Funeral Escort Service | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Funeral Escort Service

Dennis J.A.A.

Well-Known Member
December 26, 2021
Reaction score
South/central Wisconsin - Janesville
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2017 Explorer Interceptor
This weekend I had talked with 2 funeral directors regarding escort services.
LOL Guess what ... Cremations are up 65%, no more limos for the families, very seldom is there a funeral procession any more and a few of the funeral homes actually just rent out a hearse when they need it.
So..... I guess I have some unmounted lights to sell because THAT idea is out the window.
I just figured that it would be something for this old guy to get out of the house once in a while and feel needed.
Also found out that there were a lot of accidents with the escorts or the hearse that was the first in line.
People have NO idea how to drive.

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Sorry for your loss... Funerals are hectic nothing seems to go as planned. I hope you find peace during this difficult time.

Cemeteries, people are just dying to get in there.

it seems like over covid with the roads empty speeding became the norm and now no one pays any attention to the road anymore, like they own it or somehting.

edited out

it seems like over covid with the roads empty speeding became the norm and now no one pays any attention to the road anymore, like they own it or somehting.

that being said, this guy apparently did escorts... not sure id want him if i ever kick the can 🤣 if youve seen any videos of him... Florida man notorious for impersonating cops arrested again
Let's not open that can of worms here. This thread would get locked quickly

Sorry for your loss... Funerals are hectic nothing seems to go as planned. I hope you find peace during this difficult time.
Ummm That's as bad as turkey vulchers flying over head! I keep telling then, "NOT YET!!"
I'm OK with not getting the business started. I just need to find another one!

Cemeteries, people are just dying to get in there.
Not much any more. They are getting their ***** spread all over the place!
Kardashians are REALLY gonna need a lot of land!

Can't even get a job as a Ghost Rider these days...
I know! Gave up almost 45 + years of motorcycle riding about 6 years ago!

Let's not open that can of worms here. This thread would get locked quickly
I would have LOVED to seen what he edited out! LOL

Jeremy Dewitte. He has done enough you could read for weeks and watch videos for days
So true! That guy has some really serious problems especially when he likes to smart off!


This weekend I had talked with 2 funeral directors regarding escort services.
LOL Guess what ... Cremations are up 65%, no more limos for the families, very seldom is there a funeral procession any more and a few of the funeral homes actually just rent out a hearse when they need it.
So..... I guess I have some unmounted lights to sell because THAT idea is out the window.
I just figured that it would be something for this old guy to get out of the house once in a while and feel needed.
Also found out that there were a lot of accidents with the escorts or the hearse that was the first in line.
People have NO idea how to drive.
cremations are up due to the crazy high prices by funeral industry, and many funeral homes still have family names but have been bought by large national chains so people are opting for cremations and urns or spreading ashes

cremations are up due to the crazy high prices by funeral industry, and many funeral homes still have family names but have been bought by large national chains so people are opting for cremations and urns or spreading ashes
People can't afford to die now.

People can't afford to die now.
now if we could figure out how not to . but i also want good health too in other words everything ha ha

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cremations are up due to the crazy high prices by funeral industry, and many funeral homes still have family names but have been bought by large national chains so people are opting for cremations and urns or spreading ashes
The same thing has been happening with several “family business” type industries…the one that seems the most enormously successful is veterinarians. Check your vet, decent chance you’ll discover they’re owned by one of several holding companies. They keep the name, often even keep the named vet on payroll or at least on as an emeritus/retired vet, the old vet gets a fat check for retirement, and the customers are none the wiser but for the gradually introduced price increases. Young vets, who have substantial student loans, can’t afford to start their own practices so they have little new competition, too, so it’s a super secure purchase. There is a whole industry now of these “former family business” holding companies.
