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Help Electrical Issues After Coolant Change


New Member
January 2, 2014
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 Explorer Limited
Hi Guys, need some help.

I own a 2002 Explorer Limited (4.6 V8)
Was in the process of changing the coolant today, had dropped the old out, and was running motor for 10mins with a coolant flush in the system. Everything was going well until about the 9min mark, The engine hadn't quite reached it's normal operating temperature (Halfway on gauge), was out of cab checking for coolant leaks, got back in and noticed the gauges had gone dead.

*No gauges on instrument cluster work - backing light does with headlights on
*Radio doesnt work
*Fan/AC doesnt work
*Electric Windows dont work
*No Interior lights work

I have done a little research and cant seem to find any blown fuses yet.
Has anyone had this problem? and if so can you shed some light on it for me?


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Weird. Only connection I can think of between the coolant and instrument cluster is the ECT (engine coolant temperature) sensor. On the 4.0L it sits on the top of the thermostat housing, in the front of the engine. Not sure where it is on the v8.

Probably, the two events are unrelated. Find a shop (or maybe Autozone) who will scan your OBDII connection (under the steering wheel). There is a control module for the instrument panel that might show a code to help diagnose. There's also (I think) a way to force a "test" of the instrument cluster control module. (You do this by some combination of key turns, I think.) Search youtube.

Don't know all that's affected by the wires in the drivers side door jamb. But the '02 and '03 models are notorious for broke door jamb wires.
I fixed 2 in my '03 Mountaineer.

Usually, it's a broken black wire, though mine were other colors.

The wires to the instrument cluster come through the firewall, in front of the driver, not through the door.

To enter the Engineering Test Mode of the dash cluster:

Key in Ignition in OFF position
-Press and Hold Trip Reset on the Cluster itself, not the Reset button for the message center on the radio console
-While Holding the Reset Button, turn Key to either Ignition ON or Start and then to ON while still Holding the Reset Button
-Continue Holding until Dash Cluster Beeps and enters into Engineering Test Mode, all of the warning lights will activate and the gauges will go to maximum position (The speedometer in these are not capable of reaching the full 120MPH. They stop short at 110 or 115MPH) and then return to home.
-You can now let go of the Reset Button and click through the Engineering Test Mode data via the Reset Button.
-These do pull up DTCs and the most common is either P0522 or P0524, Low Oil Pressure. This is due to no oil pressure until the engine is running.

Hope this helps!
