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Front Struts


Explorer Addict
December 9, 2010
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Question. Are the front struts a warranty part. I feel that my front struts a shot. I have 22k on MY Ex.

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Question. Are the front struts a warranty part. I feel that my front struts a shot. I have 22k on MY Ex.
Why do you think they are shot? My 2015 have a slight clunk at low speed while turning into my driveway and certain other small bumps and Tom's Ford in Keyport put 1 new strut and stabilizer links in it under warranty.

Pretty much everything is covered under 3/36. If the vehicle is still within 3/36, just take it to the dealer, tell them your concerns, and ask them to inspect it. If they come back with a NPF diagnosis and you still think or feel that there is a problem, then you will have to discuss/argue your case, take it to another dealer, or get a second opinion and make a case for repair.

Why do you think they are shot? My 2015 have a slight clunk at low speed while turning into my driveway and certain other small bumps and Tom's Ford in Keyport put 1 new strut and stabilizer links in it under warranty.
On certain roads my front has some weird loose feel. I know its the struts, but i just want to make sure it covered under warranty. How many miles you had when the dealer replaced them ?

On certain roads my front has some weird loose feel. I know its the struts, but i just want to make sure it covered under warranty. How many miles you had when the dealer replaced them ?
I had about 21,000 on it still was under the 3/36000 warranty. Then I bought an extended warranty

I had about 21,000 on it still was under the 3/36000 warranty. Then I bought an extended warranty
Great. I guess i will go to the dealer and have them look into this. Thank you.
