Best Place for Wheels/Tires | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Best Place for Wheels/Tires


Elite Pickler
Elite Explorer
December 18, 2005
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Year, Model & Trim Level
97 UK XLT, 99 Sport V8,
Where's the best place to go for wheels/tires in the Saskatchewan or Alberta areas??

Any recommendations? anyone to steer clear of?



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Where's the best place to go for wheels/tires in the Saskatchewan or Alberta areas??

Any recommendations? anyone to steer clear of?



Lots of bigger chains in our neck of the woods. Kal Tire, Fountain Tire, Integra Tire (formerly Tirecraft) come to mind. I've used the latter for quite a few years and have been pretty happy.

Too bad we don't have a Tire Rack type operation (like they do in the US) here in Western Canada. I seem to recall there is a place in Vancouver that has a similar business model, but for the life of me, I can't remember their name.

Any time I'm looking for info on local type automotive businesses, I scour the archives over on OK, they tend to be more of a ricer focused website, but you can find good info on places to go to and places to avoid. It's a Calgary hosted site, but lots of people from all over Calgary, Edmonton and the rest of Canada on the site.

A word of warning about Beyond. It's one of the most unmoderated sites I've ever been on. It can get a little crazy there now and again. Plenty of trolls.

I will have a look on there... I've been pricing tires up around here (Lloyd) and they're so expensive it's not even funny.....


I'll poke this one around too while we're about it. My bro-in-law has some nice boots on his GMC Sierra and I'm sure he didn't pay big money for them. Having said that, they probably got them through having the garage business. I'll find out.

Depends on what your looking for.

You can try or even 1010 is canadian so the shipping may not be as bad. You really just have to shop around ALOT!

I usually check all the online retailers, check shipping, and then see what it's going to cost to have a local shop install and balance them. If you're looking for more agressive tires, try north shore off-road in Vancouver. They have always given me great deals and so far they have shipped everything to me for free (probably won't happen with tires though)

What exactly are you looking for? What do you think "expensive" is? It seems different for everyone. Kal-tire always seems overpriced but the guys that run the OK Tire here in Wetaskiwin usually come through with a pretty good deal.

I found my brand new 35" Cooper Discoverer STT's on Kijiji for $800...that was REALLY cheap.

Then again you're in the middle of nowhere so it may be tougher for you.

Just post up exactly what your looking for so I can keep my ears and eyes open... I have a few friends that go from here to Lloyd fairly often so maybe if I find a set I can work out a drop off for you... maybe not but you never know!

Middle of nowhere? I'm in Lloydminster, on the border of SK/AB... Highway 16... lol, but thanks for the info, won't be for a while yet, but I'm gonna need some tires the front 2 are badly unevenly worn and the back 2 are practically brand new...


If AB and SK is nowhere (which on a grand scale, they kinda are...) the you my friend are right smack dab in the middle...

I have been hearing good things about the Treadwrights. Re-caps that don't suck from what I can tell. Even with shipping they aren't to bad.

I was only joking... but thanks.. I'll be doing mucho research before spending any money....



While I'm waiting for the other stuff for you I got to poking around Canadian Tire. I never mentioned it because I presumed you'd already have looked there but I was quite impressed by this:

Of course there are others but these struck me as a fairly obvious Explorer tyre and at <$180 each, I might ask my good lady to bring four back for me next month. Can just imagine the response!

Got my new front dampers on at the weekend so it no longer sounds liek somebody dropping a bag of spanners when I hit a bump. Now for the polyurethane bushes. All I need is the patience of Casey..........

Lots of bigger chains in our neck of the woods. Kal Tire, Fountain Tire, Integra Tire (formerly Tirecraft) come to mind. I've used the latter for quite a few years and have been pretty happy.

Too bad we don't have a Tire Rack type operation (like they do in the US) here in Western Canada. I seem to recall there is a place in Vancouver that has a similar business model, but for the life of me, I can't remember their name.

Any time I'm looking for info on local type automotive businesses, I scour the archives over on OK, they tend to be more of a ricer focused website, but you can find good info on places to go to and places to avoid. It's a Calgary hosted site, but lots of people from all over Calgary, Edmonton and the rest of Canada on the site.

A word of warning about Beyond. It's one of the most unmoderated sites I've ever been on. It can get a little crazy there now and again. Plenty of trolls.

Were you possible thinking about They are in Langley, BC
