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Thumping coming from front driver side


Well-Known Member
January 11, 2013
Reaction score
City, State
Archdale, NC
Year, Model & Trim Level
1999 Ford Explorer Sport
Hey guys,

I have a 2004 Ford Explorer V8 with AWD. There’s a thud-thud-thud sound coming from the driver side front tire when going 20+ mph and worsens when turning left and quiets when turning right.

Recently the wheel hub assembly completely broke into two pieces. I’ve since replaced the hub assembly, the CV axle, rotor, sway bar end link, and brake pads but the thudding persists. The tires are also relatively new. When I replaced the CV axle I noticed a new hub I installed prior was leaking grease. I replaced the hub again because it was under warranty but this thudding is destroying it.

It’s worth mentioning the car was ran into a curb hard enough to blow the right passenger side tire to shreds before I bought it. Not sure if it matters because the drivers side is what’s making the noise.

Any ideas on what it could be? I’m at my wits end and considering taking it to a shop.

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Have tires and wheels checked for roundness and warpage. Discount Tire Co has a road force test machine at some locations that can do this.

After the curb ordeal, four new tires were installed. What would cause them to warp so soon?

Could I just switch the wheel with one from the back to see if that’s the problem?

sounds like strut, sway bar link, tie rod end, or ball joints.

sounds like strut, sway bar link, tie rod end, or ball joints.
Ball joints look like they were replaced before I got the car.

Sway bar end links were completely disconnected from rust when I got the car as well and I had to replace them.

If the tie rods were bad, wouldn’t my alignment be off?

Ball joints look like they were replaced before I got the car.
But did you do more than a visual check? jack up that corner and try to yank the wheel back and forth from the top and bottom. If they were replaced with chinesium they might be brand new and still bad.

Given the rust you mentioned, i'd say to pick up that wheel and give it a good strong yank just to see what shakes out.

If the tie rods were bad, wouldn’t my alignment be off?
not necessarily. I had a broken strut spring and a perfect alignment on my 02... bad components do not always equal a bad alignment.

But did you do more than a visual check? jack up that corner and try to yank the wheel back and forth from the top and bottom. If they were replaced with chinesium they might be brand new and still bad.

Given the rust you mentioned, i'd say to pick up that wheel and give it a good strong yank just to see what shakes out.

not necessarily. I had a broken strut spring and a perfect alignment on my 02... bad components do not always equal a bad alignment.

Good points. I was planning to look at it today. Will update as soon as I get in there. Thanks!

Outer tie rod had too much play so I replaced it. Ball joints seemed fine when the tire was moved back and forth.

Problem is still occurring. I also didn’t mention that it’s a “rolling” sound. So it happens in a synchronized way.
