Dog, Hit, Shot, and Frozen... Lives | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Dog, Hit, Shot, and Frozen... Lives


Pumpkin Pilot
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Elite Explorer
February 8, 1999
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Wayoutin, Aridzona
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'93 XL '20 ST
WASHINGTON (Reuters) -- In an amazing story of canine survival California-style, a dog named Dosha has shown she has nearly as many lives as the average cat.

Dosha was hit by a car near her owner's Clearwater, California, home on April 15. Next, a police officer shot her in the head to put her out of her misery. Then, presumed dead, she was put in a freezer at an animal control center.

Two hours later, when a veterinarian opened the door to the freezer, she was shocked to find Dosha, a 10-month-old of mixed-breeding, standing upright in a plastic orange bag -- the equivalent of a human body bag.

Appearing on national television Wednesday, Dosha seemed in fine spirits apart from a gunshot wound to her head and other injuries sustained from being hit by the car.

"When she first came in we called her miracle girl because we couldn't believe what she had gone through and was still with us," said veterinarian Deborah Sally on NBC's "Today" show.

"She's doing amazingly well," added Sally, who said the dog had suffered from hypothermia after being put in the fridge

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Holy crap! That's insane! :eek: Good find!

That dog is very lucky...I can't believe it didn't run out of air in the freezer either...:eek:

Here is the link to's story... watch the video too. The cop, when questioned about why he shot the dog instead of taking it to a vet, replied "I don't have time for that." What an a$$hole!!!!!!

Dog story

The video link is right under the pic...


She looks just like one of my dogs! That cop is an idiot! He sure can shoot though. I bet the people in his area feel much safer. How do you miss from so close? Oh well, I guess his mother and father were brother and sister!

Sounds like Mr. "I Dont have Time for That" needs to make time for some target practice :rolleyes: When you can't shoot a unconcious dog in the head and kill it at point blank range, then you really shouldnot be carrying a firearm.

I'd hate to see this jackass shoot at a bank robber and kill a little old lady on the third story of a nearby building!

Wow, talk about beating the odds...

Poor Dog, I heard about that on the news.

And after all that, who's at fault
Police say the dog’s owner may be cited for letting her pet run free. The case remains under investigation by police and Animal Control.
that's sad

Maybe the cop should be charged with discharging a firearm within city limits, and for being a dumba$$. He "didn't have time". Where was he going? He could have just called the pound.

A rural animal shelter in KY was shooting dogs to euthenize due do costs of injections and small budget. They were taken to court and banned from shooting because it was determined to be inhumane.

Thats horrible, that poor dog:( That actually upset me b/c I have a very soft spot for dogs that are hurt/harmed.

---------edited by me--------------

I know that didn't really apply to this but.....damn, I feel so bad for that dog, if I could I would adopt or take her in w/o a doubt.

I really hope she gets better and recovers,......
stupid arrogant azz of a cop

man thats amazing the dog lived through all that! That's just insane! I agree the cop is a moron. While I wouldn't have a problem putting a dog out of its misery, I'd have to be 100% certain that there was no way the dog could live with its injuries...

Originally posted by SaleenEXP
taken out for your reading pleasure and Saleens sake so people dont think he is a cold hard homocidal maniac ;).

BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH...this has turned into just another post for me:D

that cop must have not qualified with his fire arm lately.

Originally posted by Black Magic
SaleenEXP I am stuned by your story. I like dogs too. But that is really harsh. [/B]
Thats why I said "short story". There is way more to it. Those two same kids had broken into my aunt and uncles house while my aunt was home alone and they jumped her and broke her jaw. B/C they were underage nothing was done (not to mention the fact that the cops up there are about the dumbest I've seen, and I have nothing against cops at all) and they were sent to juvi and released almost immedietley.

It got to the point where they broke my cousins dogs back and also set their boat on fire parked near the driveway.....cops/law wouldn't do anything, even though my cousin found out it was them b/c they were bragging/talking about what they did to their friends. I could keep going on and on, they recieved death threats after that etc etc, cousin had guns pulled on him, to the point that the FBI was staked out at their house for even crazier stuff (they were on a lot of land).

PM me if you want more details b/c I wouldn't post a lot of stuff that happened on this forum, I don't think it would be appropriate what I would say;) I know it wasn't right what we did, but law enforcement wouldn't do anything, and it was getting to the point where they had to do something before somebody else did something even more serious to their/my family. This actually went on for years b/c my cousin was involved in a lot of bad stuff and then got of that whole scene and changed his life around, and in doing so made a lot of dangerous enemies.

EDIT - I edited what I wrote so people don't get the wrong idea but it's still up there in Gasoutherns quote so.....I just put that in there b/c what happened to that dog just reminded me of what happened to my cousins dog, I shouldn't have posted that though b/c I think it came off the wrong way w/o all the details and wasn't appropriate maybe...So I'm sorry if anybody took offense to what I wrote or got the wrong idea, sorry!

Originally posted by GaSouthern1
so what you gonna do one day when this catches up to you and you get caught?
not that I personally agree with the actions, but I can honestly say if I had the physical ability to harm someone who did that to my dog, I would. I could not be held responsible for my actions if someone did that to my best friend, be it human or dog. I might regret it later but I'm telling you right now that I'm not above an eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth kinda deal.

Originally posted by mattadams
not that I personally agree with the actions, but I can honestly say if I had the physical ability to harm someone who did that to my dog, I would. I could not be held responsible for my actions if someone did that to my best friend, be it human or dog. I might regret it later but I'm telling you right now that I'm not above an eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth kinda deal.

I can totally feel where yall are coming from, but with the part of the story we heard it made him see like a total irrational person. I think there is a line somewhere...although it is hard to know where...i can gurantee it is before personal harm to someone of that degree ya know.

B.T.W.- Saleen, i got your PM and all, and thanks for doin so, I think me and a few others were kind of shocked by what we saw mainly because there was no other basis for the attack. Now that we know that there is more to the story it brings it all into perspective.

yeah you have a point, I dont know... like I PM'ed Saleen, its tough... like if I was at a bar and someone was trying to start a fight with a friend of mine I'd probably see how he handled it at first, then if he looked like he was in trouble I'd step in to help. With a dog its completely different, because the dog (at least if its a sweet dog like a golden retriever or a lab or something) can't do much to defend itself, its not how they are bred and raised. If I had a neighbor spitting spitwads at my dog or something I'd first tell him to stop, threaten him if necessary, and if he didn't stop I'd have no problem beating his ass or calling the cops on him or whatever. Because a sweet dog just can't defend itself the same. Granted a big ol rotty has the option of attacking, but not if theres a fence in the way, etc. I'd stick up for my dog best friend before I would my human best friend is what I'm saying...

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Originally posted by mattadams
not that I personally agree with the actions, but I can honestly say if I had the physical ability to harm someone who did that to my dog, I would. I could not be held responsible for my actions if someone did that to my best friend, be it human or dog. I might regret it later but I'm telling you right now that I'm not above an eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth kinda deal.

Eye for an eye, I just didnt want to be the one to say it Matt ;)
