How To Make an Interior Hatch Handle | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How To Make an Interior Hatch Handle


It's green, not gray.
Elite Explorer
February 3, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Oakland, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'00 Mountaineer
**I know this will work on explorers/mountaineers/explorer sports from 98-01 (anything with the license plate on the hatch), not sure about 1st, 95-97 2nd gens, 3rd, or 4th gen.**

Everytime i go offroading/camping i sleep in the back of my truck, but when i want to get out i need to go out the rear passenger doors. Not a big deal if the rear seats are folded down, but if they are up then i'd rather not have to climb over them. I've always wished that there was a handle inside, so i finally decided to make one. Got all the parts at Home Depot except for the plate which i already had. Total cost was under $9. The way i did it did require a little bit of welding, but you could easily do it another way to avoid welding.

Once the interior panel and the plastic liner are off, this is the inside of the rear hatch, more specifically the passenger side where i put the handle. I attached it to the horizontal linkage inside the door that you can see here.

Here are the things i got at Home Depot:
-3/16" U-bolt cable clamps (not sure of the technical name, but they're commonly used for clamping wire cables)
-nylock nuts (optional, the clamps come in a set with nuts but i wanted nylocks)
-loop screw (again, not sure of the technical name)
-coupler nut for the loop screw (not pictured)
-piece of steel plate, i think i used 1/8"

You'll also need a drill, and i used a dremel to cut the interior panel but a blade would work too, or you could just drill several holes instead.



I marked and drilled holes for the u-bolts in a random piece of plate i had. 2 u-bolts would be enough but the set i bought came with 3, so i used all 3 because i didn't want the handle to slide on the linkage. I bolted it up for mockup, and after deciding where i wanted the handle, I welded the coupler nut to the plate, and then primed it so it wouldn't rust.

*Instead of welding, you could drill a hole for the loop screw and put a nut on both sides of the plate. But you might have clearance issues sticking a nut behind the plate because it's close to the linkage. Maybe try spacing the plate out a bit.

I bolted everything on again, sandwiching the plate between the clamps and the lock nuts, put some paint or something on the tip of the coupler nut, then put the interior panel on and pressed on it up against the coupler nut. The paint will mark where the handle will come through the plastic.

I took the interior panel back off to cut the hole for the handle. The handle slides towards the passenger side 3/4", so take that into account when cutting the hole.

Put the interior panel back on, and then screw the loop screw into the coupler nut. I wanted the handle to stick out as little as possible, so i cut it down so only the loop sticks through the panel.

Finished product:

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Nice write up. About how long did the mod take? And any suggestions for the welding impaired?

I just added a little note about that, forgot to add it at first, thanks for the reminder. It took about 2 hours with some experimentation in the process.

Cool deal. I've already begun creating my diabolical plan.

Thanks man.

It could be done in many different ways, just takes some creative thinking. I thought about using an actual grab handle instead of the loop screw, but that required a bigger piece of plate, bigger hole in the interior panel, and i thought it would be more awkward since this requires a sliding motion, not pulling.

I feel like I'm a kid again with a box of Legos. I may look into making a complete handle...Although this is low on my priority list at the moment. I'll start toying with the idea now.

Good mod. I need this for when i camp out in the back. I always have to leave the glass unlatched, or climb out the front door(I have a sport). Keeper, that would be pretty cool if you could use an actually door handle as the handle... now I have to check this out when i have some spare time...

so any idea if this will work on the 1st gens?

Only one way to find out...take the interior panel off your hatch and see for yourself. I'd guess that you could do something similar, but i don't know for sure.

:thumbsup:The way it should be:thumbsup:

Thanks for that write up - will be doing.

Only one way to find out...take the interior panel off your hatch and see for yourself. I'd guess that you could do something similar, but i don't know for sure.

well my panel is already off... and i just have the two wires running from the center one per side... im guessing it will work because i occasionally have to open it from the inside by hand (just grabbing those metal lines) i think it will i'll expirement and get back so everyone knows for sure! btw...great idea and write up!

I figured since the older explorers used a twist handle, the linkage inside worked the same as mine does, but i couldn't confirm that.

Nice writeup :thumbsup:

I wonder if people could adapt a "heavy duty" power trunk release kit somehow...


Wow Matt- that actually ended up being quite simple- very nice mod! :thumbsup:

Nice writeup :thumbsup:

I wonder if people could adapt a "heavy duty" power trunk release kit somehow...


Not sure what i'm looking at, but looks way more complicated than it needs to be.

It's super helpful to have when the outer handle breaks. Mines broken several times, and I stopped replacing it because I just open the glass and use the inside handle now.

Yea I'm seeing how it could be helpful. I'm planning on doing a lot of disappearing into the back country during the weekends during the school year. It'll also be helpful during the Mojave Road trip my friends are planning.

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I added it to our 94 last year, and it has been handy, esp. when camping and you need to get out of the back end quickly ( ate some thing for dinner that wanted back out, BEAR in the camp grounds, jackholes looking to cause trouble because they have nothing better to do, things like that...)
