Replacing door lock switch | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Replacing door lock switch


New Member
September 29, 2010
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City, State
Lake Forest, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1996 Explorer XLT
Hello to all
I am new to your web site & need a little advice

I have a 96 Explorer XLT & need to replace the drivers side door lock switch. Any tips on how to get to the switch? Does that panel simply pop off?



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Careful though- the front door switch panels hook in differently- pop the panel off (remove 2 screws by the door handle and the door handle surround trim, it pops off)

Then pull the panel off (same clips hold it on)

The top triangle section of the panel by the mirror has a L-shaped tab that you have to lift up to release. (Circled by yellow below)


Once all of the white clips are released, you will have to push the bottom of the panel straight up to release the top edge from between the black rubber window trim. Most likely it will feel like it is stuck, but it's just gunk and crap holding it in that channel. You may have to push pretty hard before it lets go, that's why you need to be mindful of that L-clip up top. It helps to push the back half up first, then do the front.

Then the switch pod and door handle slides through the back of the panel.

Careful though- the front door switch panels hook in differently- pop the panel off (remove 2 screws by the door handle and the door handle surround trim, it pops off)

Then pull the panel off (same clips hold it on)

Thanks for the info. I am still having a problem. I removed the 2 screws behind the door handle but am having trouble popping the arm rest/switch panel off. I tried prying it off but it didn't pop loose. I didn't want to break something so I didn't pry too hard. It seems like it's still attached somewhere. My Haynes manual was basically useless. It shows that the 96 & older models have all the switches on one black panel that simply pop off with a screwdriver. Mine's a 96 but there's no panel. All the switches come up through cutouts in the arm rest. What am I missing or doing wrong?



Careful though- the front door switch panels hook in differently- pop the panel off (remove 2 screws by the door handle and the door handle surround trim, it pops off)

Then pull the panel off (same clips hold it on)

Thanks for the info. I am still having a problem. I removed the 2 screws behind the door handle but am having trouble popping the arm rest/switch panel off. I tried prying it off but it didn't pop loose. I didn't want to break something so I didn't pry too hard. It seems like it's still attached somewhere. My Haynes manual was basically useless. It shows that the 96 & older models have all the switches on one black panel that simply pop off with a screwdriver. Mine's a 96 but there's no panel. All the switches come up through cutouts in the arm rest. What am I missing or doing wrong?



The switches have to come through the back - it slides onto these little things that hold it in place. Just taking the screws out isnt enough - you need to pry all the white christmas trees out, as shown above. Then lift the panel off, unplug the power mirror switch, and youll be able to pull the panel off. The master switch will still be plugged into the door harness. Unplug, replace with new switch, and installation is reverse.

Edit: just read that yours is a 96. This was from my 98 when I replaced mine, as is the picture of the panel above (I think?) Not sure if they install and remove differently. I'm sure it's about the same though. Just take the panel off and then replace the switch

The switches have to come through the back - it slides onto these little things that hold it in place. Just taking the screws out isnt enough - you need to pry all the white christmas trees out, as shown above. Then lift the panel off, unplug the power mirror switch, and youll be able to pull the panel off. The master switch will still be plugged into the door harness. Unplug, replace with new switch, and installation is reverse.

Edit: just read that yours is a 96. This was from my 98 when I replaced mine, as is the picture of the panel above (I think?) Not sure if they install and remove differently. I'm sure it's about the same though. Just take the panel off and then replace the switch

OK. I think the light just came on. The arm rest that the switches are in does not come off separately. I have to remove the entire door panel to get to them. Correct?
My guess is that the 96 & 98 are the same. If you get a chance please post a shot of the other side of your driver's door panel.
Do the white clips simply pull out? My TBird's door panel has hooks on the bottom & you have to lift up but these look different.

Thanks again for your help



Right. The arm rest that the master switch is slid into place in (from the back) doesn't come off - it's part of the panel. You have to take off the whole panel and your master switch will be able to slide out from the panel and stay plugged into the door. Unplug from door, replace with new switch, slide back into panel, and install.

The white clips are christmas trees - you're not familar with them? They are plastic little things that push and connect plastic panels together. You can get a flat blade screwdriver and slide it inbetween the door and the panel until you find a tree, then (as gently as you can) pry it off. Or, they make a tool that you can buy for 5 bucks from the auto store that works well. Once you get all of these off, you will be able to slide the whole panel up and off of the door. Make sure when you go to put the panel back on that none of the christmas trees are stuck in the door still - take them out of the door and slide them into their grooves in the panel before you go to put it back on.

The door panel fasteners are attached to the panel and are just pushed into place. A big slot screwdriver or special panel tool will work. Gently pry the panel away from the door starting in the lower corner. Once you can get your fingers in there you can gently pull on the panel to help pop it off along with the screwdriver. Remember the panel wraps around the top of the door so lift straight up once the trees are out. You might be able to pop the trees, reach under to disconnect the harness and drop the switches out without lifting the panel completely off the door.


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    door panel fastner.jpg
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    door panel tool.jpg
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The door panel fasteners are attached to the panel and are just pushed into place. A big slot screwdriver or special panel tool will work. Gently pry the panel away from the door starting in the lower corner. Once you can get your fingers in there you can gently pull on the panel to help pop it off along with the screwdriver. Remember the panel wraps around the top of the door so lift straight up once the trees are out. You might be able to pop the trees, reach under to disconnect the harness and drop the switches out without lifting the panel completely off the door.

Thanks guys for your help. I've got the tool to get them off so I should be OK.

