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2016 rear view mirrior fuse


New Member
December 8, 2016
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2016 Explorer XLT
I just picked up our 2016 Explorer XLT MXV (this has a wheelchair ramp). It has the auto dimming mirror. I was checking the voltages so I could hard wire my radar detector when I think I blew a fuse. Problem is I cant find what fuse goes to the mirror. I was measuring pins 1 and 4 (black) when I touched the leads .

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Welcome to the Forum.:wave:
Do you have the Lane Departure Warning feature? If so, are you able to set the display? The reason I'm asking is that fuse 36 in the cabin fuse panel shows it is for;
Lane departure warning module.
Auto high beam.
EC mirrors.
Rear heated seats
I'm not sure what "EC mirrors" means (electronic control?) but I don't see any others labelled for rearview mirror and perhaps the Lane Departure might be the easiest to try.


I do not have that feature. I was going to just test them all but it is dark out and I could not see where exactly the inside panel is located. I will post pics and a short video of how the door opens automatically for the wheelchair ramp.

I do not have that feature. I was going to just test them all but it is dark out and I could not see where exactly the inside panel is located. I will post pics and a short video of how the door opens automatically for the wheelchair ramp.
Here is a link to the location in pre 2016/17 models. I'm not sure if it is still in the same location but suspect it is. I understand there is now a panel/cover of some sort below the dash that has to be removed first. You have to be a bit of a contortionist to get at the fuses. I doubt it could have been placed in a worse spot.


It should be fuse #36 - 15 amp.

What a PITA. Whoever decide to put that fuse box in that location should be shot. Of course I dropped it where I could not find it so I could not test it but I now have voltage at the mirror and my radar is installed.

What a PITA. Whoever decide to put that fuse box in that location should be shot. Of course I dropped it where I could not find it so I could not test it but I now have voltage at the mirror and my radar is installed.
See , I wasn't kidding. ;) Happy to read that all is well again.


EC= Electro Chromatic (self dimming)

EC= Electro Chromatic (self dimming)
Thanks you. It was the plural of "mirrors" that threw me off. I wonder if that means it is also for the driver's side mirror which is also self dimming (EC)?


It does. Interior and driver mirrors are self dimming.

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