Push Bar for Explorer | Page 10 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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I sold my 14 Sport and have the Setina push bar and rigid LEDs sitting in the garage now. Let me know if I can provide any further details if anyone is interested. Perfect setup for adding huge light!

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I'm debating if I wanna add a push bumper to my 013 Explorer XLT AWD what you all think I should do?


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Back side


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Questions about brush guards for 2016 model

I have a 2016 Exp Limited 4wd. With everything

I'm trying to find a brush guard but there are only about 2 on the market specifically listed for my year

Would one for a 2015 fit? Or is the front end too different?

Does anyone know?

Don't think any of the 2015s will fit. They completely changed the front bumper for 16.

I always hire a guy with a machete, and have him walk in front of me.

Well.. Dang.. I'll wait until more become available.

Ranchhand Makes one for the 2016. I just got an email today about it!

Ranchhand Makes one for the 2016. I just got an email today about it!

Well that is for one with no bumper sensors.. Will keep waiting

Well that is for one with no bumper sensors.. Will keep waiting
The guards that I've seen pictures of here all seem to block the Active Cruise Control radar unit.


Alright, I suppose I'll post an updated question ha ha. I've read all 9 pages of this thread and pretty much come to the conclusion that there is no bullbar, push bar, or brush guard available for a Explorer with ACC and collision. I understand why completely, but I did see someone say setina updated their bar. I guess what I'm asking is has anyone found a Bae compatible with ACC? Based off of where the sensor is located, I would imagine it's just a matter of finding a bar narrow enough to not block it. Any updates people can throw out there?

Alright, I suppose I'll post an updated question ha ha. I've read all 9 pages of this thread and pretty much come to the conclusion that there is no bullbar, push bar, or brush guard available for a Explorer with ACC and collision. I understand why completely, but I did see someone say setina updated their bar. I guess what I'm asking is has anyone found a Bar compatible with ACC? Based off of where the sensor is located, I would imagine it's just a matter of finding a bar narrow enough to not block it. Any updates people can throw out there?
I think the issue is more about the mounting points to the vehicle's frame. While the bars could possibly be made so they sit more inside of where the sensor is, they would still have to fit the mounting point which appears to be below the ACC sensor area. Such a design may also take away some of the bar's strength. Now there are additional sensors (parking) on some of the 2016s to take into consideration as well.


I think the issue is more about the mounting points to the vehicle's frame. While the bars could possibly be made so they sit more inside of where the sensor is, they would still have to fit the mounting point which appears to be below the ACC sensor area. Such a design may also take away some of the bar's strength. Now there are additional sensors (parking) on some of the 2016s to take into consideration as well.


Yes.. The entire front and rear bumpers are covered in cameras and sensors.. And don't forget the little spray nozzle dodads for the cameras.. Probably more in there than I'd feel comfortable messing with lol

I guess I'm just not going to get one.. And be happy..

Yes.. The entire front and rear bumpers are covered in cameras and sensors.. And don't forget the little spray nozzle dodads for the cameras.. Probably more in there than I'd feel comfortable messing with lol

I guess I'm just not going to get one.. And be happy..

It really is depressing, isn't it ha ha? We ACCs need to stick together and figure somthing out! ;).

Thanks Peterk9.

I'm not trying to beat a dead horse, but take a look at the Aries Grill guard. The main bars are seperated far more than other grill or push bars. Just an idea :D

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I have an Aries as well, however I removed the bars in front of the headlights.

I had two questions for you. I saw your post showing off your Aries grill guard recently and it spiked my interest.

1. It says you have a 2014 Explorer Limited. Did your limited come with Adaptive cruise control? A bunch of guys on here are trying to find a grill guard that wont interfere with ACC and I noticed that you have a Limited (which often come with ACC) and the Aries grill guard on.

2. Did you plasti-dip your wheels? If so, could you give me a rundown? I have a 2012 Limited and absolutely love the look you have going!

I greatly appreciate any help you're able to provide!

