Replacing struts..what other suspension parts to check/replace? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Replacing struts..what other suspension parts to check/replace?


November 26, 2016
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2007 Eddie Bauer v6 4.0
Hi 2007 V6 Eddie Bauer explorer with 150k is in need of new tires soon and I’m looking at replacing the struts before I put on the tires on and get it aligned. From what I can tell they are the original struts and while the ride is not too bad (all hwy miles) and none seem to be leaking I figured it’s about time to replace them. What other suspension pieces should I check/replace while I’m in there? Thanks

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Front or rear ?

In the front, I would replace the stabilizer links a s well since you will probably have to remove them anyway, and 2 stabilizer bar bushings. Check the ball joints at the same time. It may be wise to replace the upper control arms with Moogs units with new ball joints already pressed in. Check the lower ones as well.

Hi 2007 V6 Eddie Bauer explorer with 150k is in need of new tires soon and I’m looking at replacing the struts before I put on the tires on and get it aligned. From what I can tell they are the original struts and while the ride is not too bad (all hwy miles) and none seem to be leaking I figured it’s about time to replace them. What other suspension pieces should I check/replace while I’m in there? Thanks
Put 4 Rancho struts on my '03 a couple of years ago. The "Quik Lift" ones on the rear brought the rear end up about 1 1/2" over stock. Great if you're hauling heavy loads or towing. My mechanic took it for a test ride and said it was the best riding '03 he's ever driven. They're not cheap but definitely worth it.

I recently put a set of assembled quick lift shocks on in all 4 corners and can vouch for how nice they are. I would just inspect the the other bushings and ball joints when you have it disassembled.

I recently put a set of assembled quick lift shocks on in all 4 corners and can vouch for how nice they are. I would just inspect the the other bushings and ball joints when you have it disassembled.
Wonder if I should have the a 4 wheel alignment ?

I did simply because it's good practice when you replace suspension components. I also knew the mild lift the quick lift suspension offers could have an effect on the alignment. You could probably get away without having it done as everything I took apart wasn't an adjustment item.

Anyone ever replace the spark plug wires on an '03 Exploder 4.6 V-8?

Anyone ever replace the spark plug wires on an '03 Exploder 4.6 V-8?

there are no plug wires just coils and I wouldn't replace those unless they die because they are pretty expensive for a set of 8

Definitely look at the sway bar end links. I had one of the factory plastic ones come apart on my '06, creating a predictable banging. They seem to be more fragile than most. I replaced them with Moog kits that cost like 8 bucks a side, they're dirt cheap and way better built.

I'm also going to be putting some Motorcraft quick struts on the rear of mine, while I was checking out the sway bar, I found that my left rear strut was leaking badly, and I'm suspecting that's been causing the strange ride quality I have been experiencing.

