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2011 Ford Explorer Transmission Problems?

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Well it is time for an update. I picked up the car on Tuesday but had to return it on Wednesday as it now has a "slam" or "bang" sound when rolling to a stop. It appears to be banging when it is shifting between 4th to 3rd gear; or from 3rd gear to 2nd gear. They tested it today and called me to tell me they have contacted the Ford HOTLINE Team to help. They have done everything they know but do not know why it is banging (slamming) when coasting to a stop. I guess the good news they were able to duplicate but this is not the problem I had when I took it in. The dealer was nice and gave a loaner car which we call the "Walmart Car." It is perfect for going to Walmart as it is a 1996 with 176,000 miles on it, paint peeling all over, dome light will not turn off, and frame is rusted out in various spots. It kind of fits right in with the other cars at Walmart. But at least they provided me with a car.
The Hotline Team is supposed to be back in touch within 24 hours. We are now sliding into week three but I guess we are making progress. They have said it will be covered under the powertrain warranty. If they have to pull the transmission again I wonder if they will just decide to replace it?? Stay tuned.......
>> Dennis

For those following this thread they have decided to replace the transmission with a new one. I have heard from Crystal (on this website; who is a Ford rep) and a person from Ford (Sandy) from their Customer Manage Service??, and from the dealer. Everyone has been working together to address the problem and a new transmission has been orders. Should arrive next week and I will soon be back to normal. Life is good. I am really impressed with Ford.
>> Dennis

I thought they had eliminated the transmission problems with this generation. All of the previous Explorers I have had, 2004, 2006, 2008, and 2010 have had transmission problems. The '06 was the worst and required a whole new transmission, the others were torque converters or some kind of valve body. But they were all annoying. On the '06, it would not go into reverse and then it would slam so hard it would jar your neck. They never could get that one fixed.

For those following this thread they have decided to replace the transmission with a new one. I have heard from Crystal (on this website; who is a Ford rep) and a person from Ford (Sandy) from their Customer Manage Service??, and from the dealer. Everyone has been working together to address the problem and a new transmission has been orders. Should arrive next week and I will soon be back to normal. Life is good. I am really impressed with Ford.
>> Dennis

This is what I like to hear, Dennis! You know where to find me if I can do anything else to help. :thumbsup:


Transmission thump

Hello, I decided to join this forum since I just dropped my explorer at the dealership due to a hard thump when decelerating at a light and accelerating before coming to a complete stop. It has been happening for some time. But I figured I better get it in to the dealer since I am reaching the 60K mark. As I have seen mentioned in previous threads it appears that the transmission is catching up to my decision to accelerate before coming to a complete stop.

A reflash will fix the problem (there is a tab for it) . I had it done on my EX last year finally and it has been flawless since.

Hi all, I have been reading a few of the posts in this thread and would like to know if these transmission problems are mostly related to vehicles with the tow package? I do not currently own an Explorer but am seriously considering ordering a 2016 with the V6 and 4WD in a couple of months. I was thinking of getting it with the tow package but honestly don't really need it. I really don't want transmission problems as I already have a 2014 Cherokee with the nine speed experimental (lol) transmission that I will be trading in. Jeep has some real problems with that drive train. I don't want to repeat this problem. Would I be better off not getting the tow package? I appreciate your input. I've had good luck with Fords and also own a Mustang GT that has been a great car. Thanks, Don.

Hello, I decided to join this forum since I just dropped my explorer at the dealership due to a hard thump when decelerating at a light and accelerating before coming to a complete stop. It has been happening for some time. But I figured I better get it in to the dealer since I am reaching the 60K mark. As I have seen mentioned in previous threads it appears that the transmission is catching up to my decision to accelerate before coming to a complete stop.

Welcome to the forum, Aviation! I'm glad your Explorer is in the hands of the dealership. I'd like to help by getting your regional customer service manager involved. To make that happen, send me a private message (PM) with your full name, best daytime phone number, VIN, current mileage, and servicing dealership. I'll push this up the chain. :thumbsup:


Thanks Crystal.

To date I have been very satisfied with the Service Department at Mike Naughton Ford in Aurora, CO. I would like to give them a chance to check on the issue before I elevate my concerns. I will be posting an update once I get my explorer back(sometime this week).

Thanks Crystal.

To date I have been very satisfied with the Service Department at Mike Naughton Ford in Aurora, CO. I would like to give them a chance to check on the issue before I elevate my concerns. I will be posting an update once I get my explorer back(sometime this week).

Sounds good, Aviation; I'm glad to hear that your dealership is awesome! I'll be here if you need any help. :thumbsup:


Hi all, I have been reading a few of the posts in this thread and would like to know if these transmission problems are mostly related to vehicles with the tow package? I do not currently own an Explorer but am seriously considering ordering a 2016 with the V6 and 4WD in a couple of months. I was thinking of getting it with the tow package but honestly don't really need it. I really don't want transmission problems as I already have a 2014 Cherokee with the nine speed experimental (lol) transmission that I will be trading in. Jeep has some real problems with that drive train. I don't want to repeat this problem. Would I be better off not getting the tow package? I appreciate your input. I've had good luck with Fords and also own a Mustang GT that has been a great car. Thanks, Don.

I always get a tow package on any vehicle that offers it, the tow packages usually include better cooling options for both the engine and transmission which extends the life, and on some vehicles includes a heavier duty Transmission. If anything I would think that the cars with the Tow Packages have fewer problems than those that don't have it.


:salute: Picked up the explorer last Friday. Dealer could not duplicate the issue but checked their database for any TSBs and reprogramed the PCM/TCM per TSB 13-03-18. They road tested after the Reprogram and also discovered a noisy left rear wheel bearing. Replaced left axle bearing and hub. Also replaced a lug nut that had lost the cap. The explorer drives and reacts quite different now, All Great!!

:salute: Picked up the explorer last Friday. Dealer could not duplicate the issue but checked their database for any TSBs and reprogramed the PCM/TCM per TSB 13-03-18. They road tested after the Reprogram and also discovered a noisy left rear wheel bearing. Replaced left axle bearing and hub. Also replaced a lug nut that had lost the cap. The explorer drives and reacts quite different now, All Great!!

Fantastic news, Aviation! Thanks for sharing your results with us. If you need any help in the future, I'm always just a PM away. :thumbsup:


Hi all, I have been reading a few of the posts in this thread and would like to know if these transmission problems are mostly related to vehicles with the tow package? I do not currently own an Explorer but am seriously considering ordering a 2016 with the V6 and 4WD in a couple of months. I was thinking of getting it with the tow package but honestly don't really need it. I really don't want transmission problems as I already have a 2014 Cherokee with the nine speed experimental (lol) transmission that I will be trading in. Jeep has some real problems with that drive train. I don't want to repeat this problem. Would I be better off not getting the tow package? I appreciate your input. I've had good luck with Fords and also own a Mustang GT that has been a great car. Thanks, Don.

By chance was your Jeep Grand Cherokee v6 powered? Have heard they definitely have had some growing pains with the trans that comes with the v6. I've heard the one that comes with the hemi is pretty flawless and this has been the case for two people I know who have 2014/15 hemi powered JGCs.

People with trans problems...when were you doing tranny flushes? At what mileage?

By chance was your Jeep Grand Cherokee v6 powered? Have heard they definitely have had some growing pains with the trans that comes with the v6. I've heard the one that comes with the hemi is pretty flawless and this has been the case for two people I know who have 2014/15 hemi powered JGCs.

My Jeep is a 2014 Cherokee with about 5,600 miles on it, not the Grand Cherokee. The only engines available are the four and the 3.2L V6 which I have. It has a nine speed transmission that basically is causing a lot of problems for Jeep. I've had mine in for the TSBs but the transmission and the engine act like they don't get along together. Rough shifting and clunking. Some transmissions are failing in new vehicles. I will be trading it in on a new 2016 Explorer as soon as I can get one. I've had great Ford vehicles in the past and I also have a Mustang GT which runs great. So I'm hoping that my new 2016 Explorer will be a dependable vehicle. If you look on Jeep Cherokee forums you will see what I'm talking about. To the other forum members, sorry I did not mean to start discussing Jeep transmissions here. I'm glad to be a part of this forum and hope to soon have a new Explorer sitting next to my Mustang.

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