1994 going back factory | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1994 going back factory


April 6, 2013
Reaction score
City, State
Franklin, TN
Year, Model & Trim Level
1994 Explorer XLT
So I found and want to install a factory radio in my '94 XLT. Some pimply faced goober at Circuit City installed one when it was my daughter's. I just want the factory unit back in there. So I bought one and stuck it in. Problem is, I have almost no speaker output.

What gives? I got lucky and the factory harness hadn't been hacked into. I was able to just unplug the crap they installed and plug my factory piece right back up.

I don't think the speakers are factory. Could that be the issue?

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I'm guessing the factory amp was bypassed. You'll need to hook it back up

my guess is the same as colins'.
You'll have to re-wire that up, or keep an aftermarket stereo

Yea pull the cargo area trim, hopefully you can just plug it back in.

Yea pull the cargo area trim, hopefully you can just plug it back in.

Yeah, if you could steer me where I need to go to find this, much appreciated.......

Yeah, if you could steer me where I need to go to find this, much appreciated.......

What he said, pull the passenger side cargo trim. Do some searching on here if you want pictures, theres a few write ups on bypassing it.

Anyone want the harnesses I took out? It bypasses the factory stuff. There was a Panasonic unit in it. Unit is crap, but the harnesses might help someone out.
