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2017 Sport tow/haul mode question


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September 29, 2010
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Mount Washington, Ky
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2017 Explorer Sport
I have a question specifically for folks with a 2017 Explorer Sport. Does/will your Explorer shift into overdrive when you have tow/haul mode engaged? When I first purchased my Explorer in August of 2016, it would go into OD in tow/haul mode while towing my 4500 lb boat. Now, 60k miles later, it will not. Ford can't give me a definite answer so I'm needing answers from people with first hand experience.

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Welcome to the 5th generation Forum.:wave:
According to your Owner's Manual, it should shift into Over Drive if I understand it correctly;

The tow mode feature improves
transmission operation when towing a
trailer or a heavy load. All transmission
gear ranges are available when using tow


Welcome to the 5th generation Forum.:wave:
According to your Owner's Manual, it should shift into Over Drive if I understand it correctly;

The tow mode feature improves
transmission operation when towing a
trailer or a heavy load. All transmission
gear ranges are available when using tow


Thank you for the response. Like I said, it used to but now it won't. Even at 90 mph on the interstate with no trailer, it comes out of OD when you engage tow/haul mode. Another issue I'm having is that when I leave my house in the morning, when I back out of my driveway into the street (approximately 50 ft), when I'm still rolling backwards at 1 - 2 mph, the vehicle will roll back 4 - 5 feet after putting it in drive and then clunk into gear. I'm arguing that these issues are related and that the transmission needs to be torn into but Ford isn't wanting to. With the amount of time and money that they've thrown at these issues, trying to "fix" it, they could've torn into the transmission and figured it out.

Bump. Can anyone else tell me first hand if your 2017 ecoboost explorer will shift into overdrive in tow mode?

what happens if you are in tow mode and tap the upshift paddle (should take you from 5 to 6)?

wish I could help, honestly when towing my rig, I use tow around town then disable on the interstate to reduce rpm and save fuel.

what happens if you are in tow mode and tap the upshift paddle (should take you from 5 to 6)?

wish I could help, honestly when towing my rig, I use tow around town then disable on the interstate to reduce rpm and save fuel.

It goes into 6th for @ 3 seconds then shifts back into 5th.

I know you're asking about a 17 model year, but I checked on my 14 Sport and it does not shift into 6th with tow/haul activated.
I didn't try the paddles to see if it would shift back to 5th.
As soon as I turned off the tow/haul, it would shift into 6th.
This is going about 70mph.

I believe that the downshift to 5th gear is normal and likely because of the following which is noted in the 2017 Manual;

If your transmission is equipped with a
Grade Assist or Tow/Haul feature, use
this feature when towing. This provides
engine braking and helps eliminate
excessive transmission shifting for
optimum fuel economy and
transmission cooling.


Here's the thing, up until 40k miles, mine would shift into 6th in tow mode; now it won't. The online owner's manual states that all gears are available in tow mode. Ford can't tell me why it won't shift into 6th now.

So, I tried playing around again to see if I could get my 14 to shift into 6th on the highway in tow/haul mode.

I was not able to get it to shift into 6th. I even tried the paddle shifter and it flashed "tow/haul" in the left instrument display, but didn't shift into 6th.
I was able to get it into 6th if I put it in manual mode, but as soon as I put it back into auto, it downshifted into 5th.
I tried cruise control as well to no avail.

So, on my 14 sport, 6th gear doesn't appear available in tow/haul mode when the transmission is in full auto mode.
I know this thread is for the 2017, but thought I'd provide feedback of how mine reacted.

My 2015 XLT does not shift into overdrive when in tow haul. I use this on mountain roads to keep it from shifting into overdrive and when Towing until I'm on the interstate after 65mph then I turn it off so it will go into overdrive, until I hit hills and it starts shifting a lot then I will turn it back on.

I set my cruise control at 90kmh (56mph) and the hit the 'Tow' button. RPM changed from 15k to around 21-22k and the transmission seemed to shift as well so I would say it is normal that the transmission drops out of overdive in this mode.


You really don’t want to be towing in OD anyways.

you got a Formula 1 engine in that thing????:burnout::D
I guess I should have said from 1.5k to 2.1 - 2.2k. Decimal points count I guess.:laugh:


It’s harder on the transmission and causes more heat. More heat equals shorter fluid life, and premature failure. Most Ford transmissions are anemic at best. I’d do nothing that caused excess wear on them, especially in hopes of a minuscule increase in MPG.

If you’ve had it into the dealer they probably flashed the computer so it doesn’t happen, and didn’t tell you.

As long as the tranny isn't hunting for gears, why not? My main thing is that it used to go into od and now it won't.
I think the going into Overdrive was a 'glitch' that has now corrected itself.

