2017 Door Panel Removal | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2017 Door Panel Removal


July 23, 2007
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
2017 Ford Explorer XLT
I'm looking to replace the factory door speakers in my 2017 xlt/sport appearance Ex and I'm struggling to get the drivers side door panel off.

I am not seeing the middle bolts(s) behind the door pull as shown in the other posts. It feels like there is something holding it but I don't want to force it and break something.

Could it be that the window controller panel needs to come off?

Any help is much appreciated.

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I'm looking to replace the factory door speakers in my 2017 xlt/sport appearance Ex and I'm struggling to get the drivers side door panel off.

I am not seeing the middle bolts(s) behind the door pull as shown in the other posts. It feels like there is something holding it but I don't want to force it and break something.

Could it be that the window controller panel needs to come off?

Any help is much appreciated.
I'm guessing the 2016 is much similar to the 2017 in what you are attempting to do. There are several threads on 'audio upgrades' that you can find using the FOrum's handy 'Search' feature (upper right). Here are a couple;
Perhaps you can send the posters a PM top see if they can help.

Also, please add 2017 XLT to your profile so it shows in the margin. That info can be very helpful at times. Thanks.


I'm guessing the 2016 is much similar to the 2017 in what you are attempting to do. There are several threads on 'audio upgrades' that you can find using the FOrum's handy 'Search' feature (upper right). Here are a couple;
Perhaps you can send the posters a PM top see if they can help.

Also, please add 2017 XLT to your profile so it shows in the margin. That info can be very helpful at times. Thanks.

Thanks, I updated my profile.

I have already looked at those threads and they both have a small access panel behind the door pull where you can get to a few bolts. This 2017 does not have that and I'm wondering if the window control panel needs to come off.

You're correct.

WSM specifies that after pulling the sail panel, you have to pull the window switch.

You're correct.

WSM specifies that after pulling the sail panel, you have to pull the window switch.
Sweet! What is WSM? I need it!

Also, does it say that it just pops out similar to the sail?

It should pry out easy--stick a trim tool in the bottom/handle end of the switch and it should lift out with minimal effort. Disconnect the connector on the reverse side and you should be fine.

WSM - Ford Workshop Manual-- available in CD copy from Helm, think they have paper, too.

It should pry out easy--stick a trim tool in the bottom/handle end of the switch and it should lift out with minimal effort. Disconnect the connector on the reverse side and you should be fine.

WSM - Ford Workshop Manual-- available in CD copy from Helm, think they have paper, too.

That worked... Thank you!
