, was that my plastic thermostat housing had failed completely, and looked to have been failing for some time.

As I was crunched for time, I opted to purchase from the Ford dealer for my replacement, and it came complete with thermostat, and since then i've had no problems....

Here is what I see everyday. I have good amount of heat though. My coolant temp is 175 and the thermostat is new but don’t know what temp. It is going to be 0 tonight.


^that's too cold. Your coolant should be 190ish

And your check engine light is on. ;)

At this age you should not buy one of these without the check engine light on. There is something wrong! Seriously, it is a lean condition that nobody can figure out.

Hahaha!!! That's so true it's almost NOT funny.

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At this age you should not buy one of these without the check engine light on. There is something wrong! Seriously, it is a lean condition that nobody can figure out.

Exactly why I finally just bit the bullet and ordered a smoke pro. I CAN'T WAIT to finally have a evap smoke machine lol.
