F150 IRS Conversion | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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F150 IRS Conversion


Pumpkin Pilot
Staff member
Elite Explorer
February 8, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Wayoutin, Aridzona
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 XL '20 ST

This conversion is currently underway at FST.

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That's pretty cool. What's the point of doing that though? Better ride? Or for offroading or racing or something?

^what he said^
is he doing desert racing or something?

Very nice work...... Always impressed with their work.

I'm not sure I can say exactly what it's for yet...

I did see somewhere that it was the sema show project truck. Or A sema show project truck. Hmmm....

Must've hacked that out of a newer Expedition. There's still a big chunk of frame attached in the first pics. Looks good! :thumbsup:
Someone once told me that the only reason Ford bought Jaguar was to get ownership of their IRS patents. Don't know if it's true, but they're definitely pushing IRS these days.

BTW, anyone notice this one? http://www.flynhi.com/FST/white_limo.htm

Hokie said:
my sentiments exactly

For off roading, silly. What good are H1 and H2 limos? And Excursion/Expedition limos? If you held an off road race with them, the jacked up project would probably win :p

Man that must be a looooooooooooooooong driveshaft!

DocVijay said:

I honestly don't know, but I do know it's being built for someone in Mexico. Maybe their church is on an unpaved road :D

Joey p. said:
That's pretty cool. What's the point of doing that though? Better ride? Or for offroading or racing or something?

I'm still wondering why on the IRS conversion......

kfkodiak said:
Must've hacked that out of a newer Expedition. There's still a big chunk of frame attached in the first pics. Looks good! :thumbsup:
Someone once told me that the only reason Ford bought Jaguar was to get ownership of their IRS patents. Don't know if it's true, but they're definitely pushing IRS these days.

BTW, anyone notice this one? http://www.flynhi.com/FST/white_limo.htm

I'd say expedition too. One too many lugs for an Explorer. And the lower A-Arms are aluminumum:)p).

Just wondering if anyone had any more information on this truck? I know it's an ancient post, just fascinating especially considering Ford's announcement yesterday that the 2020 F150 will have optional IRS on some trim levels.

It was built for the 2004 SEMA Show for Ford by FST Motorsports. Unfortunately I never took any photos of the finished product :banghead:
