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Diode Dynamics HID Users... come on in!


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2009
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New Jersey
Year, Model & Trim Level
2015 Limited
I just installed an HID kit from Diode Dynamics. I gotta say... the lighting output simply doesn't even compare to the factory deadly dim halogen projectors. The light cut-off appears to be identical to the factory halogens but is it? Seems everyone these days has bright lights and I'm sure even if people are blinded they don't even bother high-beaming you anymore. Anybody know if it truly is safe as is or is it worth re-adjusting the light beam?

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I used the same kit and find them excellent. Customer service was great too. If you feel your cut off is a little too high, there is an adjustment to aim them down a bit. Mine needed some tweaking to get them to line up evenly.

FYI for PPal users - DD takes PPal.

I ordered LED fogs, they were out of stock so long that i cancelled, they refunded me no problem but via PPal - the refund was short the PP fee.

Couldnt get that back, potentially they refunded as another transaction and not a refund... but FYI.

any chance you can shoot a vid? Would have been great to see some before and after.

Have had Diode Dynamics for a year now absolutely love them. Quality product with great support. Light output is superior to OEM Sport Halogens. Their newer LED light conversion kits are very nice too.

I just installed an HID kit from Diode Dynamics. I gotta say... the lighting output simply doesn't even compare to the factory deadly dim halogen projectors. The light cut-off appears to be identical to the factory halogens but is it? Seems everyone these days has bright lights and I'm sure even if people are blinded they don't even bother high-beaming you anymore. Anybody know if it truly is safe as is or is it worth re-adjusting the light beam?

How do your high beams work? On my car with the oem HIDs the lights stay the same brightness, a gate opens up at the upper part of the beam when the "high beam" is activated.

I think it's the same thing. Something physically moves and and redirects a stronger, further out light beam (the high beams).

How are the factory HID's? I guess these have different projectors from the halogen projectors. I assume it would give a better cut-off than simply putting an HID kit into a halogen projector housing.

All the headlight units for the 11-15 EX's have the shutter for low/high just allowing "more" light out and a wider pattern.

I put in the DD kit in the 6000k. I still was not happy with the cutoff of the project so I turned the little screw and raised the cutoff to be higher than stock, only ever had one person flash me, other than that no one seems to have a problem with it and I actually like driving the exp at night now.

sorry if I am asking a noob question that has been answered.

-Is this "kit" just a simple bulb replacement or do you have to change out the assembly or something more?
-Somebody mentioned "6000", are there different "intensity" options or kits?
-Do you change out high and low beams?

Sorry for all the ques. Just trying to get the full picture on the "ideal" setup

sorry if I am asking a noob question that has been answered.

-Is this "kit" just a simple bulb replacement or do you have to change out the assembly or something more?
-Somebody mentioned "6000", are there different "intensity" options or kits?
-Do you change out high and low beams?

Sorry for all the ques. Just trying to get the full picture on the "ideal" setup

No such thing as a noob or stupid question, only stupid answers :D

It is a kit with lamp, wiring and ballast. There are instructions, but you basically plug in the ballast to the existing wiring, cut a small slit in the rubber boot and push the new wire from the ballast to the HID lamp (Lamp meaning bulb) that you replace the stock halogen lamp with.

There are different degree Kelvin or color temperature. The higher the degree Kelvin, the bluer the color and it can even get to purple in hue. I have a 5000 degree kit and it is a very bright white color. Google Kelvin and you'll get a very good explanation of color temperature. To the human eye, whiter is better. Anytime you start coloring the light, you are losing visual perception.

There is only one lamp per side. The high/low pattern is controlled by an internal shutter that opens up the "bright" light. Use the flash-to-pass (pull back on the left stalk) and you can hear the shutter change positions.

I am completely satisfied with my 5000 degree Kelvin kit. Not too "blue" in color, just bright, pure, white light.

sorry if I am asking a noob question that has been answered.

-Is this "kit" just a simple bulb replacement or do you have to change out the assembly or something more?
-Somebody mentioned "6000", are there different "intensity" options or kits?
-Do you change out high and low beams?

Sorry for all the ques. Just trying to get the full picture on the "ideal" setup

If you're waiting for a 2016 you don't need to bother updating the lights, Ford has moved past HID technology with LED technology in the 2016 models so your good.

Maybe consider the LED bulb update to your 2016 driving lights if the Platinum doesn't come with factory LED driving lights.

Would be nice if the high beam was LED or HID with the same color as regular/low beam LEDs.

If you're waiting for a 2016 you don't need to bother updating the lights, Ford has moved past HID technology with LED technology in the 2016 models so your good.

Maybe consider the LED bulb update to your 2016 driving lights if the Platinum doesn't come with factory LED driving lights.

You won't find HID single highbeams as HID bulbs are not intended for "short cycle" think flash to pass, etc. LED highs are certainly in our future.

Just got my HID kit from Diode and Im extremely happy with them. Tested it on the road with some coworkers and drove toward them on inclined/declined roads and none of them complained of glare.

I put in the DD kit in the 6000k. I still was not happy with the cutoff of the project so I turned the little screw and raised the cutoff to be higher than stock, only ever had one person flash me, other than that no one seems to have a problem with it and I actually like driving the exp at night now.

I have also not been happy with the stock headlights. Where is the
screw to raise the stock setting on the hi-lo door ?
I replaced my original 9005 bulbs with the 9011's and they are much brighter,
but even on high beam, they are not enough and oncoming cars do not
give you the high beams. Ours is a new 2015 XLT, and my wife is having
a fit. She does not like the headlights.

It seems the door setting may be a problem for many with this issue.

Help with install ?

I just got a kit from DD, and can't get it to work.
I've got some questions from those who have put these in.
Do I need a relay, and there is a grnd. wire on the ballast,
are they needed on the Explorer ?

I have worked with HID kits before, and tested with another set
I have on hand. They did not work either.

I just got a kit from DD, and can't get it to work.
I've got some questions from those who have put these in.
Do I need a relay, and there is a grnd. wire on the ballast,
are they needed on the Explorer ?

I have worked with HID kits before, and tested with another set
I have on hand. They did not work either.

Diode Dynamics Customer Support over the phone is excellent if you haven't tried them yet.

I have the Premium HYLUX CANBUS ballasts and they are Plug and Play, they have no extra ground wire.

5th Gen Explorers use the CANBUS communication system so thats the first issue if your ballasts arent CANBUS compatible.

The system I bought wired directly into the battery and only one of the OEM leads to the headlights was connected. Mine has a relay coming off the battery but I believe thats a DRL cancel relay.

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I just got a kit from DD, and can't get it to work.
I've got some questions from those who have put these in.
Do I need a relay, and there is a grnd. wire on the ballast,
are they needed on the Explorer ?

I have worked with HID kits before, and tested with another set
I have on hand. They did not work either.
The plug that goes in to the factory harness have you reversed it, if you notice it has a little lock tab so can go either way based on system, chances are you have them reversed, and yes you do need to use the ground wire I just connected mine to a couple of screws already used for grounding. I did not have the separate really kit. If you need pictures let me know

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