water pump relacement 98 4.0 sohc | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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water pump relacement 98 4.0 sohc


January 25, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
avon new york
Year, Model & Trim Level
98 xlt
Hello again , I am going to attempt a water pump relacement on my 98 explorer with a 4.0 sohc..240,000 miles. It leaking from around the pump gasket from what I can see. The truck runs hot under load but temp is good any other time.

There is a thread with pics and step by step but it look like a 96 explorer w/V6 not sohcV6 like mine..any difference in the procedure??

Any tips or other step by steps in here to help out. I simply can't afford a shop right now. I have done some tough repairs on this truck, it still runs great, tranny good,motor has very little Mobil 1 syn burning off yet:thumbsup:

Thanks alot!!!

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Hi again . I was reading about a water pump "weep hole". could it be leaking from this hole because the thermostat is stuck ??

Thanks hoipng for a response

weep hole

water that leaks past the bearing seal escapes via the weep hole. If it is leaking then the pump needs to be replaced.

Be careful with anything attached to the thermostat housing. It is made of plastic, cracks easily, and is expensive to replace.

You will need the Ford tool to loosen the viscous fan clutch nut. They are available at most local auto parts shops. The big nut loosens counter-clockwise.


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Hello again , I am going to attempt a water pump relacement on my 98 explorer with a 4.0 sohc..240,000 miles. It leaking from around the pump gasket from what I can see. The truck runs hot under load but temp is good any other time.

There is a thread with pics and step by step but it look like a 96 explorer w/V6 not sohcV6 like mine..any difference in the procedure??

Any tips or other step by steps in here to help out. I simply can't afford a shop right now. I have done some tough repairs on this truck, it still runs great, tranny good,motor has very little Mobil 1 syn burning off yet:thumbsup:

Thanks alot!!!

the water pump is pretty easy to replace. my first tip would be to buy a prestone back flush kit($7.00), install it and back flush the system out via the directions on the box (if you never done it before). that way all the crap gets thrown through the old water pump and not the new one.. you will need the fan clutch set as 2000streetrod stated above and/or make your own version of them for future removal.

with that being said, here is the thread i followed to do my water pump.

remember back flush the system out (and reserve tank as well) before you start the process.

edit...... another tip, cover the Knock sensor with some rags before you unbolt the water pump otherwise it will get a coolant soaked bath. and of course plug the holes and wire wheel the block off where the new gasket is going to go. i cleaned mine w/acetone before applying the gasket sealant to make sure it got the best hold.

if i think of more i'll be back.

wow, Thanks for all the tips!!!

I am definetly going for it, just waiting on another car so I can pull this hog into the garage and get busy.

This board is the best, I'll check back in when I get her fixed up:cool:

wow, Thanks for all the tips!!!

I am definetly going for it, just waiting on another car so I can pull this hog into the garage and get busy.

This board is the best, I'll check back in when I get her fixed up:cool:

not a problem:thumbsup:

one thing i forgot to mention about installing the back flush kit "T" is to drain the coolant before you cut into the hose mentioned in the directions on the back of the box. otherwise once you cut that line, coolant will be everywhere. then proceed with the back flush followed by the water pump removal.

and be careful to not hit the radiator to hard with your tools. i ended up w/a few dings, nothing major.
